Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 241 The gods shut themselves off and the discovery of the God of Destruction

boom! boom! boom!

The God of Destruction made no move.

Qian Renyu didn't make any move.

The two of them walked towards each other very calmly.


Even though they were walking towards each other very calmly, there was already a very terrifying sense of oppression between them.

The space between the two began to tremble crazily, and cracks began to form between them.

"Your strength is indeed very strong!"

"It is not easy for a human body to reach such a level!"

The God of Destruction clicked his tongue in surprise.

Feel the power of Qian Renyu at close range.

From the bottom of my heart, I felt like I had met someone with the same mindset.

Qian Renyu pursed his lips with a slight smile: "Gods are just powerful humans. You can reach where you are now, and I can reach where I am now. This is not an exaggeration!"

"Furthermore, you are the God King and one of the law enforcers in the God Realm. Compared with ordinary gods, it is just because you control part of the origin!"

"When all these are discarded, in fact you are just ordinary people!"

Very interesting!

The God of Destruction couldn't help but want to laugh.

Hearing Qian Renyu's opinions, I suddenly felt like I regretted seeing each other too late.

If only I could have met Qian Renyu earlier, if what happened today had not happened, if I could have worked with Qian Renyu in the God Realm.

After thinking about it for a moment, the God of Destruction felt that such a day was very promising.

what a shame!
If nothing else, he should be a very good ally.

just now……

But they need each other's hands.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how powerful you can be!"

"In Douluo Continent terms, this should be your martial spirit!"

"Your martial spirit gives people a very mysterious feeling. I hope to feel the true strength from you!"

"Next, don't let me down. Since you know that I control the source of destruction, then I..."

"Under the source of destruction, everything will be annihilated!"


The voice of the God of Destruction fell.

The purple-black power suddenly took shape.

Complete destructive power burst out in front of him in an instant.

Any little bit of power is enough to make a titled Douluo fall.

And the combined power of these can easily destroy a second-level god.

Even Poseidon, who is at the pinnacle of strength among the first-level gods, will definitely be unable to withstand these destructive powers.

Although the death is not inevitable, it will definitely be tragic.


Qian Renyu whispered.

The sword of the four-color divine seal was gently raised.

The skills previously used in the God's Seal Throne of Doom and Killing can now be used under the Four-Color God's Seal Throne.

The light of judgment instantly illuminated the sky.

The power of destruction is purple-black.

The power of judgment is orange.

Two different lusters collided in an instant.

The forces that complement each other set off a surging wave on the dome.


The waves are rolling.

Below is the endless sea.

The sea is rough and the waves are huge. Above the dome.

Pure power formed another strange sea area.

Powers are intertwining and laws are galloping.

The power of destruction and the power of judgment collided fiercely.


The God of Destruction took a step back slightly.

The moment the destructive power was offset by the judgment power, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

After Xiruo saw the power of judgment thoroughly, a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Such power seems to give people a very familiar taste."

“Hiss—have I seen such power elsewhere before?”

The God of Destruction was thoughtful.

Thinking about these things carefully, it always feels like deja vu.


When I really think about it, I don’t know where this déjà vu is.

Qian Renyu heard such whispers from the God of Destruction.

He looked at the God of Destruction with interest and looked at it for a while.

Or get rid of all unnecessary thoughts from your mind.


The God of Destruction came to his senses.

I want to ask Qian Renyu one, two, three, four.

But before he could say anything, Qian Renyu slashed out with another sword.

There are no fancy moves, just a very ordinary slash.

A very bland and ordinary slash, and he rushed towards the God of Destruction again.

Regardless of continuing to ask, the God of Destruction caught some strange light in Qian Renyu's eyes.

Decisively swallowing back all the words he wanted to ask, facing Qian Renyu's slashing sword edge, he once again condensed a ball of extremely pure destructive power.


The destructive power collided with the sword edge again.

Fireworks went off everywhere and the waves shook the sky.

The surrounding gods who did not take action and the first-level main gods who did not retreat all frowned at this moment.

From the battle between Qian Renyu and the God of Destruction, they truly felt how terrifying each other's power was.


There were some second-level gods and third-level priests who were reluctant before, but now they saw Qian Renyu parrying the God of Destruction very calmly.

Involuntarily, I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"The strength of this human being is really terrifying!"

"Douluo Continent is really a very sinful place. I never expected that such a terrifying human being could be born on such a plane!"

"If only human beings can reach such a level, wouldn't it mean that we, the gods, are so shameless?"

"Let's wait for the Lord Destruction Law Enforcer to take down this human being! After taking down this human being, we should also cooperate with the Lord Shura Law Enforcer to take down the Silver Dragon King!"

"When the time comes, we will imprison this Silver Dragon King in the Forbidden Land, and fundamentally resolve the crisis in Douluo Continent!"

Several of the secondary gods were talking in low voices.

While talking, he looked towards Gu Yuena and at the same time towards God Shura.

God Shura is naturally also paying attention to Gu Yuena's situation, but Gu Yuena hasn't taken action yet, and he is not in a hurry to take action.

Part of his mind was focused on the battle between the God of Destruction and Qian Renyu, and he had a strange thought deep in his heart.

Tang San was not far away. After part of his divine throne was abolished, he was now full of anger.

Whether it was Qian Renyu or the God of Destruction, he had reached the point of hating him to the core.

Therefore, the only one who can rely on is Shura God, so he naturally sees many situations of Shura God in his eyes.

When he saw some changes in the expressions in Shura God's eyes, his whole body reacted immediately.

At the same time, a superb light appeared in his eyes. (End of chapter)

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