Chapter 118 What a big problem she has!

Chen Xiao sat on the bed and lit the bedside lamp.

He looked down at the empty room except for him.

He remembers that dream very clearly now, even every step of it.

But it seems like every dream is like this. As time goes by, the memory will gradually fade.

Chen Xiao could clearly remember the pale and thin hands that stretched out the doll, but he couldn't remember the outline of the person holding out the hand.

He felt like it was a little bit, but it didn't seem like it was a little bit.

Shaking his head, Chen Xiao threw away the thoughts in his mind.

There should be a reason for this dream to occur.

As we age, we all say that we have thoughts every day and dreams every night.

He spent almost a whole day reading small missing person notices, and the latter's appearance was almost engraved in his mind.

It's just that this dream made Chen Xiao feel very bad in his heart.

He felt that Xiaodian Dian's appearance in his dream at this time was like an omen.

"I hope it's different from what I thought, but I should go to Qingsha Town early tomorrow morning and visit the home where Little Diandian was born."

Chen Xiao had an idea in his mind, so he no longer thought about lying down again and closing his eyes to rest.

Chen Xiao never had any dreams again and slept until dawn.

Luo Dali and the others would never delay what Chen Xiao had told them.

Early in the morning, the three of them printed out several bundles of missing persons notices and then drove out to distribute them to other pilot sites.

Chen Xiao saw that it was almost time, so he also drove to Qingsha Town.

When he arrived at the Qingsha Town Police Station, Chen Xiao just got out of the car and saw a woman standing at the door of the police station.

The woman seemed to know Chen Xiao and came over immediately when she saw him.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, my name is Wen Baohui, a police officer from the Criminal Police Team of Nanxi County Bureau. The county bureau has arranged for me to investigate the case of the missing girl Xiaodian with you."

Wen Baohui is not very old, and her appearance and body shape should be almost the same as Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao glanced at Wen Baohui, shook hands with a smile and said, "Hello, Officer Wen. With the help of your county bureau, it will be much easier for me to investigate."

Wen Baohui was a little excited: "Mr. Chen is so polite, I feel so lucky! Yesterday the municipal bureau held a press conference, and you don't know how many people from our county bureau wanted to go. But I didn't expect that I would be able to meet today your turn!"

Chen Xiao smiled slightly: "Since you are waiting for me at the police station, you must have already said hello to the village committee where Yang Ziping is located. Let's set off now."

"Okay, I'll drive."

Wen Baohui got into the driver's seat very ably, and Chen Xiao got into the car politely.

Along the way, Wen Baohui did not communicate too much with Chen Xiao, only two brief greetings.

When they arrived at Sifang Village where Yang Ziping was located, Wen Baohui spoke again: "I have already greeted the village committee before meeting Mr. Chen. No one in the village will disturb me unless Mr. Chen wants to see them."

"This couldn't be better. Let's go directly to Yang Ziping's house."

As Chen Xiao said, Wen Baohui also led the way.

Soon, the two of them arrived in front of a small two-story foreign-style building.

At this moment, the door of the small foreign-style building was open. Chen Xiao asked tentatively: "Has Yang Ziping come back since yesterday evening?"

"I have already asked. Yang Ziping has not appeared in the village since yesterday. I asked people from the village committee to open the door first. When I opened it, I asked them to wear gloves and no one entered. Pass by Yang Ziping's house."

Chen Xiao looked at Wen Baohui with some surprise: "Did the county bureau leaders tell you before you came here, or did you tell them yourself?"

Wen Baohui paused: "The leaders didn't explain it. I just think that if Mr. Chen wants to come, he must follow strict procedures."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded. He now felt that the biggest reason why Wen Baohui was transferred to cooperate with him was because of his cleverness.

"Then let's go inside and take a look."

After Wen Baohui said hello, she saw that Chen Xiao had already put on shoe covers and foot covers.

After the two of them walked into the house together, Wen Baohui was about to look around when she saw Chen Xiao standing still in the main room.

Wen Baohui also stood for a while, and then she couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "Mr. Chen, what are you looking at?"

"Officer Wen, what case are we investigating now?"

"A missing case." "Since it is a missing case, what do you think we should investigate most?"

"Check the missing person's last missing location. According to the information given by Yang Ziping before, Xiaodian disappeared after falling asleep at night."

"What was Yang Ziping doing at that time?" Chen Xiao asked again.

Wen Baohui replied: "She was washing clothes in the backyard at that time. She would come back here with her daughter every once in a while. Then she would take out all the clothes that had not been touched for a long time at home and wash them. After they were dried the next day, she would wash them again. Will come back to work in Qingxi again.”

"Okay, now you go get a basin of water and wash clothes in the backyard. I'll go to the bedroom and lie down for a while, and then see if I can hear the sound of you washing clothes."

Chen Xiao said something and went straight to the bedroom regardless of what Wen Baohui thought.

The bed in the bedroom was already very messy.

But Chen Xiao didn't care and lay down, then closed his eyes and let go of all the thoughts in his mind.

The world around him seemed to fall into complete silence at this moment.

Time passed by, and Chen Xiao didn't hear any sound.

Then he got up, opened the door, and listened carefully again.

I also didn't hear any washing sound.

He believed that Wen Baohui must be acting according to his arrangements. Since he couldn't hear the sound, it meant that when Xiaodian woke up in the middle, he was not sure where his mother was.

So it is possible that she was lost when she went out to look for her mother.

That time period was after 10:30 in the evening.

Why so late?

Yang Ziping said that Xiaodian didn't want to sleep that night. She coaxed her child until about ten o'clock before she was able to get away.

Chen Xiao walked towards the backyard.

As expected, Wen Baohui was doing laundry.

Chen Xiao did not call her, but quietly watched Wen Baohui wash her clothes.

Soon, an idea flashed in his mind.

"Officer Wen, you missed a very important question and didn't ask it."

Chen Xiao suddenly spoke out, and Wen Baohui's body shook instinctively.

After taking a deep breath, Wen Baohui asked with a wry smile: "What's the problem?"

"Did Yang Ziping realize that Xiaodian was missing after the laundry was finished, or did she discover it in the middle of the laundry?"

Wen Baohui immediately began to think deeply.

A few seconds later, Wen Baohui suddenly widened her eyes and shouted: "Mr. Chen, you asked me this question..."

Chen Xiao did not answer the conversation, but said to himself:

"I can tell you with certainty that Yang Ziping discovered that Xiaodian was missing while she was doing laundry."


"Didn't you already tell me the answer? Every once in a while, Yang Ziping will go back to his hometown and take out all the things piled in the closet to wash and dry. In that case, is the laundry load large or small?"


"Then when did Yang Ziping start doing laundry?"

"She said it was after ten o'clock at night."

"When was Little Dot discovered missing?"

"After half past ten."

"I'll take it as ten o'clock for now. You're a girl and I want to ask you, can you wash the clothes at a speed that can wash all the old clothes in the closet in half an hour?"

Wen Baohui's eyes widened and she shook her head: "Impossible."

"That being the case, then why is there not a single piece of dirty clothes in the backyard? There is not a single piece of clothes still drying in the whole house? Didn't Yang Ziping suffer a huge stimulation after Xiaodian disappeared and went insane? Isn't she insane? , and she, who is anxious about her daughter’s whereabouts, still has time to wash and dry clothes?”

Chen Xiao asked back calmly, which shocked Wen Baohui so much that she couldn't help but open her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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