Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 348 Killing the Demon

Chapter 348 Killing the Demon
The "Tian Mending Stone" in Wang Heng's hand turned into a colorful brilliance and enveloped her whole body.

When the light dissipated, she had a crystal-clear armor on her body, and two slightly curved transparent blades stretched from her fingertips together until three feet away.

Wang Heng headed towards the torrent of swords, halberds, spears and spears that were transformed by Gengxin's divine light from Bai Wentian. His two swords danced rapidly and turned into two groups of colorful halo.

Wherever the blade hidden in the five-color brilliance went, the swords and halberds were broken, and the spears and spears were broken, and they collapsed and shattered, returning to the dissipation of Gengxin Qi.

She went upstream with great momentum, and in a blink of an eye she was in front of Bai Wentian, raising her knife to chop off the huge tiger's head.

Bai Wentian didn't expect that her burst of fighting power would directly catch up with him who was in the second-level fire tribulation realm. He was horrified and took away his true form and turned into a human form. However, out of thin air, a thick-backed sword with a tiger head and dragon scales appeared in his hand. , holding Wang Heng's swords in front of him.

The three long knives containing their own tyrannical strength clashed, making a sound like a thunderbolt from the blue. Circles of white air waves spread wantonly around the place where the two swords collided.

After the hard-fought blow, the bodies of both parties shook violently at the same time, and they involuntarily flew backwards to both sides.

But they immediately used their own methods to stabilize their bodies and attacked each other with their swords.

Both sides are experts in fighting. They have figured out the details of each other after just fighting, and know that they are evenly matched. Therefore, they unanimously gave up those large-scale attacks with scattered power, and restrained their power on the long sword in their hands. They chose This may seem simple but is the most effective way to harvest the opponent's life.

Wang Heng here relies on the magical power of the "Tian Mending Stone" to fight evenly with Bai Wentian, the strongest of the three demon gods, but Ma Ji over there has already won the victory first.

The reason is not that Ma Ji is much stronger than Wang Heng, but that one of his opponents, Xiong Qingtian, chose the most primitive attack method. However, Ma Ji also has the "Demon Refining Pot", an artifact that naturally restrains the demon clan.

Looking at the ball that formed into a ball and hit Xiong Qingtian like a meteor, Ma Ji had a strange smile on his face. He raised the "Demon Refining Pot" held in his left hand high and shouted softly: "Take it!"

A cloud of dense purple air rose from the mouth of the pot and enveloped the round and flying Xiong Qingtian.

Xiong Qingtian was trapped in the purple energy, and he immediately felt his bones and tendons becoming tender. He secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong and wanted to struggle to get out.

But he was charging with all his strength, and he had to allow some relief time to stabilize his body.

In just a moment, the purple energy with the magical power to scatter demons, destroy demons' essence, corrode demons' limbs, and refine demons and return them to their origins invaded deeper and disintegrated all his powers. With his ability to resist, he dragged his huge white bear body back into the pot and suppressed it in the deepest part of the world in the pot.

If the two sides were fighting head-on, even if Ma Ji released the purple energy in the pot, he might not be able to capture Xiong Qing's true form. Now that he had underestimated the enemy and sent him to his door, Ma Ji naturally smiled and accepted it unceremoniously.

But after all, Ma Ji has not yet fully mastered the "demon refining pot", an artifact. Although he was lucky enough to suppress such a big demon into the pot, it will take a lot of water grinding to refine it.

It was a fluke to get such an advantage once. For Zhan Botian, another demon god, Ma Ji needed to use his true talents and knowledge to fight with him.


He put away the "Demon Refining Pot", showed the "Cicada Wing Knife" and said hello at the same time.


The "Cicada Wing Knife" appeared in the palm of Jiaona who was already eager to try. Her aura was exuding, and she was clearly in the realm of fourth-level elixir holding.

Moreover, under the mysterious influence of the "Lingxi Curse", her strength rose rapidly, and she was now on the same level as Ma Ji at the level of third-level thunder calamity.

