Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 350 The inanimate arrow falls on the Emperor Star

Chapter 350 The inanimate arrow falls on the Emperor Star

A punch can split the sky and shatter the void.

Under Li Hui's punch, which contained incomparable terrifying power, the golden mass as huge and heavy as a mountain exploded into pieces, turning into golden light that filled the sky.

When Li Hui moved his hands, he was not at all like his usual imperial demeanor, but rather violent and unyielding when he had the upper hand, and had to beat his opponent to death with a pair of fists before giving up.

He rose up from the air like lightning, rushed towards Xu Hongru who had integrated his true body into the Buddha's golden body, and punched the golden Buddha's head head on.

The golden light flashed from the half-cut arm of the Buddha's golden body, and the disappeared palms grew again. At the same time, four arms grew from the back, and two heads grew from the neck, turning into a three-headed and six-armed body. Each of the six hands held a knife, Six weapons, including swords, halberds, clubs, pestles, and wheels, fell towards Li Hui's head and face, and each blow was as powerful as a mountain.

Li Hui was not afraid. He raised and lowered his fists quickly, hitting the six weapons without dodging or evading them. He punched these six extremely heavy, hard and sharp weapons until gaps and dents appeared continuously.

In this fierce battle, he broke through the attack and defense of his opponent's six weapons three times, and punched away a certain part of the Buddha's golden body after getting close.

It's a pity that although the Buddha's golden body is not "indestructible", it seems to be "immortal". Even if his head is exploded, it can grow back intact in an instant. Although Li Hui's "Martial Emperor Dragon Fist" is extremely domineering, it still does In less than one blow, the golden body was completely shattered and annihilated.

As a result, Li Hui seemed to be holding Xu Hongru down and beating him violently, but he was never able to truly establish a winning streak.


Li Hui paused his offensive and stood in the void. He sneered disdainfully and said, "You evil cult monsters are smart enough to believe that people who practice Taoism have Buddhas in their hearts. Even if you know you are fake, you will unconsciously have some scruples when taking action. But as the Son of Heaven, I carry out punishments on behalf of Heaven, and there are no taboos. Today, I will peel off your golden armor and reveal your demonic appearance to the world!"

However, Li Hui, who was in the fierce battle, and Cao Jirong, who was watching the battle below, were both very human. They immediately caught the existence of this sound. Because it was almost inaudible, they subconsciously listened carefully, and then they heard that the sound was only eight times over and over again. This word means "put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately"!
When the Sanskrit sound enters the ears, people immediately feel a sense of peace in their hearts, but their eyes are slightly confused.

Five divine dragon phantoms in green, yellow, red, white, and black colors suddenly appeared behind Li Hui. They all raised their heads and let out a high-pitched dragon roar.

Just as the two were entangled in a fierce battle, faint Sanskrit chanting suddenly came from the air. The sound was so subtle at first that it was almost difficult to hear it.

"Whoever is pretending to be a ghost, get out of here!"

The lips and teeth of the golden body of the Buddha opened and closed, and the vast and deep voice filled the heaven and earth: "The Tathagata of the West is here, and the kings of the people in the lower world have not taken refuge!"

"Namo Amitabha!"

Li Hui turned around and punched while shouting violently, and a yellow dragon shadow behind him merged into the force of his fist. His body expanded a hundred times, and the illusory body became thick and solid, and it wandered around and headed towards somewhere in the void.

The yellow dragon jumped into the golden light and was instantly annihilated like a mud cow entering the sea.

With the sound of the Buddha's name, another golden body of the Buddha appeared cross-legged on a nine-grade golden lotus. With his palms clasped together, he immediately burst into immeasurable golden light like a sun.

The roar of the dragon shook the sky, instantly dispelling the misty Sanskrit sounds, and Li Hui and Cao Jirong also woke up immediately.

These methods are obviously better than Xu Hongru.

Before he finished speaking, he phantomed thousands of pairs of arms and punched hundreds of thousands of punches in the air in an instant.

The five-color divine dragon phantom behind him divided into hundreds and thousands, all of which merged with his fists.

