Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 338 Use the skin painting technique in vain

Chapter 338 Use the skin painting technique in vain

Xiao Wei's charming face was full of frightened fear, which made all the men present feel a strong sense of care and pity.

"Just now, the bandit leader was about to pick up his knife and go out. Suddenly, a white light flashed through, and he suffered a heart-gouging disaster. Although I was right next to him, I didn't see clearly who made the move."

"I see," Ma Ji nodded and sighed, "I guess this thief is full of evil. Not only will I come to destroy his village, but there will also be knights and masters coming to punish rape and eliminate evil. I don't know where Miss Xiao Wei is from. "If you have any relatives at home, I can send someone to escort you back home."

After hearing Ma Ji's words, she changed into a sad look that moved people deeply, and sobbed: "My parents and relatives were all harmed by this bandit. I was even trapped in the devil's cave and suffered all the humiliation. Not only did I have no relatives." I can't help but live in this world. Now that I can see my enemy beheading me, I can smile."

After saying that, she raised her arms to cover her face with her sleeves, and hit the wall behind her.

"No girl!"

Ma Ji let out an exclamation and appeared behind Xiao Wei in a flash.

He wrapped his left arm around her slender waist and pulled her back.

A proud smile appeared on Xiao Wei's pretty face hidden by her sleeves, and her delicate body like a weak willow tree fell into Ma Ji's arms.

However, a cold murderous intention suddenly appeared in Ma Ji's eyes. He seemed to have accidentally pressed his left palm on Xiao Wei's abdomen and pushed the slightly dented palm outward. A silver thunderbolt as thin as a hair but containing endless destructive power was emitted from the palm of her hand, blasting into Xiao Wei's dantian Qi sea according to the five elements, and hit hard on an inner elixir she had just formed.

Xiao Wei's swollen body exploded to pieces, and the terrifying force completely shattered and annihilated the entire hall and all nearby buildings, forming a flat open space four to five miles in radius.

"Everyone retreat to the foot of the mountain!"

In the center of this clearing, a strange being, half human and half fox, covered with silver-white short hair, stood a few feet above the ground.

Then he raised his left arm back, and the "Demon Refining Pot" hidden in his sleeve spewed out a large amount of dense purple mist, sucking in the hundreds of border soldiers near the Juyi Hall.

At the same time, the "Cicada Wing Knife" shrunk into an eight-inch dagger appeared out of thin air in his right hand. It stabbed silently into Xiao Wei's back heart. The blade, as thin as a cicada wing, reached directly into the atrium and cut open her heart. In half!
Xiao Wei's smile instantly froze on her face, and then she let out a shrill howl like a dying beast, and her whole body suddenly swelled.

Ma Ji felt the terrifying power contained in the expanding body in his arms. His face changed color and his body retreated quickly. A fist-sized "Jade Capital Chonglou" appeared above his head, and a curtain of light hung down to cover his whole body.

The body is still in humanoid form, but it is so voluptuous and graceful that it is almost exaggerated. The chest is round and towering like a mountain, the legs under the abdomen are tightly closed and as deep as a valley, and there is an animal-like anti-joint structure below the knees, and a fluffy white trailing behind. Long tail.

Her head is completely in the shape of a fox, with long ears, animal pupils, and a sharp snout and sharp teeth.

Ma Ji, who was protected by the "Jade Capital Chonglou", was not injured at all. He gave orders to the unaffected but shocked frontier soldiers in the distance. Then his body slowly floated into the air, and the "Cicada Wing Knife" in his right hand was lengthened. to normal size.

He looked at the monster opposite and smiled: "Should I call you 'Xiao Wei' or 'Hu Liu Niang' now?"

Hu Liuniang, who showed her true form as a fox demon, had infinite resentment and hatred in her eyes, and said solemnly: "How can you see through my 'painting skin' technique?" As she spoke, the murderous intent and aura on her body increased crazily. She was ready to launch the most ferocious attack on Ma Ji at any time, but the damage caused by Ma Ji's two fatal attacks just now seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Ma Ji naturally would not confess that he was reminded of the story called "Painted Skin" by the death of the bandit leader and the name "Xiao Wei", and then by Hu Liuniang, the only surviving member of the Hu family in Fangshan. With an unpredictable and profound smile, he said leisurely: "How can there be any magical power without flaws in the world, let alone your evil magic that has entered the devil's way? Just now you used that painting skin to perform the substitution technique, and you endured the suffering of your body. The damage will be done, but in the next fight, you won’t have a second chance.”

Hu Liuniang screamed sharply: "If it weren't for a sudden sneak attack, how could you have hurt me?"

As she drank, a strangely cold air suddenly released from her body. It absorbs and solidifies water vapor around the body, turning it into thousands of ice and frost swords that are stronger than diamonds.

A violent wind suddenly rose, turning into a tornado and wrapping Ma Ji in it. Countless ice blades merged into the violent swirling airflow, strangling Ma Ji at the center of the storm.

Ma Ji still had the "Jade Capital Tower" hanging in the air above his head. The light from the white jade pavilion expanded to a distance of three feet outside his body, turning into an indestructible protective barrier.

The ice blades caught in the storm smashed into pieces on this barrier, but they were destroyed and reborn as if they were endless.

The two sides were attacking and defending, seemingly in a stalemate, but Hu Liuniang relied entirely on her own cultivation to cast spells, while Ma Ji relied on the treasure "Jade Capital Chonglou". In terms of long-lasting power, he was far superior.

In fact, while he was defending at the moment, he was also secretly accumulating strength, waiting for the opponent's offensive to weaken before he would strike with a thunderous blow.

Hu Liuniang also knew that if she attacked for a long time, she would be defeated and her opponent would backfire, so she had already planned a quick and decisive move.

It's just that her painting that can temporarily improve her realm and combat power has been destroyed by Ma Ji, and now she can only rely on external forces as the key to victory.

When she saw the space behind Ma Ji distorting for a moment, and a very faint figure disappearing for a moment, her heart suddenly settled.


Hu Liuniang shouted, raising her hands upwards. The ice blade that could never break through Ma Ji's defense rose into the sky with her gesture, fused with each other in the air, and instantly turned into an inverted iceberg with chaotic peaks and thorns like spears, carrying the power of the mountain towards Ma Ji was knocked down on his head.

The light curtain hanging down from the "Jade Capital Chonglou" above Ma Ji's head rolled up, turning into a light cloud covering dozens of acres, gently supporting an iceberg weighing more than ten thousand jun.

Just as he moved the protective light curtain upward to resist Hu Liuniang's killing move, Yi Xi's figure appeared behind him out of thin air. The long sword that used to be slung behind him was already held in his right hand, and he struck a blow towards his heart. Stab.

Ma Ji suddenly let out a long roar, and twenty-four small flying swords swarmed out from the "Jade Capital Chonglou" above his head, turning into twenty-four cold swords as thin as hair and as sharp as any. The lights intertwined with each other to form a net, which happened to trap Yi Xi who suddenly appeared.

The sword net formed by the supreme swordsmanship of "refining swords into silk" passed through Yi Xi's body as if it had no substance. Then the sword light dissipated and transformed into twenty-four flying swords, flying back like a swarm of bees returning to their nest. Within the "Jade Capital Chonglou".

Yi Xi stood frozen on the spot while maintaining the stance of stabbing with the sword, and then his whole body was "scattered" on the ground, turning into countless pieces of bone and flesh that each weighed no more than one tael.

(End of this chapter)

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