Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 339 Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 339 Hongmen Banquet

Hu Liuniang was shocked and angry when she saw that Yi Xi's plot failed and was harmed instead.

Ma Ji, however, did not wait for her to make a decision to fight or leave, and used all the strength that he had previously restrained in order to lure out the enemy lurking in the dark.

The "Swallowing Star Transformation" of the "Huntian Fighting Victory Technique" is performed with the help of the "Jade Capital Chonglou" above the head, and its power increases exponentially.

An invisible vortex containing terrifying devouring power appeared above, shattering and collapsing the iceberg condensed with the power of extremely pure water element, returning it to its original state of Guishui essence, and then passed through the "Jade Capital Chonglou" "It is purified and compressed and flows into the body to replenish vitality and nourish the body.

Immediately, Ma Ji's body and sword merged into one, turning into a stream of light, followed by a thunder-like explosion, and after exploding a white air wave, he instantly increased his speed to the limit of lightning speed.

He can still use the magic sword to use the "Refining Sword into Silk" and "Sword Qi Thunder Sound" skills, and using the Qi sword to use the "Sword Qi Thunder Sound" is naturally even more comfortable. After all, playing with swords is his specialty.

Before Hu Liuniang could react, the extremely fast sword flashed past her, leaving the loud noise that shook the air behind her. The blade of the "Cicada Wing Knife" also passed by Hu Liuniang's neck and chopped it off like a piece of rotten wood. Her fox-shaped head.

After succeeding with the sword, Ma Ji restrained the light of the sword and revealed his body. Then he first collected the "Cicada Wing Knife", "Jade Capital Chonglou", "Twenty-Four Qi Shocking Divine Sword" and other magic weapon treasures, and then took out the "Demon Refining Pot" With a slight shake, while collecting the remains of Hu Liuniang and Yi Xi, he released the more than a hundred frontier soldiers who had been included previously.

Although Ma Ji had just put it into the "Demon Refining Pot" to protect them, he used the purple energy in the pot to trap them in a small area. He was not worried that they would see through the reality of this artifact.

Ma Ji ordered five hundred border troops to find a place to camp in the city, and then announced in public that a celebration banquet would be held in three days, and officials from the government and gentry and celebrities would be invited to the banquet.

At this time, the soldiers on the border who had previously fallen far away also came over and told Wu Yan and others about the shocking battle they had witnessed.

Wu Yan and others, who had already worshiped Ma Ji as a god, hurriedly responded and said, "I will obey your orders."

Ma Ji ignored everyone's expressions of admiration and admiration, and ordered: "This bandit suppression will end here. We will return to Taiyuan later. When the last important thing is completed, your trip will be considered complete."

Ma Ji said calmly: "There are two monsters lurking in this village, and I just took action to kill them."

Sure enough, in the next three days, Ma Ji ordered his people to go separate ways and send out a large number of invitations.

Ma Ji spread the news back to Taiyuan earlier than he did.

Therefore, when they returned, all the scholars, farmers, industry and merchants in the city lined the streets to welcome them happily. Some of them had baskets and pots of food to reward them, some of them held up incense and knelt down, and some of them wrote poems and poems to praise them.

When Wu Yan came out of the pot, he saw that the place where the thieves' stronghold was was now flat. He was horrified and asked Ma Ji: "Master, just now..."

Those who received the invitation were all overjoyed, and each took the time to collect gifts, preparing to take the opportunity to curry favor with the prefect, who was too tough to be a civil servant.

Three days later, Ma Ji held a grand banquet in the government office. Invited guests arrived in droves. In a blink of an eye, the house was full of distinguished guests and famous friends. Looking around, it was true that "there are great scholars talking and laughing, but no white people coming and going".

At the beginning of the banquet, Zhou Kui, the Prime Minister of Taiyuan Prefecture, who was under Ma Ji but above everyone else, stood up and raised his glass and said loudly: "The prefect has eradicated the chronic disease of banditry in one fell swoop and restored a peaceful world and a bright world to the people of Taiyuan. I Everyone attending the meeting should first thank you on behalf of the people of Taiyuan!”

Everyone responded in unison, then stood up one after another and raised their glasses to pay tribute to Ma Ji who was sitting on the throne. Ma Ji smiled and said: "In this battle, the officers and soldiers of the frontier army fought hard in the front, and the Zhou Fu Cheng and other colleagues were in the rear to supply food and fodder. How dare I take credit, so I invite everyone to drink this cup together to congratulate me on this achievement!"

Having said that, drink the wine in the cup first.

Everyone hurriedly drank with them, and with the prefect setting an example in front of them, no matter how big or small the drink was or whether they drank it or not, they all drank it down in one gulp.

After Ma Ji sat down, he put the wine glass on the table, but waved his hand to stop the waiter who came forward to pour the wine at Zhou Kui's signal. He looked around at the people who were sitting around and said with a smile: "But just now, Zhou Fucheng said that he would 'pacify the world' and make the world bright." ’, I really feel ashamed to be the official. Because I have tried my best these days to kill only some thieves who are doing harm to the people in the open, but there are also some who are doing more serious harm to the country but are hiding in the dark. , but I haven’t had time to liquidate it yet!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place immediately fell into a dead silence.

There were people at the banquets everywhere whose faces changed drastically and their expressions were different.

Ma Ji didn't care about everyone's reaction. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a stack of documents and raised it. His expression and tone turned cold at the same time: "Recently, the Marquis of Pinglu and the Governor of Xuanda, Lord Wang, have been strictly investigating the smuggling in the north. They have successively Captured dozens of caravans transporting prohibited items to the Northern Barbarians.

"After rigorous interrogation, the results obtained are really shocking. Over the years, some greedy people have transported countless prohibited items to the Northern Barbarians, including hundreds of thousands of kilograms of pig iron alone. I never expected that these pig irons would end up in the hands of the Northern Barbarians. They will turn into sharp knives and sharp arrows to kill our soldiers and civilians in Dayu."

Upon hearing this, some of the people present had already turned pale and their bodies were like chaff, while others had faces as dark as water and their eyes showed murderous intent - they all understood in their hearts that today's so-called celebration banquet was originally just for them. The "Hongmen Banquet" was set up.

"Somebody come!"

Ma Ji suddenly shouted loudly.

There was a loud clang of armor, and groups of fully armed frontier soldiers rushed out from various small doors, bows unsheathed and swords unsheathed, surrounding everyone.

Ma Ji handed the document in his hand to Wu Yan beside him: "General Wu, please arrest people based on these confessions. Don't let anyone slip through the net. Later, we will send troops to surround their homes."

"The general will obey the order!"

Wu Yan agreed and took the confession respectfully.

When Wu Yan began to lead people to arrest people one by one according to the diagram, Ma Ji looked back at Zhou Kui with a gloomy expression, smiled again and said slowly: "Zhou Fu Cheng, I'm afraid you need to explain some things to me. ”

Zhou Kui had no expression on his face and said indifferently: "Although the magistrate is Zhou's superior, I'm afraid he has no right to arrest and interrogate Zhou at will!"

Ma Ji reached into his sleeve again and took out a yellow silk scroll: "As usual, I do not have the right to arrest and interrogate Zhou Fucheng, but with your Majesty's edict allowing me to do things expediently, I can make an exception. That’s it!”

Zhou Kui's face immediately turned ugly, but he still refused to give in: "The prefect is too young and energetic. I don't know that some things should not be investigated deeply, and some people should not be touched lightly!"

Ma Ji said leisurely: "If I were not so energetic, wouldn't my youth have been in vain? Take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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