Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 346 Hu Chenjing, the demon atmosphere is born

Chapter 346 Hu Chenjing, the demon atmosphere is born
When the young Damu Khan left the Northern Barbarian Royal Court with 30,000 elite cavalry, he had already fallen into the scheme of Ma Ji and Wang Heng, a pair of old foxes who looked young but were actually battlefield veterans.

The couple didn't even ask Wang Lie from behind to send troops for support, so they faced nearly ten times the enemy force with their 3,500 men and horses.

Ma Ji set up three consecutive strategies for Damu Khan: "divide and transform", "lure and introduce", and "encircle and annihilate":
First, ten squads of 100 people were sent out, raising smoke and dust during the day, and lighting more torches at night. Each squad of 100 people created a momentum ten times greater, attracting Damu Khan to continuously divide his troops to pursue. Gradually, only 10,000 of the 30,000 elite soldiers were left at his side. .

Then he pretended to expose the location of the main force, causing Damu Khan to wait for the troops sent to turn around, so he led ten thousand fine cavalry in pursuit and unknowingly entered the opponent's preset battlefield.

In the end, they brazenly used a small number to surround a large number, and used a small number to attack the large number. They used 2,000 troops to ambush the enemy who still numbered 10,000.

Ma Ji and Wang Heng used martial arts as military skills, and each led a thousand fine cavalry. They actually used the military formation to evolve the killing move "Double Dragons Cutting Tails" in the "Four Lingxi Techniques" like arms and fingers, encircling and attacking from both sides. Thousands of enemy troops.

Under the command of their husband and wife, the two cavalrymen were as agile as two long dragons. They formed a huge scissor and cut the enemy into several sections at the same time. The head and tail could not respond to each other.

Ma Ji and Wang Heng led their troops to charge back and forth, harvesting fresh lives indiscriminately in the criss-crossing process, killing enemy corpses several times their own and leaving the fields covered with blood and floating oars.

Because his father was killed by Wang Heng's charge, Damu Khan took this as a lesson and brought four masters to accompany him to protect him this time.

These four people are all priests in the grassland shamanism, and their realm and combat power are enough to rival monks who are in the realm of possession of the fourth level of Taoism.

Seeing that the situation was not good, these four people took action together, borrowing boundless power from the natural spirits they believed in, and evolved various powerful magical powers such as rain arrows, ice knives, strong winds, and fierce flames.

When Ma Ji saw this, he immediately called Jiao Na who was following him to join forces to attack. After receiving the four-man attack, Wang Heng still led his troops to strangle the defeated enemy.

Ma Ji and Jiao Na faced the four masters with the first three of the "Four Lingxi Techniques" they had practiced so far. With the combined power that was enough to compete with the third-grade thunder calamity people, they killed all four of them with the "Cicada Wing Sword" "Down.

When the two succeeded, Wang Heng also happened to make another great effort to kill the enemy chieftain, and beheaded Damu Khan under his horse.

At this point in the war, the overall situation has been decided.

After Ma Ji and Wang Heng annihilated all the remaining enemies who had completely lost their fighting spirit, they defeated and strangled the other 20,000 scattered enemy troops one by one. In the end, only one-tenth of the enemy troops were able to escape back to the royal court.

Damu Khan was still young, and although he was married, he had not yet given birth to an heir. Therefore, after the bad news reached the royal court, the major forces in the grassland, which were not even interested in Damu Khan, were ready to take action and finally discussed the matter in the grassland. The debate over the selection of the co-leader's successor turned into a fight. After each lost a lot of lives, he returned to his tribe with hatred.

Since no one was willing to obey anyone else, they all went their separate ways from then on.

During this period, Wang Lie adopted Ma Ji's strategy and used the means of distant friendship and close attack, as well as vertical and horizontal alliances to win over one group and attack another group after the division and disintegration.

