Begin immortality by slaying demons.

Chapter 511 Take a Rest When You Are Tired

Chapter 511 Take a Rest When You Are Tired

In the South Dragon Palace, the relationship between the Dragon King and the Prince is actually very subtle.

First of all, this prince is definitely the most favored son of King Nangong Longwang.

Whether it is its innate bloodline, character, or even appearance, it is definitely the one that the Dragon King is most satisfied with.

But there is actually a problem between the two that cannot be ignored.

That is because of the demon clan, especially the big demon with noble blood like the Yellow Evil Poison Dragon, whose lifespan is so long that it is somewhat terrifying.

The prince of Nanlong Palace may have to serve as such for many more years.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

The best option is for the king not to meet the king.

The Crown Prince of Nanlong Palace seldom comes to see his father, but whenever he comes here, it is always to ask the Dragon King to "give up power."

Only after obtaining the other party's consent can it act without worrying about any rift in its father's heart.

Therefore, when the word "Yun" emerged from the abyss cave.

The Crown Prince of Nanlong Palace slowly stood up, glanced at Ke Lao Si who was kneeling beside him, and Ke Shiliang who was fidgeting, and said calmly: "Get out and wait for my order."


Ke Laosi raised his head and forced a look of gratitude.

As long as Nanlong Palace is still willing to use itself, it still has a chance to turn things around.

As a brother of the same generation as the prince, Ke Shiliang did not show the slightest dissatisfaction in the face of such words that were almost like scolding a servant.

The demon race doesn't care about seniority or hierarchy.

The opponent is the prince, and it is just an idle prince. It is not because the opponent is older, but because the winner had been decided when they were still grandsons of dragons.

The huge South Dragon Palace now has only six dragon cubs, which is enough to show how ferocious this brother is.

"Old Five obeys your order."

Ke Shiliang bowed respectfully.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

It is true that the eldest brother has a violent temper, but he is also very capable. He is willing to take charge of the situation on behalf of his father. This may not be a good thing for the remaining three brothers who are comparable to the Hedao realm, but for himself and Xiao Si, the two "sinners", it is a solid backing.

With the support of his eldest brother, he now had a chance to regain the face he had lost in front of the Seven Sons of Nanhong.

If he did a good job, the Crown Prince might even give him a few more great demon generals from Baiyujing.

When he thought of the great demon general of Baiyujing, a hint of resentment appeared on Ke Shiliang's face.

Those were all veterans who managed the fiefdom for it... It took a lot of effort to train and win them over, but now there is only one left out of nowhere. How can it accept this?!
If I don't take revenge, I will never be able to raise my head in Nanhong again.

Thinking of this, Ke Shiliang walked out of the hall with a sinister look. In front of his peers, it might be inconspicuous, but if it was a younger generation... such as Su Hongxiu and Wei Yuanzhou that day, it would let the other party know what the majesty of the Prince of Nanlong Palace is.


The mountain ridges are like lines, shrouded in clouds and mist.

The seven long rainbows suddenly faded away in the direction they came from and poured back into the seven sects' reliefs, announcing the end of the conference.

In the sky, six shadows rippled like water waves, and then disappeared on the spot.

The long layers disappear.

The young man in the white Nanyang robe stood in the clouds with his hands hanging down. Even without the grand ceremony, he still attracted everyone's attention.

The scene where the other party waved his hand and killed Liu Xingshan might be unforgettable for many cultivators present.

This is a position built on strength, and is far more stable than one that is forced upon you by others.

Even if the Seven Sons of Nanhong are not counted.

Shen Yi alone is enough to occupy a place in Nanhong and have such a great reputation.

Several Taoists stepped forward at the same time and bowed to the figure: "We are here to see Sect Master Shen."

As a genius, being able to take on and let go is the most basic requirement.

But the reason they took the initiative to step forward was not to take the opportunity to please the new sect leader. Under the slightly puzzled gazes of the guests, none of the disciples from the seven sects left the venue, and all of them waited quietly in the same place.

Because there is still one thing that has not been dealt with.

The quiet departure of the other six sect leaders was their tacit agreement to leave the matter to Sect Leader Shen to handle.

This was also their response to Shen Yi's deliberate exposure of the blood talisman on his palm.

Since you have recognized the identity of the Nanyang Sect Leader.

Then sharing life and death... begins to take effect.

"The envoy from the Southern Dragon Palace is still waiting outside. I wonder how we should respond? Please give us instructions, Master Nanyang."

Wushuang Zong Daozi took a step forward and looked at the sect leader who was much younger than himself with a slightly complicated look in his eyes.

He didn't know about the other sect leaders, but at least his master definitely wanted to test Sect Leader Shen.

A qualified heir to a treasured land must not only be able to fight, but also have brains.

It's not that the Seven Sons of Nanhong are incapable of confronting the Nanlong Palace head-on, but how to fight, why to fight, and what to gain after the fight all require a lot of consideration.

This incident was neither big nor small for a sect leader, but it was enough to show his way of handling things.

in short.

If the situation is handled well, Sect Master Shen can fully participate in the major events of the seven sects. If the situation is not handled satisfactorily, he should continue to guard the precious land of Nanyang and practice in peace.

