Begin immortality by slaying demons.

Chapter 512: Youth will eventually lose its ambition, but there is never a shortage of youth in the

Chapter 512: Youth will eventually lose its ambition, but there is never a shortage of youth in the world
Nanyang Sect, inner gate, a small bamboo courtyard that had been renovated in advance.

On the bed, a young man in a white Nanyang robe closed his eyes slightly and took a long breath.

He dared not close his eyes because of his natural caution, and his long breathing represented the exhaustion of his soul.

The coldness on his fair face was finally reduced, and his handsome features had a rare softness.

It seemed as if I recalled the pancakes on the roadside in Baiyun County, a bowl of leek noodles in the Demon Training Ground in Qingzhou Town, the mutton soup that I had to eat in two portions despite being thousands of miles away, and the spicy throat wine in the dilapidated temple in Xitai Mountain.

Further on——

Shen Yi's expression suddenly became indifferent, his fingertips moved slightly, and he subconsciously reached towards his arm.

There used to be a knife pressed there, but now there is nothing there.

His long breathing suddenly became rapid for unknown reasons, and his clear eyes opened with a hint of coldness in them.

"My story is finished."

In front of the window with golden light, Li Xuanqing turned his head and smiled calmly, then asked curiously, "But you seem to be full of stories."


Shen Yi raised his eyebrows and relaxed his body again.

He looked away impatiently.

Because next to Senior Xuanqing, there was an old woman standing quietly. The two of them stood side by side, looking at the sunset.

No one would want to have a bowl of this for breakfast, and he was no exception.

"Since Sect Master Shen is awake, we will leave first."

It was not until this moment that the Master of Baohua Sect finally understood why Xuan Qing had specially invited him to come and guard Sect Master Shen just for a short rest. It was obvious that the young man really lacked a sense of security.

"Disciple, I'll take my leave." Xuan Qing bowed meticulously and then pushed open the wooden door.

Telling Shen Yi his story was a sign of respect for the clan leader's strength and his previous promise to him.

He spoke while the other party was asleep because he didn't want to let this feud continue, especially in the current Nanyang Sect, when all the pressure was on the shoulders of Sect Master Shen alone.


Shen Yi sat up with a hint of reluctance, leaned against the wall, and called out to the two of them.

He rubbed his temple casually, looked over sideways, his voice was a little lazy, but his eyes finally became serious: "Tell it again."


The two people who had already stepped out of the door slowly stopped and looked back with some doubts.

The eyes of the Baohua Sect Leader flickered. As a giant in the Hedao realm, she actually felt that she could not see through this young man.

The other party was obviously extremely tired. He finally relaxed for a moment, but just after opening his eyes, he wanted to take on things again.

She could probably guess that, given Xuan Qing's character and his high regard for Sect Leader Shen, he would certainly provide him with a lot of help. However, the meaning of Xuan Qing's previous behavior, if simplified into four words, would be "write it off."

The current situation is... Sect Master Shen is unwilling to cancel it.

Thinking of this, the leader of the Baohua Sect looked at Xuan Qing with a helpless smile: "Now I understand why he is the Sect Leader."

Li Xuanqing stared at Shen Yi lying on the bed in silence.

After a long time.

He suddenly smiled and said, "Would you be willing to tell us your story?"

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

Xuan Qing believed that based on his understanding of Shen Yi, the other party was definitely not someone who was willing to share the pressure with people close to him.

However, what Xuanqing did not expect was.

Shen Yi slowly sat up straight, put on his boots, and then gently rolled the floor tiles with his boots. He raised his eyes and said lightly: "My stories are now buried underground."

He spoke in the calmest tone, speaking simply, but there was such a murderous aura in this sentence that even the leader of the Baohua Sect's eyelids twitched.

This sentence doesn't sound like something the leader of an immortal sect would say.

It's even more evil than the devil cultivators.

Li Xuanqing was also stunned in the same place. After a moment, he finally smiled bitterly: "It's just a matter of young people fighting for their pride, but it's something that they can't win in the end."

