Chapter 117 Breaking into a Cold Sweat

When they saw the couple being escorted away, the vendors on both sides clapped and cheered.

Only the vendor behind Chen Xiao stared at him in surprise.

Chen Xiao was in a good mood and it was evening again, so he smiled at the vendor and said, "Boss, give me two of your sausages!"

"Huh?" The vendor was surprised.

"No, grilled sausages, two! You can't have more, or you won't be able to eat dinner."

"Okay, okay, you can eat as many sticks as you like, I'll get them for you right now."

The vendor said as he carefully packed the sausages for Chen Xiao, but when Chen Xiao was about to give him money, the vendor shook his head vigorously.

"No...I won't charge you. Brother, you are not an ordinary person. You can do such a satisfying thing with just one phone call. Grilled sausages...I'll give you food!"

Chen Xiao smiled and ate the sausage while taking out the money. After taking another look at the environment on both sides of the school road, he said, "The stall at Dian Dian's house seemed to be very good. Do you need to register a stall to set up a stall here?"

"There was no such thing at the beginning. Whoever came early would grab the seat. But later, in order to facilitate management, a lottery ceremony was held. However, there were a few people who did not go through the lottery, and A Ping was one of them, because the management had not seen it. It was not easy for a woman to set up a stall with such a young child, so I gave her that position."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao suddenly frowned.

He has always believed in a saying that made sense even when he was a street kid in his previous life.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there must be struggles.

The essence of struggle is naturally interests.

Benefits come in different sizes, but they have no upper or lower limit.

Some people kill people for millions of dollars, while others wield butcher knives just to steal a few dozen dollars.

So, Chen Xiao was wondering if a stall might lead to the disappearance of a little girl?

If this is possible, it would be much simpler than investigating in the direction of trafficking.

If a child is abducted these days, it will be extremely difficult to find him.

No matter which aspect of technology it is, it is completely incomparable with later generations.

So Chen Xiao is in a very contradictory state.

He hoped that Xiaodian was abducted, so that at least there was a high chance that she would still be alive.

I am also worried that if she is really abducted, the chance of being found is extremely slim.

Now Chen Xiao has one more doubt, that is, could all this be caused by the fight for the stall?

Chen Xiao was in no hurry to draw a conclusion.

The reason is simple. When the couple was arrested just now, Chen Xiao only felt the philistinism and shrewdness in them.

They don't seem to have the wisdom to plan a case.

Chen Xiao still had some trust in his ability to capture, but Xiaodian disappeared in his hometown in the countryside. The distance between the two places made Chen Xiao gradually dissatisfied after walking the entire street.

After eating two sausages, Chen Xiao received a call from Hu Yue.

"Hey, what's wrong, Captain Hu?"

"Yang Ziping disappeared again."

"Isn't there someone guarding her?"

"Xiao Sun has been guarding her. Seeing that she was sleeping and snoring, Xiao Sun couldn't hold it in anymore and went to the bathroom. When he came back, Yang Ziping was gone."

Chen Xiao frowned: "Has this happened before?"

"Well, we can't handcuff her or imprison her, and we often can't restrict her freedom. After all, she is just mentally disturbed and is awake part of the time."

"Then let's ignore him for now. I won't bother to go to your team later and will go directly back to Nanqiao."

"Okay, I'll arrange a car to take you back."

Chen Xiao did not refuse, and hung up the phone after informing her of the location.

Not long after, policewoman Xiao Sun drove up. After Chen Xiao got in the car, Xiao Sun seemed to blame herself.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I didn't keep an eye on her, but I didn't expect her to sleep like that. I just walked away and she ran away in two minutes."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly: "Where do you think she will go?"

"She used to go to the place where the stall was set up when she ran away, but then she was gone. Anyway, no one is sure where she will be now. She always appears suddenly." As she said that, policewoman Xiao Sun pointed. A briefcase in the back seat said: "Mr. Chen, it contains information that Captain Hu asked the county bureau to send. This is the information they have obtained so far."

Chen Xiao quickly opened the briefcase next to him, took out the documents inside, and began to read them silently.

It wasn't until he arrived at Nanqiao Town that Chen Xiao put down the information in his hands.

"Be careful on the way back. I'll get off the car first." Chen Xiao said hello, and the policewoman Xiao Sun said goodbye again and again and the two parted ways.

Back at the pilot site, Luo Dali was lying on the recliner, wondering what he was thinking.

Xiao Ji and Dao Man were sitting, both beating their shoulders and rubbing their legs.

Xiaoji: "Brother Dali, let's go get a massage on your feet? I've been running for a day and I really feel like my legs are going to be useless."

"Don't go."

"No, brother, Nanqiao Town's consumption level is very high, how about I treat you!" The knife man couldn't help but say something at this time.

"No, it's tasteless." Luo Dali shook his head again.

Xiao Ji rolled his eyes: "Brother Dali, what's wrong with you? When we came to Nanqiao, you took us to find a place for bathing and massage. We couldn't find it for a while, and you got angry and scolded Nanqiao for being stupid. Why now? We won’t go even if we invite you.”

"If I say it's tasteless, it's tasteless. You all have to pursue it in the future. If you can't help but go to that kind of place, don't go there. If you go there too much, something will happen sooner or later."

With that said, Luo Dali turned over: "Have you forgotten what I told you before? Our brother Chen was smart enough at that time, otherwise he would have been handcuffed by his sister-in-law! After that time, I felt that bathing and massage were not enough It tastes good, people... still have to do their duty."

"Fart, you'll feel uncomfortable if we don't spend a day in Dongzhou!"

"Who are you farting? Anyway, I left my words here. From now on, I, Luo Dali, will change my appearance and be a new person! If anyone sees me going to that kind of place again, don't be polite and just break my legs!"

"Clap clap clap!"

Chen Xiao walked in while applauding.

Xiao Ji and Dao Nan saw this and shouted: "Brother Chen, you are back!"

Chen Xiao nodded and then started looking for it in the pilot.

Luo Dali looked nervous: "Brother Chen, what are you doing?"

Chen Xiao didn't reply. After finding a stick, he threw it to the knife man and said with a smile: "We all remember what he said. If you are caught in the future, don't be polite and just interrupt."

Luo Dali suddenly stood up and said proudly: "Yes, I have to say something, I am no longer Luo Dali."

Chen Xiao laughed, but soon got to the point.

"I've got one thing for you to do. Print this thing out tomorrow and send it to each pilot so that they can stick it on the car."

Chen Xiao said and took out a missing person notice.

Luo Dali and the others saw this and asked, "Who is this little girl?"

"One of the victims I met in Qingxi was a little girl who disappeared after the Xiaofeng Village case. Her mother asked me to help her find her. So, I may stay here for a few more days."

"Okay, we'll get it done early tomorrow morning." Luo Dali agreed.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything more and went to take a shower and rest.

As the night went on, the pilot area became extremely quiet.

Soon after, Chen Xiao fell into a deep sleep.

However, not long after he fell asleep, he fell into a very strange situation.

He didn't know if anyone else had ever encountered a similar situation, but he was pretty sure that he was dreaming right now.

It's just that he didn't seem to want to wake up from the dream.

Soon, he felt the door to the room being opened.

Then a small, completely invisible figure slowly walked to his bedside.

He could make out it was a little girl, holding a black rag doll in her hand.

When Chen Xiao's consciousness in his dream looked at the red eyes of the rag doll, he woke up in a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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