The other Taoists, including Su Hongxiu, remained quiet, and no one spoke to disturb Shen Yi's thoughts.

Even when the other party issued an edict, no matter how stupid it was, they had to take huge risks to implement it.

This is the position that a true sect leader should have among the Seven Sons of Nanhong.

However, what surprised the Taoists was that

Shen Yi glanced at them lightly: "What messenger is here?"

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Wu's lips twitched twice, and there was a hint of silence in his expression.

Pretending...pretending to be stupid?
The Southern Dragon Palace has come to our door, and it is a little unrealistic to try to trick them in this way.

As a dignified Immortal Sect, it is impossible for them to shut out the envoys from the Dragon Palace and pretend to be deaf by closing the sect's formation... Not to mention, it seems that the Nanyang Sect really did that and has not completely opened the sect's formation until now.

Bai Wu is not the only one who feels helpless.

The Wushuang Sect's Daozi, who had asked the question earlier, was obviously not satisfied with this response, but he did not say much. Instead, he turned around and pointed in a certain direction: "Reporting to Sect Master Shen, the envoy from the Southern Dragon Palace is at..."

Before he finished speaking, the Taoist's outstretched fingertips paused slightly.

He suddenly realized something.

The Seven Sons' Conference has ended. Considering the personalities of those fierce soldiers in the Prince's Palace of Nanlong Palace, who are still holding the Prince's decree in their hands, it is not easy for them to endure until now. They should have come to the door long ago. Why are they so quiet?


Shen Yi nodded his chin lightly and walked past a few people: "Wait for them to come over, let them come to Nanyang Sect to find me."

In fact, he just wanted to test the attitude of the Alliance Sect and did not really want to break off relations with the Nanlong Palace.

As a hunter, it is extremely foolish to provoke the prey to counterattack unnecessarily.

Moreover, with his current strength, if he were really targeted by a great demon in the Hedao realm, he would be completely unable to protect himself.

Making a fortune quietly is the right thing to do.

Therefore, Shen Yi arranged Wu Jun and Ke Shisan to go over and make the water more turbid.

Since these two monsters survived a heavenly calamity and became the masters of the East and North Palaces, their bodies have undergone tremendous changes. Without careful investigation, it is difficult to discover their nature as stone-suppressing creatures.

The sudden appearance of two such ferocious monsters in Nanhong was enough for Nanlong Palace to investigate for a while.

Moreover, Wu Jun's performance actually exceeded Shen Yi's expectations.

Not only did the other party muddy the vision... it seemed to have also attracted most of the Dragon Prince's anger.

It looks like I can buy myself a lot of time.


Su Hongxiu watched Shen Yi's departing back in silence, and raised her eyebrows slightly. Judging from the methods Shen Yi had shown before, the incident with the water tribe was most likely his doing.

But the current reaction seems a little wrong no matter how you look at it.

Thinking of this, she also looked in that direction, her eyes gradually flickering. When two armies are fighting, they don't kill the messengers. What's more, the Nanlong Palace is just here to ask questions and the fight hasn't really started yet... But she doesn't think Shen Yi will be a person who abides by the rules.

Could it be that the group of Southern Dragon Palace envoys are gone?

Even Su Hongxiu, who was known for her murderous nature, couldn't help but tremble in her heart when this thought flashed through her mind.

Are you crazy? If this matter gets out, not to mention Xihong Dragon Palace, even the other two remaining Dragon Palaces will probably be unable to resist taking action.

It’s not a question of giving face or not, but that they simply don’t take the Dragon Palace seriously.

But looking at Shen Yi's calm back, Su Hongxiu had to suppress her surprise and pretend that she didn't see anything.

Wei Yuanzhou still took a step forward and followed.

"Master Shen, Yuan Zhou has an unwelcome request."

He saluted Shen Yi meticulously and said concisely: "Wei Yuanling, a disciple of Lingyun Sect, once offended Sect Master Shen. Yuanzhou wants to ask for a pardon for her. I hope the Sect Master will be magnanimous and forgive her once. If the Sect Master is still angry, Yuanzhou is willing to do his best to make amends."

This Taoist disciple of Lingyun Sect did not mention a single word about having helped Sect Leader Shen before, and his attitude was extremely sincere.

But Shen Yi fell into silence.

He had found it strange before that he had never met this Taoist before, but the other party had been taking care of him in many ways.

It turns out there is another reason behind this.

So... who is Wei Yuanling?


Wei Yuanzhou keenly caught the fleeting doubt in Shen Yi's eyes. He was stunned for a moment, then gave a helpless smile.

Something that I thought was very important turned out to have been forgotten by the other party long ago.

There really is a sense of being an immortal, ethereal being, undisturbed by the mundane world. No wonder the progress in cultivation is so rapid.

Even if we put aside the realm and strength, when Wei Yuanzhou looked at Shen Yi again, he actually felt a little inferior.

Perhaps because I attach so much importance to the so-called rules, I am bound by them and lack a lot of calmness.

"Yuan Zhou understands."

Wei Yuanzhou took a half step back and bowed again.