Using the word "young man" to describe a cultivator whose lifespan is over ten thousand years sounds a bit inappropriate.

In fact, for the geniuses, they spend most of their time on boring practice and rarely encounter setbacks. Therefore, it is very normal for them to always have a youthful spirit in their hearts.

Li Xuanqing took a half step back and closed the wooden door again.

Under the slightly nostalgic gaze of the Treasure Flower Sect Master, he turned to look at Shen Yi: "Everyone knows that Xuan Qing is Hongze's top genius. Among all the things he has done in his life, the one that is most beneficial to the people of Hongze is that he became a Taoist partner with Fairy Zi Ling of the East Dragon Palace, which brought thousands of years of peace to Hongze."

"She will have a chance to ascend to heaven later."

"I didn't want to. If I wanted to keep her, I would have to sacrifice the entire Nanyang Sect."

When Li Xuanqing said this, the leader of Baohua Sect suddenly clenched his cane and shifted his gaze elsewhere.

Obviously, there is a lot missing from this description.

At least after hearing what he heard, Shen Yi didn't think that this matter had anything to do with the youth's arrogance. He also didn't think Xuan Qing would be a person who was so jealous of his fellow Taoist that he would do everything he could to destroy the other person.

"They used up all the precious gold, jade and other valuable materials in Hongze, just to make that fairy look more beautiful."

The leader of the Baohua clan suddenly took over the conversation, staring into the void and said calmly:

"Let hundreds of monks polish its claws, weave its beard, and nourish its horns."

At this point, the leader of the Baohua Sect suddenly let out a mocking smile: "Use those luxurious things to make a saddle for her that is second to none in the entire Hongze, and send her to heaven... to be the mount of an immortal."

The Taoist partner of the genius of the generation, with the envied blessings of everyone, finally had the opportunity to become the livestock under the crotch of the immortal.

No matter how powerful Hongze was, he remained silent on this matter and no longer mentioned Xuanqing's name.

In this situation, the boy finally got angry.

He wants to ascend to heaven, he wants to be included in the list of immortals, he wants to leave a lasting name in heaven.

He didn't want to see his Taoist partner under other people's crotches when he entered and exited the Heavenly Gate in the future.

So, that night, Xuan Qing planned everything, comforted the crying Fairy Zi Ling, and then said goodbye to his master. He planned to give up the Hedao treasure land, take the fairy away from Hongze, and find another way to the sky.

If the plan was implemented properly, Hongze would think he had presented a beautiful white dragon with purple beard, and Qizi would think Xuanqing had been frustrated and fled far away. Except that when the immortals in heaven were choosing mounts, their subordinates might find that a white dragon with purple beard was missing, nothing would happen.

"So why did it fail?" Shen Yi stood up.

The leader of the Baohua Sect suddenly stopped talking and looked at Xuan Qing, whose fingertips were trembling slightly, with a hint of heartache in his eyes.

The biggest blow to the young man's spirit.

What happened was that the white dragon suddenly felt that being his Taoist companion was actually not as good as ascending to heaven and becoming an immortal's mount, so he regretted it at the last moment.

It is equivalent to completely denying everything about Xuanqing.

"He said, I'll just take his palm strike and the matter will be over." Xuan Qing finally spoke and mentioned the immortal who guarded Hongze.

"Before he raised his palm, I was 90% sure."

"The moment his palm came down, not a cent was left."

"I tried my best to calm my mind, just to pretend that I was ready to die, so as not to die in disgrace. I have never lost in my life, but I am not a coward who cannot afford to lose."

Hyun-kyung's voice suddenly became hoarse.

He swallowed hard, trying not to make the strangeness in his expression too obvious: "Master came after all, and wanted to take his palm for me, so that palm changed and attacked the heart instead, so Master went crazy and used the method of offering sacrifice to the treasure land."

