Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 340: Borrow the sword and kill the soul

Chapter 340: Borrow the sword and kill the soul

In the northeast corner of Taiyuan City, inside the Palace of the Prince of Jin.

"Shu Zi, you've gone too far to bully me!"

Jin Wang Li Tu got furious in the study and smashed all the white jade paperweights, pen holders and other valuable artifacts placed on the desk to the ground and smashed them to pieces.

In the past, Taizu Li Geng appointed his third son Li Hong as King of Jin and came to Taiyuan to become a vassal, and the hereditary inheritance has been passed down to this day.

Although the line of Jin kings could not intervene in local military and political affairs due to the Dayu ancestral system, their status was destined to have a huge influence on Taiyuan and even the entire Jin Province.

At this moment, although the contemporary King of Jin was as ruthless and violent as a ferocious beast that chooses people to eat, he also had a hint of lust and lust.

In the study, there were two middle-aged men standing with their hands hanging down. One was dressed as a scholar, the other was wearing a sword. It was Shi Yin Xizhong, the royal palace chief, and Fan He, the commander of the guards.

When Li Tao smashed everything he could and he exhausted all his strength and slumped down on the chair, Yin Xizhong accompanied Xin Xin to comfort him: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much, even though Ma Ji has ruined your dignity." , refused to release Fan Qingping, the head of the Fan family, but I believe that Fan Qingping would rather lose his life than talk nonsense, unless he does not care about the lives of his family. "

Li Tong's face softened slightly and he sighed: "It stands to reason that this is true, but what Ma Ji does is often unexpected, and it is really difficult to think about it. After all, the dead can keep secrets best, so I will leave this matter to you!"

Although Li Tong was full of worries, he still put on a smile and stood up and said: "Mr. Bai, there is no need to be polite, please sit down and talk."

The three of them were surprised at first, but then their faces showed joy.

Fan He and Yin Xizhong looked at each other, but they were both at a loss.

Yin Xizhong hesitated for a moment, with a look of embarrassment on his face, but when he saw Li Tao's face turning gloomy again, he gritted his teeth and bowed, "I obey, my Majesty!"

Fan Hedeng suddenly fell down, bowed even more, and said helplessly: "Your Majesty, my subordinates have obtained information from the border troops who followed Ma Ji to suppress the bandits. During the attack on Feiyun Village in Jueiwei Mountain, At that time, two demon kings who had formed inner elixirs appeared out of nowhere and started a fight with Ma Ji, but they were killed by Ma Ji one at a time. Based on his performance, it is assumed that Ma Ji's cultivation level was less than the third level. Thunder Tribulation will never be too far behind. There is really no master who can match him."

Just because they all recognized the identity of the speaker, he was an aloof guest minister that Li Tao recruited a few years ago. His cultivation in Taoism had reached the level of fourth-level possession. Li Tao also had to treat him like this on weekdays. Treat each other with courtesy.

Li Tao snorted coldly, and then said bitterly: "After all, it's all the trouble caused by that kid Ma Ji! Fan He, can you do anything about what I said earlier?"

A middle-aged scholar appeared out of thin air in the study, cupped his hands to Li Tao and said, "Bai Ziya has met the prince."

Suddenly, a gentle voice came to the ears of the three of them: "If the prince wants to get rid of this heart disease, there is nothing he can do!"

Li Tao said angrily: "Are we just going to let that kid Ma Ji sit in Taiyuan for a term of magistrate? Even if the matter at hand does not involve Gu, what will happen to the business in the next few years? That's millions of dollars every year Are the gains of silver given up in vain?”

"Thank you!"

After Bai Ziya thanked him, he sat down on another chair.

Fan He on the side hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to Bai Ziya: "Mr. Cai just said that there is a way to get rid of the prince's heartache. Are you prepared to take action personally?" Bai Ziya shook his head and said: "Commander Fan thinks too highly of me. With that horse. Judging from Ji's display of fighting power, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive three moves or two moves in front of him."

