Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 333 Reunion of old friends

Chapter 333 Reunion of old friends

The person who stopped the old man from firing the second arrow was a scholar in his forties with elegant temperament.

Seeing that the old man finally listened to his words and gave up shooting arrows, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and asked with an unhappy look: "Isn't Third Brother afraid that this arrow will reveal its whereabouts and cause the hidden merits of more than ten years to be revealed?" All in vain?"

The old man put away his bow and arrows and snorted coldly: "Yai Sui, you can report this matter to the leader and say that Taotie is willing to accept the canon's punishment!"

Yaizhen, who ranked seventh among the Nine Dragons, was silent for a moment, and then asked with a calm expression and voice: "What happened to make the third brother violate the order of the leader?"

Taotie said numbly: "Jiao'er is dead!"

Yaizhen's face changed suddenly. He certainly knew that the third brother had always had a son, and he always valued his son more than his life. It was extremely difficult for him to stop because of his own words.

He hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said: "Jiao'er's revenge must be avenged. However, the third brother has entered the realm of third-grade thunder tribulation. Any slightest move will inevitably lead to the investigation of the 'Huntian Supervisory Authority'. This matter will be put aside. I have to find the murderer and make him suffer all the tortures in the world before his bones are shattered into ashes, in order to soothe Jiao'er's spirit in heaven!"

Taotie raised his hand and put it on his shoulder, sighing: "Seventh brother, that man can catch one of my 'momentless arrows', you need to be more careful."

Seeing that he finally relented, Yaizhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and showed a confident smile on his face: "Third brother, don't worry, although my younger brother is still at the fourth level of Taoism, he has perfected the "Pure World White Lotus" There are several powerful magical powers in the Sutra. As long as you find the murderer, you will definitely not make any mistakes."

Taotie nodded and said: "Although my 'momentless arrow' is difficult to trace, it cannot guarantee its absolute safety. I will abandon this place immediately and find another hidden place to settle down."

Shan said that Ma Ji and his entourage came to the government office. He took the official documents and handed them to Xing De, who came forward and explained his identity to the government officials in front of the door.

Ma Ji and others over there also set off and continued on their way. There was no disturbance along the way, and they arrived at Taiyuan Fucheng in more than one day.

Now that everyone has gone their separate ways, he knows that he may see each other again, but he will never have the chance to have a close relationship with each other.

As Shi Hong walked, he looked back at the backs of Ma Ji and others, secretly thinking it was a pity.

With the keen eye of a businessman, he had already noticed that Mr. Ma was extraordinary. However, he failed to find out the details of the other party through several tests along the way. He tried to make friends several times, but was rejected by the other party. They never left each other.

Hearing that the new magistrate had arrived, the government officials naturally did not dare to neglect him. Someone had already rushed in to report the news.

Seeing that he had completely regained his composure, Yaizhen truly let go of his heart. After saying goodbye, he immediately cleared the clouds and controlled the air and left.

Yaizhen took the small arrow and said, "Third brother, don't worry, I will definitely live up to my trust."

Taotie casually took out a piece of gold, kneaded it with his five fingers like soft clay, and shaped the gold into a small golden arrow only three inches long. He sent it to Yaizhen and said, "That person or the person around him The aura contaminated by my 'No Moment Arrow' and Jiao'er's 'Impermanent Arrow' will not completely dissipate within three months. The seventh brother used this little golden arrow that contains a trace of my magic power to guide the direction, and he will soon be able to Find where they are.”

The two sides separated inside. Shi Hong took the caravan guys to the store, while Ma Ji and his entourage went to the Taiyuan government office.

"Ha, Junren, you are finally here!"

Not long after, a young man ran out shouting.

Hearing this long-lost title, Ma Ji also greeted him with joy, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for many days, but Yutang remains the same." The person who came was none other than Ma Ji's classmate and friend Han Qi and Han Yutang.

When old friends meet again, it is inevitable to feel sad.

