Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 347: Dharma King of Light, Snow Spirit Demon Lord

Chapter 347: Dharma King of Light, Snow Spirit Demon Lord

Seeing that huge palm falling headlong with the energy that froze all things, Ma Ji, Wang Heng and Jiao Na's expressions remained unchanged, and they didn't even have the slightest intention of taking action.

"The Great Sun Tathagata, give me spiritual light!"

A soft and gentle voice came from outside the sky, and countless golden lotus flowers the size of bowls appeared out of thin air above the three people's heads. They spread out densely one by one, protecting the three people and the military camp below them.

The giant palm as heavy as a mountain fell on this boundless sea of ​​flowers, and even the petals were not able to fall off. It was held lightly in the void and could not continue to fall for another half minute.

Then, blazing golden flames spurted out from the center of each lotus flower, and in just a few breaths, the giant palm was refined into nothingness.

"Great sun glazed fire!"

The three demon gods changed their colors at the same time, looking around with fear in their eyes.

Bai Wentian shouted in a deep voice: "Since the Dharma King of Light has arrived, why don't you show up to meet him?"

A handsome young man wearing a yellow monk's hat and dressed as a Yellow Sect lama appeared out of thin air in front of Ma Ji and the other two. He saluted the three demon gods and said, "I have met three benefactors before."

This monk is the "Lighting Dharma King" in Bai Wentian's mouth. He is in charge of the Yellow Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. He has all nine consciousnesses opened and the Buddha's Dharma reaches the heavens. He has reached the top of the world.

Bai Wentian looked ugly and spoke in a low tone: "The Dharma King became the ancestor and leader of a sect in the snowy plateau of the west. Why does he make knives for others to embarrass us?"

Dharma King Guangming smiled and said, "The Emperor Dayu has issued a clear edict, allowing our religion to build a temple on the grassland and preach."

Just after hearing this sentence, Bai Wentian understood the whole story, and laughed angrily: "What an emperor of Dayu, his methods are really powerful! It's just that the Dharma King wants to cross the border to our territory to gather incense and harvest faith. Have you ever thought about it?" What price will you pay?”

The smile of the King of Light is still gentle, but his words are categorical and there is no room for maneuver: "In order to spread the teachings and spread the Dharma, I gave up this golden body and fell into the sea of ​​suffering again without any regrets!"

"You are such a good person who has no regrets. Since the young monk has this realization, I will help you!"

A cold female voice came from the sky and reached everyone's ears clearly, and then there were flakes of snow falling in the air.

These snowflakes are all shaped like six-pointed stars, crystal clear and full of the beauty of creation.

Although they are only the size of a fingertip and as thin as a cicada's wing, they are as heavy as a mountain, and they are even more chilling to the bone. They do not even fall to the ground after they appear, but they gather together in the void from all directions.

Suddenly attacked, a smile filled with wisdom appeared on the corner of the light Dharma King's mouth.

He formed a mudra with his hands and recited the mantra "Om Amogāmi Lu Zuo Mì". His whole body suddenly shone brightly, and his whole body turned into a brilliant sun that released immeasurable light and heat and illuminated the earth.

As soon as those snow flakes flew into the flames around him, they melted away without a trace.

After this light flame melted the snow flakes that contained endless murderous intent, it continued to expand endlessly in all directions, seeming to turn the entire world into a world of light flames.

A woman with snow-skinned white hair and an alluring face appeared in this world of flames. Her whole body exuded endless chill, but she was calm and composed even though she was bathed in the light and flames. The snowy ice fields in the far north are devoid of human beings, but it has become the last territory in the world that is completely controlled by the demon clan. The king of demons who leads this territory and makes the demons bow their heads is the so-called "Snow Spirit Demon Lord" woman.

She looked at the bright Dharma King standing opposite with a smile, and said with a cold expression: "It turns out that the young monk came here for me. But you and I have survived the three tribulations of thunder, fire and wind, and achieved immortal golden bodies and demon spirits. You Why are you so confident that you can keep me here?”

The King of Light smiled and said: "With my own power, there is nothing I can do to defeat the Snow Spirit Demon Lord, but with this 'Dzogchen Light Vajra Treasure Array' set up by three thousand monks from our sect, I may be able to do it with all my strength." try!"

After saying that, a golden body of Buddha suddenly appeared behind him. He slowly raised his right hand and grabbed it towards the Snow Spirit Demon Lord opposite.

All methods of cultivation in the world return to the sect. In the end, after comprehending the world and going through three calamities of thunder, fire, and wind, a certain law between heaven and earth is combined to create an immortal true spirit with magical power. Taoism calls it Yuanshen, Buddhism calls it golden body, and martial arts calls it Dharma. The demon clan is called demon spirit.

At this moment, what emerges behind the Dharma King of Light is the golden body of the "Great Sun Tathagata" that he cultivated.

In this huge palm with golden light flowing, you can vaguely see a towering mountain full of Buddhas, all with their hands in seals and chanting mantras. There are flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses sprouting from the ground, making people unconsciously want to throw themselves into it to worship and take refuge.

It turns out that this world of light and flame is just the "Dharma Realm of Great Sun Light" that he evolved with his own magical power. In the palm of the golden body of Tathagata Mahavatara, it is the "Buddha Kingdom in the Palm" hidden by the supreme magical power of Buddhism that was spread by three thousand Yellow Sect monks. The "Dzogchen Bright Vajra Treasure Formation".

Snow Spirit Demon Lord's expression was still cold, but his eyes showed a solemn look. A ten-thousand-foot ice peak appeared behind him, supporting the huge palm like a pillar of heaven.

The cold air filled the air, and the world filled with light and flame actually began to condense with frost, gradually encroaching on the territory of light and flame.

Outside this world where the flames and frost are fighting, Ma Ji, Wang Heng, and Jiao Na are still confronting the three demon gods.

The three demon gods were all filled with shock and anger. Bai Wentian shouted violently: "It turns out that you, Dayu, have such evil intentions. Not only do you want to annex the entire grassland, but you also intend to destroy our Snow Plains Demon Kingdom! Since you are destined to live and die, don't blame me. Ruthless, I will bury you and the 200,000 troops here today!”

Before he finished speaking, the three of them showed their true colors at the same time, all with huge bodies a hundred feet away, roaring in unison.

"Tiger God" Bai Wentian opened his mouth and spit out a white ball of light, which turned into thousands of cold swords, spears, swords and halberds;
The "Eagle God" spread its wings in the sky and stirred up the airflow, setting off a black wind that swept across the sky and the earth.

"Zhenshen" Xiong Qingtian simply rolled himself into a ball, and his huge body fell like a meteor with terrifying power.

Ma Ji and Wang Heng looked at each other, and a multicolored crystal stone and an ancient copper pot appeared in their hands respectively. They were the "Sky Mending Stone" and the "Demon Refining Pot".

At the same time, their momentum continued to rise, and they had suddenly exceeded the limit of the fourth-grade elixir holding, and entered the third-grade thunder calamity category - three years was enough for them to complete a leap in their cultivation realm.

At this moment, the actual information on the mysterious jade tablet in Ma Ji's sea of ​​consciousness has already changed:

【Host】Ma Ji (Ma Kongqun)
[Talent] God rewards hard work

[Level] Third level of martial arts (12638/100000) Third level of Taoism (13347/100000)

[Equipment] Demon Refining Pot, Jade Capital Chonglou, Cicada Wing Knife
After surviving the thunder tribulation and being promoted to the third level, they were finally able to truly exert some of the power of the artifacts they mastered.

(End of this chapter)

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