Seeing that the three of them looked a little disappointed, he smiled and said: "Although I can't control Ma Ji, I have another way to control him."

Li Tong became energetic and asked hurriedly: "Sir, what's the plan?"

Bai Ziya took out a scroll from his sleeve, unfolded it in front of Li Tong and said, "Your Majesty, please take a look."

Li Tong looked at it carefully and saw that the painting on it was a handsome man as elegant as an immortal. It was Ma Ji, and he couldn't help but be confused.

Bai Ziya said: "I have a magical skill, which can kill Ma Ji if I keep it, but it requires a lot of hard work on your part, my lord."

Seeing that he was speaking resolutely, Li Tong hesitated for a moment and then nodded firmly and said, "As long as this disaster is eliminated, why should I worry about hard work?"

Bai Ziya solemnly said: "My miraculous technique is called the 'Dragon Soul Killing Technique'. It requires the prince to fast, bathe and abstain from sexual intercourse for seven days. He burns incense and bows to the portrait three times every morning, afternoon and evening. When the bowing is completed on the seventh day, Then use seven 'Dragon Soul-Slaying Nails' to drive into the portrait's limbs, heart, throat, and eyebrows, and Ma Ji's soul will be driven away!"

Seeing Li Tao's doubtful expression, Yin Xizhong asked him the question in his heart very considerately: "Mr. Bai, I have something to puzzle me about - why does this technique need a prince to perform it?"

Bai Ziya said with a smile: "Because the prince is a relative of the Great Yu clan, and is honored as a prince, he is blessed by the dragon energy of the Great Yu Kingdom. Although Ma Ji has a high level of cultivation, but he has the official position of the Great Yu, he will naturally be blessed by it. The dragon energy of the country is restrained. If the prince worships his ministers for seven days in a row, he will unknowingly commit the crime of being superior and be rejected by the dragon energy of the Yu State, which will destroy his own luck. When his luck is gone, the 'Dragon Soul-Slaying Nail' that can absorb the dragon's luck in the country can nail his soul in one fell swoop, preventing him from reincarnation forever."

At this point, he cupped his hands to Li Tao and said: "There is one thing that needs to be said before. After the prince uses this method to kill Ma Ji, his own luck will also be reduced, and everything will be unfavorable for at least a year. , it is best to stay in seclusion to avoid disasters.”

After hearing the other party's last words, Li Tao made up his mind.

He is not bad at scheming and insight. If Bai Ziya only talked about the advantages and benefits of this technique, he would have doubts. Now Bai Ziya has confessed the disadvantages, and these disadvantages are within the scope of what he can bear. He immediately Without any hesitation, he said: "Isolation means ordering someone to clean up a secret room. Please sir, arrange it. I will start performing this technique today."

Following Li Tao's order, a secret room was instantly organized in Prince Jin's palace.

Bai Ziya hung Ma Ji's portrait solemnly on the wall and set up an incense table in front of the portrait.

He looked at Ma Ji who was speaking, and sneered in his heart: "No matter how powerful you are, Ma Ji, under my 'Dragon Soul Killing Technique' which is derived from the 'White Lotus Purification Sutra', you still have to sacrifice your life to me." Apologize to Ajiao’s nephew who died tragically!”

It turns out that the so-called "Bai Ziya" is none other than Yaizhen, the seventh among the Nine Dragons of the White Lotus Sect.

From now on, Li Tong followed the preface, bathed and changed clothes every day, ate quietly, and when the time came, he came to the secret room and bowed respectfully to the portrait.

In the blink of an eye, the seven-day period was up, and Yaizhen placed a wooden box on the incense table in front of Ma Ji's portrait.

At his instruction, Li Tong stepped forward and opened the lid of the box, and saw seven golden spikes with sharp heads and blunt tails lying flat inside, like a dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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