The two "cicada-wing knives" bloomed with brilliant brilliance, forming two huge nine-grade lotus flowers. With the improvement of their cultivation and the deepening of their understanding of sword techniques, the "Bidding Lotus Opening" style produced more mysterious changes in the hands of the two people.

The eighty-one petals on the nine layers were changed from outward to inward. As the petals converged inward, the black wind in the sky stirred up by Zhan Botian's wings in the form of the divine eagle seemed to be subject to great invisible restraint, and it flew across the sky like a funnel. Tighten it up until it disappears completely within the closed bud.

"Double dragon tail cut!"

The bright sword light of the two "Cicada Wing Swords" turned into two long rainbows in the sky, like two long dragons with their heads and tails intersecting. They instantly approached the true form of the divine eagle that was spread out in the sky. They opened and closed like giant scissors, heading towards The head and neck of the silver-feathered giant eagle with a wingspan of over a hundred feet was cut off.

Zhanbo Tian's body suddenly shrank to the size of a normal falcon, and he regarded himself as a divine weapon. The beak, sharp claws, and wings were the indestructible edge of the divine weapon. In the blink of an eye, he made tens of millions of blows with the giant scissors transformed by the light of the sword. Each time they struck, the two sword lights were wiped out bit by bit.


Ma Ji and Jiao Na's sword power changed again, and the sword light turned into a series of crystal-clear light as thin as hair, criss-crossing like a net. The sharp and condensed sword light cut through the air at extremely high speed, making a sound or loud noise. Or low and strange sounds, connected into a breathtaking fantasy movement.

Using "refining swords into silk" to evolve the strings, using "sword energy and thunder sounds" to play music, integrating the two supreme swordsmanship into one, is the complete version of this "harp and harp" style.

The ultimate concentration and speed, coupled with the unparalleled sharpness of the "Cicada Wing Knife", the world's sharpest weapon, even a monster giant like Zhan Botian who has survived the two catastrophes of thunder and fire, dare not take advantage of it.

He let out a high-pitched chirp, and the vibration of his wings suddenly increased his speed to a level faster than the "Sword Qi Thunder Sound".

The sky was filled with slender sword lights that intertwined into a network, but they could only chase behind him but could never touch his body.

Such rapid speed would inevitably consume a lot of real energy, but Zhan Botian was sure that with all his efforts, he would be able to surpass the two juniors who had improved their strength with unknown secret techniques.

"Unbreakable connection!"

Ma Ji suddenly let out a low shout.

The dense silk-like sword lights suddenly converged and merged, and the last two sword lights collided with each other, making a loud thunderbolt sound and then disappeared into thin air.

Zhan Botian noticed the strange change behind him, and his five senses and spiritual senses could no longer capture the existence of the two opponents. It was as if the two people disappeared between heaven and earth out of thin air. A strong sense of danger arose in his heart, and he immediately used "Unchangeable" With the strategy of "responding to all changes", the wings vibrated rapidly, and the speed was increased by a few points. What I thought was that no matter what powerful killing moves you have, as long as you can't catch up with me, it will be useless.

Suddenly, he felt a chill pass through his body. Before he could react, his body was evenly divided into two pieces from tail to head.

Ma Ji and Jiao Na appeared together, their faces were as pale as paper, and it was obvious that their true energy had been greatly depleted.

Ma Ji first took out the "Demon Refining Pot" and collected Zhan Botian's corpse, then mustered up the last bit of strength, half-carrying Jiao Na, who was completely out of strength, and turned around to leave the battlefield far away.

When he finally came back, he saw Wang Heng using his killing move. With the help of the "Tian Mending Stone", he transformed into a three-headed and six-armed form. The attack of the six-port long sword was like a violent storm, breaking through Bai Wentian's defense. , and cut off his head with one knife.

At the same time, countless snowflakes suddenly fell in the sky, and the Dharma King of Light appeared out of thin air. Although his face was pale and exhausted like Ma Ji and the others, his eyes were full of joy.

He clasped his hands to Wang Heng and said, "Fortunately, I have not disgraced my mission. I would like to ask Marquis Weining to take care of me in my future missionary work."

(End of this chapter)

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