Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 349 Dragon Slaying Bureau

Chapter 349 Dragon Slaying Bureau
Dayu's army and horses trampled on the northern barbarian royal court, and the commander-in-chief Wang Lie sealed the wolf in Xu, establishing the merits of destroying the country.

The news spread back to the Central Plains, and the whole country was shocked and rejoiced.

In recent years, Long'an Emperor Li Hui had gradually gotten rid of the constraints from the Queen Mother and other kings.

After this battle, his reputation immediately climbed to its peak, surpassing the Yongxi Emperor Li Zhuo who had mixed reputations, and directly catching up with Taizu Wu Emperor Li Geng.

With the blessing of this great momentum, Li Hui's decision to formally ennoble Li Hang as the prince did not meet any resistance on the grounds of Li Hang's three years of service in supervising the army in the north.

Li Hang must return to Beijing immediately after receiving the order.

Ma Ji received another order from Li Hui and appointed him as the second-grade Zhenbei pacification ambassador. He was fully responsible for further implementing the "Pinglu Policy" previously set by their monarchs and ministers, bringing the grassland barbarians under Dayu's control, and completely wiping out the North. Border troubles.

Although he had a complete plan, and his father-in-law and wife commanded an army to cooperate and support without reservation, it was Ma Ji who really sorted out the myriad affairs and arranged them one by one, putting everything on the right track. Two years later.

During the past two years, he had brought his parents and Lin Jin, who had finished their mourning period, to the North, and officially brought Jiao Na into his room.

Today, Ma Jishang has his parents in the hall, a lovely wife and concubine by his side, and he is a high-ranking official. His own cultivation relies on the various elixirs made from the three demon gods in the "Demon Refining Pot". He has made rapid progress, and now he has reached the peak of the third-level thunder calamity in both martial arts and Taoism. Except for the fact that he has not yet given birth to an heir with his wife and concubines, his life is completely complete.

Because Ma Ji's reputation in the north was growing, his father-in-law Wang Lie and his wife Wang Heng, who had been promoted to Duke, also had heavy military forces. In the past two years, people often made suggestions to Long'an Emperor Li Hui and even Prince Li Hang, suggesting that Ma Ji should be transferred elsewhere. , or reduce the military power of Wang Lie's father and daughter to prevent the unbearable incident from happening.

Cao Jirong seemed to have some concerns: "In the past, Xu Hongru was at the second level of Taoism and Fire Tribulation. No one knows whether he has gone further now. Why didn't Your Majesty ask Grand Master Yuan to take action?"

Cao Jirong knew what he meant, and said with a smile: "What your Majesty said is absolutely true. Just like Xu Hongru, the demon from the White Lotus Sect, even though he had remained anonymous for many years and did some shady things in the gutter, he was still poached by your Majesty. Come out. Just wait until Li Ting sweeps the hole, and then we can completely eradicate the cause of this troubled world!"

Speaking of Li Hui, this emperor is also quite strange. Before he could really take power, he worked hard to consolidate his power. Now that he is really in power, he willfully delegates all the power of state affairs to the prince Li Hang, while he will give up all the powers he spent in his early years. Arowana's preference for wearing clothes became even more intense. He often took Cao Jirong, the chief steward, to travel incognito, and he would go further and further away. Sometimes he would not return to the palace for ten and a half months.

On this day, Li Hui and Cao Jirong walked to Qilu territory and climbed to the top of the Jade Emperor of Mount Tai to watch the sunrise.

Li Hui nodded and said: "It seems that the Embroidery Guard did a good job this time. Finally, we followed some clues to find Xu Hongru's hiding place."

Li Hui shook his head and said: "Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult for the Grand Master to suppress his cultivation. Normally, it is fine. Once he takes action, it is very likely that the laws of heaven and earth will be triggered and he will be forced to ascend to the upper world. What's more, since I am here in person, I am on guard against Xu Hongru. Break through to the first level of wind calamity and prove your soul.”

However, both Li Hui and Li Hang remained unmoved and shelved all the remonstrances.

