Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 218 Shura panics, Poseidon’s life hangs by a thread

God Realm, the center of God Realm.

On the huge observation wall.

God Shura frowned and observed the situation in the lower realm.

Relying on these eight walls at the center of the God Realm, they, the law enforcers of the God Realm, can easily observe all the lower planes to which the Douluo God Realm belongs.

Whenever there is any disturbance in the lower realm, law enforcers like them can be informed immediately through the center of the God Realm.

In this way, the law enforcers know these things and can make arrangements for things in the lower realm as soon as possible.


Relying on the center of the divine world.

God Shura has been observing the situation in the lower realm.

Even because of what happened on Douluo Continent, the observations in the center of the God Realm were strange, so he forcibly hid these things by relying on his own abilities.

In this way, the other four divine kings, the God of Good, the God of Evil, the God of Destruction and the God of Life, will not be truly alarmed.


After getting all this under control.

After hiding all of this.

From the bottom of his heart, he suddenly began to feel a little less confident.

"Poseidon is definitely no match for Qian Renyu!"

"A mere Douluo Continent can give birth to a top being like Qian Renyu. One Poseidon is definitely not enough!"

"There is also the Silver Dragon King, who is eyeing him. If Poseidon can't be alert, he will easily fall into the lower world!"

"Damn it! It's just to protect Tang San. If Poseidon falls in the end, wouldn't it cause the entire God Realm to be in turmoil?"

"At that time, even if I wanted to keep hiding these things, I wouldn't be able to do it!"

God Shura said to himself.

I was thinking about many things and realized that things were beginning to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

His eyebrows suddenly furrowed deeply.

For the first time, he felt very irritable.

In the past, in the God Realm, although it was not enough to be a true one-word speaker in the God Realm, it was not far behind.

Enforcement, enforcement!
Most of the time, he thinks he can handle everything.

For example, what is happening in Douluo Continent now.

In fact, it had always been arranged by him personally.

Precisely because he can arrange all these things, he feels that such things are still very controllable.


The situation at this moment made it impossible for him to see the signs of being able to continue to control these things.

"I hope this guy Poseidon won't be so useless!"

"Anyway, in the past, people have relied on their own abilities to become gods alone. They can achieve the status of gods by themselves without relying on the inheritance of divine status."

"You shouldn't be so weak, and let a human from the lower world rebel against you!"

God Shura said to himself.

Thinking about Poseidon's status in the divine world.

Compare that to when Poseidon became a god on his own.

Moreover, among the many main gods in the God Realm, Poseidon is also unique.

Slightly, I felt a little at peace in my heart.



Poseidon didn't know what God Shura was thinking.

Constantly parrying Qian Renyu's attacks, he felt deep in his heart that something was not right with his situation.

A majestic first-level god, but he has always been suppressed by a lower-world human like Qian Renyu.

If word spreads, no one will believe it!
The most important thing is...

No matter how you improve your strength, no matter how you show yourself.

From the beginning to the end, Qian Renyu's abilities were stronger than his own, making it impossible for him to break free. "Damn it, this human lunatic named Qian Renyu!"

"This guy, what on earth does he want to do?!"

Poseidon felt a little anxious.

For a while, I couldn't quite understand what Qian Renyu was thinking at this time.

Without thinking at all, he never imagined that Qian Renyu would have the idea of ​​​​defeating him here at this moment.

Moreover, it is impossible to imagine that Qian Renyu has always been stronger than him, just to make him relax his vigilance and release his strength step by step.

Until the end, when the divine power was almost exhausted, he no longer had the ability to escape even if he wanted to.

"Slaying the God, are you really going to succeed?"

Bo Saixi watched from a distance.

He was unable to participate in the battle, but he still knew how powerful Qian Renyu was.

At this moment, Qian Renyu didn't seem to be as strong as against Gu Yuena.

There are already speculations in my mind.

"According to what Qian Renyu said, what I have on my body should be a kind of curse from God!"

"He can help me stay strong, but if Poseidon dies, will these curses still exist on me?"

"Or, at that time, I had to embark on such a path, because my martial soul was the Poseidon's martial soul, and Poseidon had fallen, and my martial soul had lost its source."

Bo Saixi was confused.

However, now that things have developed to this point, she also knows that things are beyond her control.

Regardless of whether Poseidon will fall here.

It seems that it is not that important.

"Human, what do you want to do?"

Another period of time passed.

Vaguely, Poseidon already felt something was wrong.

After realizing that Qian Renyu might really be playing a big game of chess, he felt a little unsteady.

Hearing this, Qian Renyu smiled lightly: "As gods, you still don't know my true purpose after fighting for so long?"


Poseidon was even more puzzled.

However, Qian Renyu didn’t need to explain too much this time.

Following Qian Renyu's gaze, he suddenly noticed that every time Qian Renyu used the sword of the four-color divine seal, the sword light was blocked at his side.

Many sword lights appeared densely packed at this moment.

It seems disorganized, but in fact it covers everything.

"All my roads back to the God Realm are blocked?"

"If I want to forcefully return to the God Realm, I still need to rush out of these sword lights!"

"Just rushing out like this will consume a lot of my divine power, and if I continue to consume my divine power now."

"Let's not talk about whether I can continue to rush out. Even if I can, I won't be able to continue to resist this guy..."


Poseidon gasped.

After fully realizing what Qian Renyu wanted to do.

His eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.

"How dare you, human boy!!!"

Poseidon yelled.

Somehow, he felt a little panicked.

The sense of danger of losing his life swept through his limbs and bones.

Qian Renyu whispered indifferently: "Have you come to your senses? Do you think it's ridiculous for me to want to kill the gods here?"

"Since ancient times, there has been no rule that only gods can judge mortals!"

"In my place, mortals can also fight back and kill gods!" (End of this chapter)

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