"It was not until I returned to Nanyang Sect in a daze that I realized that I really couldn't afford to lose... I couldn't afford to lose."

This slight punishment lasted for a total of 100,000 years.

Even if he didn't do it on purpose and therefore left the sect early to remind his master, he was willing to accept defeat.

But there are always people who don't want him to lose and want to help him stabilize his Taoism.

However, the master and disciple never thought that the price they would have to pay after losing was not something they could decide.

Everyone thought it was just a life.

However, the immortal took away the entire Nanyang Sect, and his palm attack on the heart could actually drive a giant in the Hedao realm crazy.

The leader of the Nanyang Sect was ready to die for his disciple, but he didn't expect that the immortal would first force him to become a demon, and let him sacrifice the creatures he protected with his own hands in endless pain. He watched the Nanyang Sect being destroyed while roaring with bloodshot eyes, and finally died.


Shen Yi pondered for a long time and finally solved his previous doubts.

After all, the kind old man in the Tibetan Dharma Pavilion did not look like someone who would sacrifice the lives of the creatures in the precious land for his own selfish desires.

It turns out that this is the case.

"Okay, got it."

Shen Yi nodded his chin lightly, then walked past the two of them, walked out of the room, and stretched his arms lazily.

No promises were given, not even any comfort.

The Baohua Sect Master was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding the reaction of Sect Master Shen. Whether he was scolding Xuan Qing for his stupidity and naivety, causing a disaster because of a momentary anger, or despising the purple-bearded white dragon for his inconsistency, it was obvious that she came to ask Xuan Qing for help, but ended up betraying him without hesitation.

He was even angry at the immortal's despicable tactics.

All of them were easier to accept than Shen Yi's current calm appearance. It seemed as if he really just wanted to listen to a story, and it was even hard to tell whether he was actually listening or not.

The leader of the Baohua Sect withdrew his gaze, but suddenly found that Xuan Qing was still standing there in a daze.

I couldn't help but feel helpless: "Why can't you come out? Do you have to let him scold you before you feel better?"


Xuanqing didn't respond, but just took a deep breath.

If he remembered correctly, he had heard a similar response not long ago.

The end result was that hundreds of great monsters of the water tribe died, seven great monster generals of Baiyujing fell, and even the messenger who came to question the crime disappeared.

He knows... so he will take action.

But how to act?

Xuan Qing felt that what he had said just now was clear enough. For mortals like them, the palm that Hongze casually waved out was a sky that they could never cross.

Young people will always go from being full of vigor and vitality to gradually becoming steady.

But Nanyang Sect really can't afford the price of a second young man's maturity and stability.

"..." Sect Master Baohua slowly extended his hand, trying to comfort Xuan Qing.

But just when she stretched it out halfway, her face changed slightly, she lowered her eyes to look at the white flower on her waist, and her eyes slowly calmed down.

In an instant, the aura of the Baohua Sect Master became completely different from before. Even though he deliberately restrained the aura of the Hedao realm, Shen Yi outside the door still looked back at him with a little surprise.

"Xigong is coming in." She raised her eyes again.

These few words brought Xuan Qing back to his senses from his reminiscences, and his expression became much more serious.

As a major sect at the junction of the two Hongs, the Baohua Sect has a very sensitive sense of smell.

The fact that the news could be passed on to the leader of Baohua Sect means that it is definitely not as simple as leading the troops on patrol, but must be a very obvious move.

The Ke family of Nanlong Palace is still entangled with the Seventh Son.

At this time, the more powerful Qi family of Xilong Palace suddenly made this gesture.

It's hard not to imagine there's a connection between the two.

"Ke Shilin?"

There are actually not many people who are qualified to interact with the West Dragon Palace. Apart from the Southern Dragon King, the only one left is Prince Ke.

Xuan Qing turned slightly and asked: "Who is leading the troops of the Qi family?"