After exchanging a few words of farewell, Han Qi said: "Come in quickly, handsome man. My father has ordered people to prepare a banquet. Our family will take care of you later."

Han Zhang was an upright official. Although his family was extremely wealthy, he did not build another residence and lived in the back office of the prefect's office.

Because of their close relationship with each other, Han Qi directly introduced Ma Ji and others into the back office. Xing De and Zhan Chun were arranged separately by the servants in the mansion to entertain them. Ma Ji and his dependents Jiao Na, Ruoxue and Ruomei came to the hall to meet Han Zhang. Couple meets.

This was the back house. Ma Ji met Han Zhang and his wife as a junior and addressed them as "uncle" and "aunt".

After the ceremony was over and the guests and hosts were seated respectively, Han Zhang twirled his beard and smiled happily: "Although I have known about the talent of Dragon Matchmaker, I was still surprised when I heard the news that you passed the third yuan. Not a small person. At first I was just happy that Dragon Matchmaker got a master, but now I want to be happy for Wei Qi to get a good disciple. Compared with Dragon Matchmaker, I'm a bitch...well, I'm too embarrassed to mention it!"

Since Han Qi and Ma Ji met, Han Zhang has become more and more displeased with his own "dog" with the comparison of "other people's children". Whenever he sees Ma Ji, he always tries to stimulate Han Qi by praising him. Qi, I hope my son can realize his shame and bravely pursue it.

If it were someone with a narrower mind, I'm afraid Ma Ji would have been hated in his heart. Now Han Qi just touched his head and chuckled twice, then put his father's words behind him. He could only say that being heartless was not entirely without merit.

Not long after, the banquet was arranged, and Han Zhang's family of three invited Ma Ji and Jiao Na to the table, while Ruoxue and Ruomei, together with Mrs. Han's Wu family's maid, took care of them during the banquet.

At the banquet, Han Zhang first raised a glass to welcome Ma Ji, and then Ma Ji also borrowed flowers, presented Buddhas and toasted to congratulate Han Zhang on his promotion.

As early as when he was in the capital, Ma Ji relied on his teacher to be in charge of the official department and his good relationship with Wu King Li Hang. He knew that Han Zhang would come to the capital to serve as the left deputy censor of the capital at Yushitai.

After talking about these scenes, Ma Ji humbly asked Han Zhang for his experience in governing Taiyuan Mansion.

Han Zhang said with some regret: "I came to Taiyuan to take up the post, mainly to consolidate the rear for the great battle in the north and to ensure the supply of soldiers and supplies for Pingluhou's army. Therefore, although some problems have been discovered, I have temporarily put them aside in order to maintain overall stability. Yes. In the year after the war, although I started to clean up the long-standing problems, I only touched on it but did not go into it deeply. Now I can only rely on the dragon matchmaker. "

Ma Ji asked: "What does uncle mean by 'accumulated shortcomings'?"

Han Zhang stretched out two fingers and said slowly: "There is no other word, only the words 'merchant' and 'bandit'. Businessmen pursue small profits and ignore the great righteousness, and use smuggling methods to deliver all kinds of prohibited items to the grassland barbarians; bandits" Those who gather in the mountains and forests ignore the law and rely on force to rob homes or block roads. The powerful ones even dare to invade towns. If Long Media wants to govern Taiyuan, he must start with these two places!"

Ma Ji thought for a moment, then cupped his hands to Han Zhang and said, "My nephew, please teach me!"

After a banquet, Han Qi pulled Ma Ji into a long conversation all night long, pestering him to ask about the situation after parting.

Although Ma Ji only said what he could, Han Qi was amazed and felt that the other person's life was much more exciting than his own.

Suddenly, Han Zhang and Ma Ji handled the handover, and he brought his family to the capital, and Ma Ji officially took office.

At the same time, Yaizhen in Jiulongzi also followed the guidance of the golden arrow and came to Taiyuan City. Hu Liuniang and Yi Xi, who had the pseudonyms of "Xiao Wei" and "Xiao Yi", went to a green forest village near Taiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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