I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 102 It seems that I hide it very deeply

Chapter 102 It seems that I hide it very deeply

Guo Zhengchang's face suddenly turned red.

But when he took a step forward, his body staggered.

Guo Zhengchang felt dizzy for a while, but soon his body was supported by someone.

It's Chen Xiao.

"Old sir, you're too tired. Let's take a rest." Chen Xiao supported Guo Zhengchang and said softly.

Guo Zhengchang grabbed Chen Xiao's hand and said with unprecedented anticipation in his eyes: "You know who it is, right?"

"do not know."

The expectation in Guo Zhengchang's eyes shattered instantly. He looked at Chen Xiao doubtfully: "Then you just..."

"Old gentleman Mo Duo asked, why can't we wait any longer after waiting for so long? Give me some time, just tonight."

"I..." Guo Zhengchang's hand became a little heavier.

Chen Xiao said seriously: "I am not a policeman, and you are not a policeman. We are not bound by police rules when we investigate, but when we have suspects, we must abide by police rules. The old man understands that I What do you mean?"

Guo Zhengchang said solemnly: "What can they do to me if I don't abide by those rules!"

Chen Xiao understood Guo Zhengchang's emotions too well.

He is rich and capable, and his connections even extend to Qingxi.

Once he acts recklessly, he may not have to bear anything, but what if it backfires?

Chen Xiao slowly let go of the hand that was supporting Guo Zhengchang and said calmly: "If the old gentleman insists on doing this, I don't think anyone present will be able to stop you, including me. But if something happens later Whatever happened, no matter whether the person you think is the murderer or not, everything has nothing to do with me, Chen Xiao."

After saying that, Chen Xiao stopped persuading.

Guo Zhengchang took a deep breath, and finally looked at Chen Xiao apologetically.

"Sorry Mr. Chen, I was too excited just now and I almost ruined all your hard work."

Chen Xiao smiled slightly: "I wish the old gentleman could understand my good intentions."

"But how could it be him?"

"I'm also curious about why it was him, but this question should be the same as my last doubt. Don't worry, with a target, all secrets will no longer be secrets."

Guo Zhengchang nodded: "Okay, I will check him carefully!"

Chen Xiao said no more, and Guo Zhengchang slowly left the mourning hall with the help of the driver.

The conversation between them did not last long, not to mention that few people noticed that Guo Zhengchang was facing something strange with his back to the mourning hall.

So the conversation between Chen Xiao and Guo Zhengchang was as if it never happened.

As time passed, the coffin sealing ceremony in the mourning hall finally came to an end.

Chen Xiao glanced at the photo of Yu Gui placed in front of the coffin, then stepped forward to burn three sticks of incense, and then left the mourning hall.

However, after the rituals were completed, there were still many people gathered inside and outside the mourning hall.

These people should all stay and watch on their own.

This is the case among the people. From the day the deceased dies until the night before the funeral, family, friends and even people in the village will take turns keeping vigil.

Chen Xiao spontaneously stayed.

Luo Dali and Xiao Jidaonan originally planned to stay, but in the end they were driven back by Chen Xiao.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Originally, the night vigil was just for nothing, so many people would set up mahjong tables to pass the time. But Yugui is a young man, and even a night watchman would not be able to do anything for fun in such a situation.

So the people outside the mourning hall gathered around and chatted.

Chen Xiao stayed with the people in the village, while the Yu family boiled water and made tea for the night watchers.

Initially, Chen Xiao said nothing, but after a while, the villagers took the initiative to bring the topic to Chen Xiao.

"Boss Chen, are you from out of town too?"

When Chen Xiao saw someone asking about him, he raised his head and replied with a smile: "Yes, from Jiang Province."

"Jiang Province? Isn't that the hometown of Agui's classmates?" Some villagers reacted.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, I also went to classmate Guo Ning's home."

The villagers fell silent for a moment after hearing this. They also knew that the murder of a college student was the reason why their Xiaofeng Village was in the limelight.

Seeing that they were silent, Chen Xiao took the initiative to guide the topic: "You guys must have guessed it, right? I have been haunting Yu Gui's house during this period. In fact, the real reason why I came here is to find out this case. As for the home appliances, I thought of a way to get here reasonably."

"Ah? You are here to investigate the case!" A villager exclaimed.

Some villagers looked disbelieving: "You don't look like you are investigating a case? And isn't investigating a case the job of the police?"

"That's right, Boss Chen, you are really good at joking. You and your guys look like good materials for moving appliances. You don't look like investigators."

Chen Xiao pretended to be surprised: "Why, didn't everyone see it?"

The villagers shook their heads, and Chen Xiao half-joked: "Well, it seems that I did hide it a bit deeply."

"How can you hide so deeply? You don't look good at all."

"That's right, if you want to say that you are here to investigate a case, then just show your police officer ID card."

Chen Xiao shrugged: "Who said you have to be a policeman to investigate a case? Have you never heard of the name Dongzhou Chen Xiao?"

The villagers shook their heads, and Chen Xiao reluctantly took out a newspaper that Guo Zhengchang had prepared and handed it to the villagers: "Take a good look, am I the person talking about here? And do you know Dongzhou Qingtian Construction What’s the surname of your boss? His surname is Guo, and he’s Guo Ning’s cousin!”

The newspaper arrived in the hands of the villagers and was being passed around. Finally, someone exclaimed: "Huh? You are really a detective!"

"Oh my God, a bounty of two million! The richest man in Nanqiao Town can't earn this amount in a year, right?"

"Is this a matter of two million? Who doesn't know that the female classmate's family has countless assets? I think millions is just a figure on the surface!"

"Yes, yes, boss Chen, tell us how much the Guo family will give you to investigate this case?"

The villagers couldn't help but be curious, but Chen Xiao did not answer directly: "We have not discussed the details, and the case has not been solved yet. We don't know who the murderer is."

"But the newspaper says you are very powerful. Three major cases in three days. This is the rhythm of solving one case a day. If I remember correctly, you have been here for three days, right? Have you gained anything?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "It's a great harvest. Aren't I the one who found Jin Meng and Qin Zhao?"

As he spoke, Chen Xiao looked at a girl in the crowd and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, girl. I was actually standing next to you that day. I threw that mouse into your pocket on purpose."

The girl's eyes suddenly widened, but the villagers obviously didn't care about such trivial matters.

Someone rushed to ask: "In addition to finding the other two students, what else did you find?"

"I have some impressions of the murderer, and everyone happens to be here. Please help me think about whether I have seen a person like this..."

Chen Xiao said deliberately, and at this moment two people came out from the mourning hall carrying a lot of tea.

They are Yu Gui's father and Lou Xiaodong!

(End of this chapter)

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