What his sister needs is not the pardon from Sect Master Shen, but true repentance. If she cannot get over her hatred and still thinks that others have bullied her, even if she gets out of the prison, she will be trapped in a bigger prison of her heart.


Shen Yi came back to his senses, raised his eyebrows, and understood something.

Why are these Taoists so weird? They are all more mysterious than the others.

Never mind, it has nothing to do with me.

Now he just wanted to get back to the sect as soon as possible to have a rest. The process of climbing the Heavenly Road really made Shen Yi regain that rare sense of fatigue.

It's not the physical fatigue, but the lingering drowsiness in the soul.

It seemed like he hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

Now that I have finally established myself in Nanhong, it would not be too much to have a peaceful sleep.


Far away from the crowd, Fairy Baohua finally waited until the Taoists finished their story, and subconsciously wanted to chase after the familiar figure.

She has so many things to ask.

But just as Fairy Baohua took a bare step forward, she timidly took it back.

She had indeed thought about the other person for a long time, but when she thought about it carefully, it seemed that they were not very familiar with each other. She didn't even know Shen Yi's true identity until now.


She didn't know if it was an illusion, but Fairy Baohua actually saw a vaguely exhausted figure from under the extremely noble white Nanyang robe. Although it didn't have the majesty that looked down on everyone before, it inexplicably seemed more real.

"He seems very tired."

Listening to the whispers of Fairy Baohua, Su Yushang rolled her eyes at her and said, "You still don't believe me when I say your cultivation is low. The cultivators who can ascend to Baiyujing have already achieved harmony between their spirit and the heaven and earth. How can they have the same difficulties as ordinary people?"

"Maybe I saw it wrong." Fairy Baohua pulled the corners of her lips and forced a smile.

However, she did not notice that behind the two of them, an old woman holding a cane was looking at them from a distance, then she sighed silently.

Being able to discern things that ordinary people cannot see from that radiant figure is actually not a good thing, it will only make you sink deeper and deeper.

The old woman didn’t think she was qualified to give advice to her apprentice on such matters. She just felt a little upset... Why was it the Nanyang Sect again?

The next moment, she shook her head, gently waved her staff, and rolled up an invisible spiritual wind to push the Treasure Flower Fairy out, smiling faintly:
"Xiao Zhilan, if you want to go, just go. There's nothing to be afraid of when you meet once."

Even though her position was not objective, she had to admit that the current performance of Sect Master Shen had already surpassed that of Xuan Qing.

For people like them, if they hesitate now, they may never have another chance in the future.

Of course, the so-called opportunity will most likely only last for a single meeting.


In the Yunxia Mountain Mansion not far from the Seven Sons of Nanhong.

The vast shade of the trees rippled slightly like the green sea. There were a few quaint chairs and stools placed below. The six figures did not sit together, but were scattered around. Some were drinking tea, some were drinking wine, some were playing the piano elegantly, and some were squatting on the ground fiddling with stones.

The eyes of the few people did not meet, but the whole scene was surprisingly harmonious.

It's as if they have already merged into one.

"Is it Brother Qin?"

The cold woman playing the piano suddenly stopped her slender fingertips and glanced sideways at the empty chair closest to the tree.

This chair looks quite familiar, it is the one on the long steps before.

Compared with the previous grand events, this seemingly quiet place with scattered seating is actually more worthy of the name "Seven Sons Conference".

"do not know."

The leader of the Tianjian Sect held the wine jar and exhaled a long breath of wine: "When I entered the water a few days ago, I saw him once through the water mirror. Whether it was the methods he used or the style of doing things, they were completely different from those of Qin."

"Different is right." The Wushuang Sect Master finally arranged the stones into a satisfactory shape and raised his head: "After going through that kind of thing, if you come back for revenge, how can you be the same as before."

His words seemed to touch everyone's heart.

Anyway, it’s a thought.

“So…invite him to come along next time?” Sect Master Lingyue said sullenly.

But everyone stopped what they were doing and gave him a complicated look.

If it is really Senior Brother Qin, then do we still need to invite him?
If not, then what's the point of inviting a young genius to come and participate in the affairs of the Hedao realm?

"Then tell me what to do. If we really want revenge, can we rely on just a few of us?"

The leader of Lingyue Sect was obviously a little angry and embarrassed, with a bit of sullenness on his square face.

If other people heard this, I wonder how shocked they would be.

A group of people who can turn Nanhong upside down with just a flick of their fingers would actually say such unconfident words.

"Lets see."

The fingertips of the Qingyue Sect Leader fell back onto the strings.

So everyone's eyes dispersed again and they continued to work on the things at hand.

It is said that Baiyujing is boring and that only by inheriting the precious land of Hedao can one obtain the so-called great freedom.

However, only when one truly reaches this level, one will realize that Baiyujing is not boring at all. At least they can still do whatever they want.

And shouldering the lives of all living beings in the entire treasure land and becoming their destiny is a shackle that is completely impossible to break free from.

The heaven and earth are ruthless. Even if a cultivator in the Hedao realm has overcome the great calamities of birth, old age, sickness and death, he is still compassionate.

Therefore, they can only clumsily imitate the heaven and earth, and can never become the real heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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