Looking at the red light gushing out from the junction of the sky and the earth and the red sun jumping out after it, Li Hui was bold and generous, and said with a smile: "Now the power of my great Yu is like this." On a red sun, there are always some little ones lurking in the dark, and when the sun dissipates the haze, there will naturally be no place for them to hide!”

At this point, he raised his hands and clenched them into fists, sighing: "Since I experienced how it felt to not even be able to protect my wife and children, I asked the Grand Master for guidance and understanding of the sacred weapon of the country, the 'Kongtong Seal', and my understanding of the Five Emperors." I have truly mastered the 'Martial Emperor Dragon Fist' created by Taizu, but I have never had the opportunity to use it freely!"

"Since Your Majesty is so elegant, I should accompany you!"

Suddenly, a deep laughter came from the vast sea of ​​clouds ahead. Li Hui and Cao Jirong changed their colors together, and then they saw the boundless sea of ​​clouds parting to both sides, revealing a thoroughfare leading directly to the top of Mount Tai. A Taoist priest wearing a lotus crown and Bagua robe, with a strange appearance and an immortal spirit. Stepping on the void and arriving leisurely.

"Xu Hongru!"

Li Hui looked solemn as he revealed the identity of the person.

Xu Hongru shook his sleeves, and a round human head flew out and landed in front of Li Hui. His face was upward and his eyes were wide open. It turned out to be Xin Jing, the commander of the Xiuyi Guards, whom Li Hui relied heavily on.

When he saw the head, Li Hui was not surprised, and his tone was calm: "So, the fact that Xiuyiwei was able to find your trace this time was actually done intentionally by you, and the purpose was to lure me in." Are you in the net?”

Xu Hongru said with a smile: "Your Majesty has a clear view of thousands of miles, so I can't hide the calculations of a poor Taoist from you."

The words were compliments, but coupled with the facts before him, the compliments became the most bitter irony.

Li Hui was not embarrassed at all, but slowly raised his right foot and took a step forward.


When he stepped down, it seemed to contain endless mighty power that could shake mountains and seas. The Jade Emperor's Peak shook violently under his feet, and the earth and rocks on the mountain wall slid down.

"But I'm very curious. Even if I fall into your net, how can you determine whether the outcome will be a fish death or a broken net!"

Xu Hongru said calmly: "Whether the fish dies or the net is broken, naturally we have to do something to find out, please!"

After saying that, a gigantic white lotus bud suddenly appeared behind him, and its closed petals bloomed layer by layer. A golden Buddha, as towering as a mountain, sat cross-legged among it. He shouted with angry eyes, and the sound was like a bell, shaking the world: "Buddha from the East. Lord Maitreya is here, the king of the lower world has not taken refuge yet!”

Li Hui sneered disdainfully: "If you want to practice Taoism, then practice Taoism, and if you want to practice Zen, then practice Zen. It's really just making people laugh if you turn the Pure Yang Spirit, which has gone through three tribulations of thunder, fire, and wind, into a nondescript form to pretend to be a ghost. !”

"Arrogant!" The Buddha's golden body took on the look of an angry-eyed Vajra and shouted angrily, "How dare you blaspheme the Buddha? Look at my Five-Finger Magic Mountain Town, I will suppress you and never stand up!"

After shouting, he raised a golden palm that was huge enough to cover the entire Jade Emperor's crown, turned it downwards, and a golden "卍" character in the palm shone brightly and rotated around, and the five slightly curved fingers were like five inverted towers. The peaks are surrounded by five colors of green, yellow, red, white and black, which condense the power of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The five qi circulate and circulate endlessly.

Li Hui stood proudly and muttered: "It's so flashy, are you trying to hit people or scare people?"

After saying that, he sat down on the horse with his waist lowered and his right fist placed on his waist. The same five-color light of green, yellow, red, white and black was wrapped around his fist. When the giant hand that covered the sky could reach the top of his head, he twisted his body and punched in the sky, drinking in his mouth. A cry: "Broken!"

(End of this chapter)

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