I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 116 There are such shameless people in this world!

Chapter 116 There are such shameless people in this world!

Chen Xiao did not drive, but took a taxi and came to Qingpu Road.

Sure enough, as the policewoman said, you can see the school as long as you get to this road.

There were no vendors on either side of the school road at this time, after all, it was just lunch time.

Most of the vendors in front of schools appear during breakfast in the morning and after school in the evening.

After Chen Xiao arrived at the place, he realized that he had arrived early.

However, there were many shops on both sides of the school. After Chen Xiao glanced around, he finally chose a fruit tea drink shop.

The reason why I walked into this drink shop is actually related to a certain person.

I still remember the Yanzi Lane fish bone case. Chen Xiao walked into a drink shop inexplicably and got to know Xi Yi'an.

Chen Xiao looked at the menu in the beverage shop and then ordered a cup of lemon black tea.

After getting the fruit tea he ordered, Chen Xiao discovered that there was a small missing person notice posted on the table where he was sitting.

The notice showed a three-year-old girl. You knew without looking that she must be the woman's daughter.

Looking at the missing person notice, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask the waiter at the counter.

"Hello, can I ask about this missing person notice?"

The waiter heard this and asked in surprise: "Sir, have you ever seen this little girl?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I just want to inquire. If I meet him in the future, I will contact the contact person above immediately."

The waiter was disappointed and sighed: "Hey, it's been almost two months, and there's still no news at all."

"The girl on the notice is called Xiaodiandian?"

"Yes, she is so small and very cute, with a sweet mouth. She has never gone to school, but she is a little money-lover! Her mother used to set up a stall selling pancakes in front of her. Anyway, every time she sells a pancake, the customers give her money. She collects all the money. But she hasn’t gone to school and can’t find any money, so her mother is angry and helpless every time.”

Listening to this brief introduction, Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel cute.

"Then people on your street should all like her, right?"

"Of course, you can see missing person notices like this in other stores. Every store prints them and puts them up on their own initiative." The waiter said with a sad look on his face:

"But who would have thought that such a cute little Dot would disappear just because she went back to her hometown with her mother."

"Her mother has been doing business in Qingxi, why are she going back to her hometown?" Chen Xiao asked, and the waiter said:

"Yes, we are all so angry. Sister Ziping is such an infatuated person. What's the point of waiting for a man who has lost his conscience? She even runs back to her hometown every year on the man's birthday to wait, saying that her man will definitely come back. Now it’s better, the man whose conscience was eaten by a dog not only didn’t come back, he even disappeared!”

Chen Xiao was stunned. It turned out that there was such a story in it.

If it were in later generations, there would definitely be a more vivid term to describe it, love brain.

However, Chen Xiao did not immediately label Yang Ziping as a love brain. With so many experiences in handling cases, he already knew that there was a big difference between many people's superficial images and their true personalities.

Seeing that another customer came to the store, Chen Xiao could only stop talking temporarily.

Then he saw that the waiter was busy all the time, so he could only take lemonade and continue walking on the street.

After going to several stores in a row, Chen Xiao got almost the same information.

After shopping for a whole afternoon, Chen Xiao finally waited until it was time to get out of school.

At this time, the roads on both sides of the school were filled with vendors.

There was just one pancake stall that caught Chen Xiao's attention when it opened its stall.

Because there is a most conspicuous poster hanging on his stall, which is a small missing person notice. At first glance, Chen Xiao thought it must be another kind act by an enthusiastic street vendor to help Xiaodian Dian go home as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, there is a line of eye-catching characters next to the poster: If you eat one more pancake, you can bring Xiaodian a hope of going home.

Also at first glance, there is nothing unusual about this line of writing.

But when I think about it carefully, this passage always makes people feel very conflicted.

Especially when he saw the couple in front of the stall smiling from ear to ear, Chen Xiao even felt a little nauseous.

He walked to a nearby stall and asked, "Hello, is that pancake stall a relative of Xiaodiandian's family?"

"Shit, that was originally where Diandian's mother set up a stall. After Diandian's incident, they took it over. It was originally selling fried chicken tenders, but now it's a pancake stall. And they shamelessly used Diandian for advertising. In the school Those children who are not very old yet don’t understand the sinister nature of people’s hearts, so they just rush to his house to buy it.”

After listening, Chen Xiao also frowned.

What is the difference between this and eating steamed buns with human blood?

With that smile on their face, they won’t feel sick when they look in the mirror themselves?

The more Chen Xiao looked at the smiling faces of the couple, the more disgusted he felt: "Isn't that what no one cares about?"

"It's harmful. We don't know how many calls we made to report it, but it was useless... They are very tough."

"I see, then their stall will be gone today!"

Chen Xiao understood.

So he took out his cell phone and called Hu Yue.

Hu Yue thought Chen Xiao had found something, and asked in surprise: "Mr. Chen, have you made any progress so quickly?"

"I'm a human, not a god. I'm calling you because I have something to ask. Did you know that Yang Ziping's previous pancake stall has been replaced by a new pancake stall?"

"I don't know, what's wrong?"

Hearing Hu Yue ask this, Chen Xiao was sure that he didn't know, so he told the matter.

After hearing this, Hu Yue was so angry that he cursed: "MD, are there such shameless people in this world?"

In Chen Xiao's two lifetimes, I have heard of people with high righteousness who would not hesitate to put their own lives in order to do good deeds.

But that pancake couple definitely isn’t!

Because their publicity is not even the icing on the cake!

Other vendors may be jealous, but no one would be as shameless as them with slogans like "Every time you eat one of their pancakes, you will have more hope of going home."

After Hu Yue scolded, he also knew Chen Xiao's true intention, and said in a deep voice: "To even do such a thing, it is probably because of evil intentions. I will call the relevant departments now, if that stall can still appear In Qingxi City, why do I have his last name?"

Hu Yue was really angry.

Chen Xiao put down his phone and watched quietly from the side.

Sure enough, within twenty minutes, a pickup truck came over.

After showing his ID and a notice, the pancake stall was immediately confiscated.

Even so, the male boss was particularly unconvinced and said: "You all just wait for me, my uncle is Yao Rong!"

Chen Xiao sneered. When the law enforcement officers heard this, their eyes lit up and they escorted the stall owner and his wife into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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