The leader of the Baohua clan said simply, "There are quite a lot of people coming, but the leader is still the eldest of the Qi family. He has been at odds with the Dragon Concubine recently. I heard that the Dragon Concubine has sidelined him. Even the affairs of the demon army and all the news have to be reviewed by her first. His mother's family is powerful and it has made him breathless. I didn't expect that he would still want to interfere in Nanhong's affairs."

The Qi family is different from the Ke family. The prince is chosen by another person, so he is called Boss Qi instead of the prince.

Of course, there are variables in this matter.

It also depends on the attitude of the Dragon Princess's family.


Hearing this, Xuan Qing suddenly remembered something and looked towards Shen Yi with a complicated expression, "Sect Master, please hold back for now. There is no need to step on the cusp of the storm."

That's a bit strange to say.

But in fact, based on Xuan Qing's understanding of Shen Yi during this period, if he didn't tell her in advance, the other party might really offend the Qi family again for no reason.

The Seven Sons of Nanhong, there are seven of them!

Moreover, the Nanyang Sect is currently the most destitute one. The six sect leaders have nothing to do all day long, leaving the youngest one so busy that even getting a good night's sleep is a luxury. How can this be tolerated?


Shen Yi didn't turn around, just hummed softly, but his expression became a little strange.

This sounded familiar to him.

Senior Xuanqing’s reminder... seems a little late.


The reason why the Seven Masters of Nanhong gave such great preferential treatment to the Baohua Sect and regarded it as a half-allied sect was not only because of the relationship with Xuanqing, but also because of its special position.

Such as now.

As soon as the West Dragon Palace made some movement, the seven sect leaders gathered together.

Such a scene also shows the seriousness of the matter.

The situation in Nanhong has not changed for many years. The main reason is the strength of the Seven Sons of Nanhong. Even after the demise of Nanyang Sect, they still suppressed Nanlong Palace.

But in this situation, due to certain reasons in the past, the Seven Sons of Nanhong could only keep a low profile, not fight or compete, and try to reduce their presence as much as possible.

The strong stay in a corner, while the weak act recklessly.

Such a strange situation would basically not cause any conflicts, and this peace should have continued.

As a result, the Ke family couldn't help it and contacted the Xilong Palace, obviously planning to do something big.

The Seven Sons of Nanhong had already allowed Dragon Palace to occupy most of the cultivation resources, and the other party was still taking advantage of them. Since they were not here for profit, their purpose was self-evident.

They even intended to deprive the Seven Sons of their only status.

I don't know what's wrong with Prince Nangong Long. Could it be that he is living too comfortably in his peaceful life and has to look for some excitement?

But for things like this, it's always a good idea to prepare early.

"Thank you, Sect Master Shen and Junior Sister Ji."

The Wushuang Sect Leader looked normal, but there was an obvious twist in his voice.

The seven sects are of the same blood, and the relationship between the sect leaders is basically that of senior and junior brothers and sisters, or nephew and uncle.

When such a young person suddenly came in, people didn't know how to address him for a moment.

"It's fine with me. Let's see what Sect Master Shen thinks."

The cool woman in white glanced sideways at Shen Yi beside her, her eyes swept across his black shirt, with a hint of emotion. This low-key style of doing things was completely different from the young man at the Seven Sons Conference that day.


Shen Yi silently glanced at the six people in front of him. Apart from the statues of the ancestors and the phantoms of the sky, they actually looked no different from ordinary cultivators.

See what you mean?
What else is there to see? It’s clear on their faces that they want to drive me away.

What we are discussing today is actually very simple.

Since the West Dragon Palace has crossed the line, the Seven Sons of Nanhong must also react.

Although the relationship between human cultivators is not as close as that between the Dragon Palace, at least they remain consistent in the overall situation.

But as for asking for help, we can just send Daozi.

If you are really worried, then send a true giant in the Hedao realm to escort him.

From any perspective, there is no reason for Shen Yi to come forward. After all, his status is too high and his strength is too low.


Several sect leaders looked at each other quietly.

