Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 219 Ren Yu’s Game, Poseidon’s Twilight

really! !
Poseidon woke up with a start.

I already had some guesses in my mind.

Qian Renyu responded like this.

Thoroughly, confirming everything.

No wonder she always felt something was wrong, her feelings Qian Renyu had always been waiting for her here.

Deliberately relaxing all offensives, just to fill the sky and universe with the invisible light of the sword.

And all these preparations are so that when he wants to escape, he must use his divine power to offset it.

If you don't use your divine power, you will definitely not be able to break through the siege.

If you use your divine power, your own divine power will definitely not be able to keep up.

final result--

Fall! ! !

Poseidon thought of the terrible consequences.

Gulu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and for some reason suddenly didn't dare to be arrogant in this matter.

At the very beginning, in order to ensure that Tang San could successfully obtain the recognition of the Seagod, he came down specifically to intervene.

Moreover, Tang San was also sent to Poseidon Island.

In order to allow Tang San to get cover, he even stepped forward to show off his divine power.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this posture is very proud and can make people very domineering.

But in the end...

Everything now is changing everything.

His majesty as a sea god was not as good as Qian Renyu's preparations.

This guy Qian Renyu seems to want to reverse everything, and he wants to completely lose the majesty of the gods here.


"Absolutely not!"

"I, Poseidon, am the God of the Sea, how could I lose my life in the lower world!"

"There is no need to be unruly. Gods judge mortals. That is an eternal law!"

"Mortals who dare to rebel against the majesty of the gods have only one way to be judged!"

Poseidon is a little crazy.

I can't imagine my own demise.

Roaring over this kind of thing, the Poseidon Trident in his hand seemed to undergo a slight transformation.

Qian Renyu ignored Poseidon's reaction at this moment.

From the bottom of his heart, seeing Poseidon's reaction at this moment, he actually felt a little ridiculed.

Generally speaking, he doesn't want to mock anyone.

In his opinion, it is unnecessary to ridicule people, because as a strong man, there is no need to look down on the weak.

after all……

Everyone grows up from the weak.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi...

For such a thing, no one can clearly know the future.

So under normal circumstances, such a thing will not happen.

But this time, Qian Renyu felt that he couldn't control it.


Poseidon, the first-level main god of the God Realm!


But because he was about to fall into the lower world, he began to lose his manners.

The so-called gods still chose to panic when life and death were at stake. There was no real sense of the so-called gods.

It's just a fall, just a life.

In this aspect, Qian Renyu felt that he might do better than Poseidon.

Even if he is very powerful now, if he really encounters an unchangeable or invincible opponent.


He will fall into the opponent's hands.

Qian Renyu can be sure that when that time comes, he will face it calmly.

What a panic, what a disregard for all his manners.

Sorry, this kind of thing cannot exist with him!

"No more nonsense!"

"Everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared." "Next, it's time for me to send you on your way!"

"You became a god from Douluo Star, let you fall on Douluo Star!"

"After all, it can be considered as letting your soul return to your hometown, allowing you to return everything you have learned from Douluo Star!"

Qian Renyu whispered lightly.

With the last words falling.

In an instant, the four-color divine seal sword began to emit truly brilliant light.

Different from the first one, the first four-color divine seal sword seems to be a little false.

But at this moment...

After the sword of the four-color divine seal truly showed its edge.

The clanking sound echoed with the sword light all over the dome.

Every time he responds, there will be a void of space slashing towards Poseidon to kill him.

Poseidon was dodging everything in a very embarrassed manner.

Looking around, looking at the sword light that appeared from time to time, my heart was completely in my throat.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

"If this continues, I will definitely perish here!"

"Next, I still can't let this go, I must really fight to the death!"

Poseidon took a deep breath.

Thinking of his own killer move.

Watching Qian Renyu rush towards him at this moment.

Suddenly, the Poseidon Trident stood up in front of him, and the terrifying Poseidon power began to burst out.

"Qian Renyu, I am the mighty Poseidon!"

"In so many years, I have created a set of magical skills!"

"Now, I will let you know how extraordinary my god level is!"

"Next, I will make you repent in my god level, and I will make you completely fall here!"

Poseidon continued to promote himself.

Thirteen afterimages began to form on the side of the body, and these afterimages were all corresponding to the performance of a magical skill.

Every magical skill seems really extraordinary at first glance.

But if you look closely, you can feel some emptiness in these magical skills.

Qian Renyu saw all this in his eyes and determined what Poseidon planned to do. He couldn't help but have a smile on his lips.

"Is this what you call the thirteenth move?"

“Poseidon’s Twilight?!?”

Qian Renyu smiled coldly, not taking Poseidon's words seriously at all.

He knew Poseidon's situation so well that he didn't need to worry about Poseidon at all.


That's what he said.

Poseidon was awakened on the spot.

Looking at Qian Renyu in disbelief, he even doubted whether he had told Qian Renyu about his abilities before.

Twilight of Poseidon! ! !
This is the most powerful move among his self-created magical skills.

In the past, not many gods in the God Realm knew of his moves like this.


In the past, no one was worthy of him actually using this trick.

Qian Renyu knew about the move that he had never used before?

This, this, this...

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Qian Renyu Madman, where did you know my moves?" Poseidon was a little anxious.

Hearing this, Qian Renyu didn't give any answer, but just looked at Poseidon with indifferent eyes.

He felt it was a waste of time to explain too much.

The four-color divine seal sword stood up quietly, and then pointed straight towards Poseidon in a very strange way.

No matter how much Poseidon's divine power surged, he had no idea of ​​an explanation.

The more Qian Renyu acted like this, the less at ease Poseidon felt.

The brewing Poseidon Twilight started suddenly and felt a little weak.

I, the god of the sea, Poseidon, suddenly panicked, as if I was going to die here. What should I do?
Waiting online, it's quite urgent... (End of chapter)

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