The dragon's roar shook the sky, and densely packed five-color giant dragons instantly filled the world, rushing towards the two golden bodies of Buddha from all directions. "My Buddha is merciful, and my angry eyes can cast down demons!"

The two golden statues of Buddha shouted with anger and anger at the same time.

Xu Hongru's golden body was spinning around, with three heads looking in all directions and ears listening in all directions, and six arms dancing around with six weapons that circled around him like windmills, colliding with the five-color dragon rushing towards him.

Every blow from both sides shook the sky and the earth, and the boundless sea of ​​clouds around them had long been shaken to pieces by their terrifying power.

Another golden body spread its clasped palms forward and pushed them forward. Countless golden palm prints flew out, connecting vertically and horizontally with each other, turning into a golden wall that stretched across the sky and the earth.

The roaring dragon hit the golden wall again and again. Although it was slightly dented, it failed to destroy it.

Cao Jirong below saw the battle situation in the air in a state of anxiety, thinking that the other party would lead His Majesty into a trap. Apart from the two powerful enemies in front of him, there may not be any other back-ups. The situation at this moment is that the longer it drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be to his side.

For the current plan, I have to find a way to break the situation and make His Majesty escape as soon as possible.

After having this idea in his mind, his eyes fell on Xu Hongru's golden body - compared to the other unknown enemy, he was obviously weaker and the most suitable party to break through.

His skill slowly increased, and after reaching the limit of the third-level thunder tribulation realm of his martial arts, he did not stop but continued to rise until he finally stopped when he reached the peak of the second-level fire tribulation realm.

At this moment, there was an abnormal blush on his face, and his eyes were as bright as two bright stars. He suddenly let out a high-pitched laugh, transformed into a rainbow light and went straight into the sky, rushing into the golden Buddha who was wielding six weapons to fight against the five-color dragon. He stepped forward and crashed into the six falling weapons.


Cao Jirong's body was shattered like porcelain under the blows of six weapons as heavy as mountains. The power that erupted in his body even exceeded the limit of the second-grade fire disaster, but it successfully disrupted the flawless cooperation of the six weapons.

Li Hui saw that the corpse of the loyal old man who had followed him for many years was gone. A look of sadness and regret flashed in his eyes, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

As he shouted the word "Death!" with a strong murderous intent on his face, he broke into the gap between the six weapons in a flash, and punched the golden body's chest with his hand, blasting out a weapon as big as a city. A large hole the size of a door, transparent from front to back.

This time, he didn't wait for the golden body to recover. The hundreds and thousands of five-color dragons behind him had turned into hundreds of meteors and hit the incomplete golden body. The continuous terrifying power covered the entire golden body and the Xu hidden in it. Hongru's true body was smashed into pieces and then disappeared into ashes.

On the Taiping Peak of Culai Mountain, which is far away from the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai, Taotie, one of the Nine Dragons of the White Lotus Sect, stands steadily holding the big bow.

When Li Hui killed Xu Hongru with one blow, he did not look back at the other enemy. Just when he was about to run away as fast as possible, he suddenly lowered his waist and sat on his horse, opened his arms and drew his bow.

Originally, the cultivation level of the third-level thunder tribulation realm increased rapidly with the force of firing the bow, and like the previous Cao Jirong, he only climbed to the peak of the second-level fire tribulation.

"No living arrow!"

After whispering the name of the most powerful arrow he shot in his life, he loosened his fingers and the bowstring vibrated, turning his whole body into an arrow and shooting out.

His arrow exploded into a ball of blood mist after leaving the string. During the flight, it converged inward and condensed into a scarlet arrow three feet long and as thick as a finger. It flew over dozens of people in an instant at a speed that exceeded Li Hui's reaction ability. The distance passed through his heart like thin paper.

Before Li Hui screamed, a giant thousand-legged centipede with an earthy yellow carapace and ferocious bone spurs flew out of another golden body. It opened its ferocious mouthparts and swallowed him whole!
(End of this chapter)

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