With Shen Yi's personality, he is bound to cause trouble. If Xigong and Nangong join forces, this will be no small matter. Before making all preparations, it is better to transfer this young man away first.

By the way, it also gives the other person a chance to relax and rest.

"Then it's settled. You two will each escort three juniors. This will serve as a training exercise for them."

The Lingyue Sect Master slowly stood up and clasped his fists towards the two of them: "Be careful on your journey."

"It doesn't matter."

Shen Yi had no choice but to return the greeting by clasping his fists.

To be honest, this group of people in the Hedao realm are already enough to give me face.

If it's something that even a few Taoists can't solve, there's probably no point in adding Shen Yi.

When Sect Leader Ji said that he was protecting the younger generation, he actually meant to be looking after himself as well.

"Then let's go."

Ji Jingxi stood up and walked outside.

Outside the main hall, the six Taoists had already divided into two rows.

Just by looking at the three people who had been waiting for him in advance, Shen Yi could roughly understand how perfunctory the Wushuang Sect Master's previous inquiry was.

Su Hongxiu, Bai Wu, Wei Yuanzhou.

Among them, Bai Wu is even the disciple of Sect Leader Ji, yet he was assigned to his side. Could it be more obvious?
"The Sect Master is not very satisfied with him?"

Su Hongxiu glanced at Bai Wu. If Shen Yi was dissatisfied with something, it would most likely not be because of her and Wei Yuanzhou.

"I beg you to look for the cause next time. Can you look for it in yourself first? When it comes to contacting the Xihong forces, it seems to make no difference with you or without you." Bai Wu glanced back with a wry smile.

He glanced at his master beside him quietly, and felt more confident: "Oh, there is a difference. At least it won't offend anyone."

Before we even set off, the atmosphere started to feel a little weird.

Shen Yi glanced at the two of them, and suddenly had the urge to switch places with Sect Master Ji.

"Bai Wu's mouth is a bit annoying, but it is convenient for him to contact me. If anything happens, I can come as soon as possible. Sect Master Shen, please be a little more lenient with him." Ji Jingxi nodded slightly apologetically.

She didn't quite understand why she had taught such a disciple.

"I have already told Yuan Zhou about the specific matters. Sect Master Shen can discuss with him on the way. There shouldn't be any trouble."

In fact, for matters like this, the sect leader does not need to show up easily, otherwise the other forces will look down on the Seven Sons of Nanhong.

Given Wei Yuanzhou's personality, he will most likely be able to handle it well.

The demon army of the Western Dragon Palace pressed into Nanhong. Although the pressure on the major forces in Western Hong was temporarily relieved, it also brought endless troubles. Unless they were really brainless, they would never embarrass these Taoists.

"If there is nothing else, let's go."

Ji Jingxi took out a gorgeous treasure ship and boarded it with the other three Taoists.

"There's something else." Shen Yi suddenly called the other party.

Sect Leader Ji lowered his eyes in confusion and looked over.

"I'm borrowing a boat." Shen Yi looked back at it openly. The quality of the Nanyang Sect's spiritual puppet Green Lion is nowhere near that of a genuine immortal sect's magic weapon.

Since you are going on a long journey, why make things difficult for yourself?


Ji Jingxi pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

Sect Leader Shen went back to rest for a while, and he looked more interesting than before.

She stretched out her hand slightly: "How about riding together?"

"It's disrespectful."

Shen Yi did not feel shy and took the speechless Su Hongxiu and others directly onto the boat.

Seeing this, Ji Jingxi shook his head slightly.

To be honest, cultivators at the Hedao realm are not as unattainable as others think. Several fellow brothers and sisters are actually quite troubled about how to deal with Shen Yi.

Now it seems that the other party is not as difficult to get along with as imagined.

The magnificent Qingyue treasure ship rose slowly, and then turned into a stream of light. When it reappeared, it had left the immortal sect's treasure land, sank into the endless sea of ​​clouds, and flew all the way to the west!

(End of this chapter)

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