I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 101 The murderer under the plastic painting!

Chapter 101 The murderer under the plastic painting!

Suitable for plastic painting.

It refers to today’s day, which is suitable for carving and painting statues of gods and humans.

Chen Xiao has never been quite sure what role this ability gives him.

It wasn't until Lou Yang shook off the scroll of the statue just now that it gave him some inspiration.

Guo Zhengchang heard that he wanted to paint. Although he didn't understand what he wanted to paint, he did not stop him but warmly invited him to get in the car.

The car was very spacious. In order to provide Chen Xiao with a quiet environment as much as possible, Guo Zhengchang also asked the driver to get out of the car and waited outside the car.

At this moment, it seemed as if Guo Zhengchang had become an elderly bodyguard, while Chen Xiao in the car had become a boss.

Chen Xiao sat in the car, constantly sorting out information in his mind.

"I once had a description of the murderer."

"He must be very strong because he has the ability to break people's necks!"

"Furthermore, this person is very good at hiding, his thinking is sharper than normal people, and he is better at planning."

"He still has some research on feudal culture. Although it is not much, he can imitate cats and draw tigers."

"He killed Ye Wei and finally tied him up and knelt on the ground."

"He cut Song Zhen's body into pieces and hid the head among the leaves, but buried the body under the tree."

"He beat Guo Ning to death, covered her with a red hijab, and laid her body on the cold stone platform."

"He hunted Jin Meng and hid her in a bacon jar. Finally, a mouse took away her earlobe."

"He broke Qin Zhao's neck and threw it into the pit, as if he wanted to make him infamous after his death."

"He is very skilled and very courageous, but he is very careful at heart!"

"His techniques are rough, yet clean and neat, so he is extremely decisive in his daily work!"


Every time Chen Xiao muttered, the pen in his hand would leave a line on the paper.

It's just that every stroke he made was done very slowly, completely ignoring the passage of time.

Outside the car, Guo Zhengchang, his driver and his bodyguards waited for a long time.

The bodyguards were already looking suspicious, and the driver couldn't help but ask Guo Zhengchang: "Mr. Guo, he's been here for several hours. Why don't you go back to the hotel to rest during the ride?"

Guo Zhengchang looked at him coldly: "If you don't go to the hotel today, just stay in the village."

"But there are so many people here..."

"They are all human beings. Where did Zabuza come from? Besides, no one should disturb Chen Xiao at this moment."

Guo Zhengchang said so, and the driver, who was worried about his health, could only shut up silently.

However, Guo Zhengchang couldn't help but be curious, and he tried his best to get closer to the car window and take a look.

When he saw that Chen Xiao seemed to be drawing a person's back, and only the lower body had been drawn so far, he was a little confused.

"Is it possible that if he paints a picture, he can also draw a murderer?"

Guo Zhengchang didn't understand. Seeing that it was already getting dark, Guo Zhengchang couldn't help but pat his legs.

Just at this time, Yu Gui's father saw this scene and hurried over.

"Old sir, why are you standing outside the car all the time?"

Guo Zhengchang was kind to the Yu family.

Although Yu Gui did not improve after receiving treatment, Guo Zhengchang was not to blame.

So Yu Gui's father was also worried when he saw the tired look on Guo Zhengchang's face.

Guo Zhengchang smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just that my feet are a little numb from standing. I didn't expect Mr. Chen to stay in the car for so long."

Yu Gui's father reacted: "Boss Chen, what is he doing in there?"

"Painting." "Huh?" Yu Gui's father looked puzzled.

Guo Zhengchang smiled bitterly: "Let's stop asking about smart people's affairs. He must have a reason for doing what he does. On the other hand, Yu Gu, can you handle the child's affairs yourself?"

Yu Gui's father became serious: "Okay, Mr. Guo, please don't worry about it anymore. Our Lao Yu family owes you too much."

"If you say that, I won't ask. As for whether you owe me or not, it doesn't make any sense now. Both children are gone." Guo Zhengchang said, looking in the direction of the back mountain involuntarily, and said:

"Did you say that Xiaoning received Agui?"

Yu Gui's father didn't speak. At this time, the sound of eating dinner came again.

"Mr. Guo, let Boss Chen paint there by himself. You've been tired of traveling all the way, so why don't you just have a simple meal here."

"Okay, I really can't stand anymore."

Guo Zhengchang nodded and agreed, and Yu Gui also invited the driver and the bodyguards to come in together.

The bodyguards were relieved after receiving Guo Zhengchang's consent.

They all couldn't bear the wait, but Chen Xiao was still completing his back painting.

Time passed like this minute by minute.

After dinner, the ritual begins.

Yu Gui's father and mother are in completely different situations.

His father would get up from time to time to greet some relatives and friends.

But the mother seemed to have lost her soul, sitting next to Yu Gui who was covered with a quilt all the time.

The most important ritual to be done tonight is to be placed in the coffin.

After the deceased is placed in the coffin, the loved ones will never be seen again.

Lou Yang is the presiding officer of the ceremony, and he is also wearing a Taoist robe.

He murmured in the local accent.

But what he read was probably not understood by many people.

All I know is that his expression is very solemn, and his various movements are really smooth and smooth.

Luo Dali kept explaining to Xiao Jidao Nan and the others the meaning of Lou Yang's movements and what he was saying.

If everyone didn't know his identity, they might have thought that he was Lou Yang's new disciple.

At this time, everyone saw Yu Gui's body being carried up.

Luo Dali sighed: "It's time to put it in the coffin and seal it."

Xiaoji and Dao Man turned their heads. Guys like them who used to shout and kill couldn't bear to look at it at this time.

Guo Zhengchang also picked up a stick at this time, and his eyes never moved away from Yu Gui.

After Yu Gui's body was put into the coffin, Guo Zhengchang took out the same thing from his pocket and walked over.

The thing seemed to be a piece of jade tied with a red rope.

Guo Zhengchang placed the jade on Yu Gui's body and said softly: "This is what Xiao Ning wore close to her body before, so just go with it."

After leaving these words, Guo Zhengchang returned to his original standing position with red eyes.

But when he turned around, he found that Chen Xiao was already standing in his original position.

At this time, Chen Xiao was still holding a piece of paper in his hand.

That's right, Chen Xiao held the piece of paper by grabbing it.

As for what was in that piece of paper, it was not difficult for Guo Zhengchang to guess. It should be the back picture that Chen Xiao had drawn all afternoon.

Guo Zhengchang stopped, looked at Chen Xiao's hand, and then followed Chen Xiao's gaze to someone in the mourning hall.

At that moment, Guo Zhengchang seemed to understand what Chen Xiao meant, and his originally cloudy eyes suddenly became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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