Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 242 Shura God Old 6, threatening the God of Destruction!

"Lord Shura God, what is this?"

Tang San took a deep breath.

Relying on such discoveries.

I slightly thought about Setsuna on this matter.

In an instant, he figured out everything that God Shura wanted to do.

God Shura realized that Tang San had guessed what he wanted to do, and there was a playful smile on his lips.

The gaze that glanced at Tang San was somewhat meaningful.


He is worthy of being the person of inheritance that I like.

Such ability to comprehend is very suitable for his position as Shura God!
Only people like Tang San who sit on the position of Shura God in the future can truly accomplish what he has been trying to accomplish for so long.

Spirit world! There will be no voice of the God of Destruction then!

Even if there is...

Tang San, as the new Shura God at that time, could definitely suppress these voices!

"Shura, what do you want to do?"

Tang San's mood swings immediately attracted the attention of the God of Good and the God of Evil.

After noticing Tang San's mood swings, he also noticed that something was wrong with God Shura's situation, and asked in a deep voice.


God Shura did not give any answer.

I originally planned to wait for an opportunity.

Hear what the God of Kindness and the God of Destruction say.

In an instant, the Shura Demonic Sword curved into a half-moon arc in his hand.

next second...

God Shura, whose whole body was covered in dark red magic armor, turned into an afterimage and appeared in the middle of the battlefield between the God of Destruction and Qian Renyu.

"Shura, what are you doing?!"

The God of Destruction roared angrily: "This is the battlefield between me and this human named Qian Renyu. Why are you interfering?!"

Hearing this, God Shura did not give any reply.

After interfering in the battlefield between Qian Renyu and the God of Destruction, he immediately used the Shura Demon Sword to kill Qian Renyu.

Qian Renyu is very strong.

However, it really compares with the level of God King like them.

In the final analysis, there are still many shortcomings.

Facing the God of Destruction, Qian Renyu will definitely put a lot of strength and attention on the God of Destruction.

at this time……

As long as you find the right opportunity, you can completely eliminate Qian Renyu.

This was what he had in mind at this moment.

"Shura, you are really despicable!"

At this time, Gu Yuena let out a roar.

At the same time, the roar of the dragon shook the sky and the earth.

The bright silver light and shadow rushed over, and the silver-white spear thrust out at the Shura Demon Sword of God Shura.


The silver dragon spear collided with the Shura Demonic Sword.

God Shura frowned and wanted to kill Qian Renyu from now on, but unexpectedly he encountered Gu Yuena's obstruction.

"Such a good opportunity failed."

"It's true, it's a pity!"

God Shura sighed secretly in his heart.

Seeing Gu Yuena intervene in the battlefield, he stopped focusing on Qian Renyu and immediately focused on Gu Yuena.

She was too aware of Gu Yuena's anger towards herself.

After millions of years of grudges, God Shura still knows that if he is not careful, he may eventually capsize in the gutter.

God King, law enforcer, this is just a manifestation of strength and status.

Just such strength and identity does not mean that he will not fall. Gu Yuena's strength is at the peak of the first level main god, which is enough to challenge the level of god king like them.

If he really gets ruthless, or if he makes a mistake here, he may eventually fall into the hands of Gu Yuena.

To make trouble is to make trouble, but you must not perish.

These thoughts have always been the bottom line of God Shura.

"Silver Dragon King, it seems like we should clear away all the grudges from the past here!"

God Shura said coldly: "In the past so long years, I have not come to trouble you, but you have always wanted to deal with me!"

Hearing this, Gu Yuena smiled coldly: "Are you unwilling to cause trouble for me? You've just been plotting your conspiracy in the God Realm!"

"Before your plan succeeds, you don't dare to let me fall at will. Don't make it sound like you are giving alms to me!"

"If you have the ability, then let me die here now!"

God Shura's face darkened.

Let Gu Yuena respond like this.

At that moment, my mood became very heavy.

"Gu Yuena, his opponent is me!"

At this time, Qian Renyu's voice suddenly sounded.

Instead of continuing to confront the God of Destruction, Qian Renyu's calm voice sounded, and his figure appeared next to Gu Yuena.

Along with Qian Renyu came the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction puts all his thoughts on Qian Renyu.

At this moment, seeing Qian Renyu trying to deal with God Shura, I felt a bit weird.

"I can fight you anytime!"

"If you continue to block it at this moment, I will destroy all the gods here!"

"Under the first-level god, there is no one left alive!"

Qian Renyu is not a soft persimmon.

God Shura made a sudden attack. Although he failed, the anger in his heart burst out at this moment.

If God Shura made a sneak attack like this without making any statement, then Qian Renyu would no longer be Qian Renyu. ,

Just right——

Among the second-level gods and third-level priests just now, there were many who had very strong opinions about him.

With these opinions, he didn't mind getting really crazy at this time.

A first-level sea god like Poseidon can kill the opponent as long as the opportunity is right, let alone a second-level god and a third-level priest.

The Divine Seal Throne Martial Spirit has never been afraid of group battles.

This is a truth that has never changed.

The God of Destruction had a slightly strange expression, but when he saw Qian Renyu saying this, he didn't pay too much attention.

I never wanted to have a real life and death fight with Qian Renyu.

Hearing what Qian Renyu said, he happened to go down the steps.

"Shura, this is supposed to be a battle between me and him. Since you want to get involved in this battle, I will give you this opportunity!"

"You and I are both law enforcers in the God Realm. Since you don't trust me to enforce the law, then you, Shura, will enforce the law yourself!"

"I want to see how you can take down Qian Renyu!"

The God of Destruction stepped aside.

All the destructive power around him was annihilated at this moment.

No matter how weird the Shura God's expression was at this moment, he seemed not to notice it.


Don't you, Shura, like to interfere?

It just so happens that I will directly give you this opportunity!

Next, it depends on how you, Shura, deal with it!

God Shura's expression was ashen. He really didn't expect that things would end up like this.

He looked at Qian Renyu with a gloomy brow and a very complicated expression.

What a damn gangster from the lower world!

Dare to threaten the gods!
You deserve it! Death! (End of chapter)

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