Because of the endorsement from the rear by Wu King Li Hang, some tribes in the grassland gradually accepted Dayu's canonization secretly and completely fell to Dayu's side. They became loyal supporters who were always eager for the king's army to go north and save the people of the grassland from dire straits.

After three years of this, Wang Lie saw that the time was ripe, so he divided his troops, which had expanded to 200,000, into three groups. He, Wang Heng and Ma Ji each led one group and attacked the grassland from three directions. The three armies responded to each other and marched together. Under the leadership of the "leading party" who were loyal to Yu, they defeated all the forces along the way like a broken bamboo. Finally, they joined forces with the barbarian royal court and announced the success of this war of annihilation that had been prepared for several years. become.

While Wang Lie ordered the troops marching north to be stationed in the royal court, he also sent people to quickly report the victory to the court and ask for instructions on the next step.

Before the reply from the court was received, three uninvited guests arrived.

A deep and deep voice came from the air, covering the military camp of 200,000 troops, rolling like spring thunder and echoing endlessly: "The 'Three Gods of the Snow Region' are here, please come out and speak, the coach of Dayu, Wang Lie!"

Three rays of white light flew out from the camp, and stood in the void facing the visitors. They were none other than Ma Ji, Wang Heng, and Jiao Na.

They looked across and saw a big man with a domineering attitude, a fat man with a bloated eyebrow, and a handsome and arrogant young man.

In the snowy ice field of the far north, there were originally four demon gods, namely tiger, bear, wolf, and eagle, all of whom had the cultivation of second-level fire calamity.

Among them, the "Wolf God" Ye Motian was beaten back to his original form by Grand Master Yuan Dansheng a few years ago, and his true spirit was dispersed. He became the "Night Demon King" as the guardian beast next to Wang Heng. Now the other three demon gods have arrived together.

Ma Ji's expression did not change, he cupped his hands towards the opposite side and said: "It is inconvenient for me to leave the camp lightly. I am dismounting from Ma Ji. I have full authority to represent the commander. May I ask what you are doing here?"

Among the three demon gods, the "Tiger God" Bai Wentian is obviously the leader.

He said coldly: "Since you can make the decision for Wang Lie, then immediately evacuate Dayu's troops and restore peace to the grassland!"

Ma Ji closed his eyes slightly and said slowly: "All living beings in the world, once they are promoted to the third level, they must hide from the world and cultivate quietly and not enter the world to disturb the world of mortals. Have you forgotten this rule?"

Bai Wentian sneered and said: "This is the alliance under the city that two lunatics Li Geng and Yuan Dansheng forced us to sign when Dayu was founded. Li Geng escaped early and left, leaving Yuan Dansheng to dominate and bless the world to this day. All people, whether they are human beings or demons, have been suffering for a long time. Now that everyone is trying to break this shackles and seek freedom, you still talk about this old custom. How pitiful and ridiculous!”

Ma Ji's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "Are the three of you going to try your own methods at this moment to shake the 'bad habits' you talk about?"

"Zhen Shen" Xiong Qingtian said with a ferocious smile: "What kind of nonsense does the tiger talk to these juniors? We old Xiong have never tasted such young cultivators with outstanding bones, fine skin and tender meat. Let's eat them alive first to satisfy their gluttony, and then Just use some means to scare away these ants below!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out a big, fat hand like a cattail leaf fan and looked into the sky to grab it. The sky immediately showed a big hand of vitality that was enlarged countless times. The texture between the fingers and palms was both illusory and real, covering the sky like a mountain. Blocking out the sun, he grabbed the three people on the opposite side head-on.

Although "Innate Qi Great Capture" is the most commonly used method by upper-level third-level monks and warriors, everyone can change the trick, and each one has his or her own ingenuity.

Under Xiong Qingtian's grasp, in addition to the vast atmosphere that encompasses the heaven and earth with nowhere to hide, and the majestic power that is as thick as a mountain and cannot be resisted, it also contains a strange cold meaning that freezes all things.

(End of this chapter)

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