I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 120 The distance between her and me is getting closer and closer!

Chapter 120 The distance between her and me is getting closer and closer!

The county police took tools such as bamboo poles and kept fishing them into the well.

It took less than two minutes, and the expression of the policeman who salvaged the car changed.

"There's something!"

"What is it?" Wen Baohui couldn't help but ask.

The policeman who salvaged it replied: "I don't know yet, it feels like a sack."

Hearing such words, Wen Baohui's heart sank.

How could there be sacks in the well under normal circumstances?

What's in the sack?

Wen Baohui didn't dare to think about it. She was afraid that when she thought about it, she would think that it must be Xiaodian.

Several policemen worked together to fish out the sack.

Wen Baohui didn't care that much. Although she was worried in her heart, when she saw those colleagues looking at each other, she didn't care that much.

After tearing off the rope that tied the sack, pieces of meat spurted out from the mouth of the sack along with the well water.

Wen Baohui backed away desperately, only to see what was in the bag.

She was stunned at first, then looked at Chen Xiao with great surprise and said, "No, it's not Xiaodian... it's a pig!"

There was no surprise on Chen Xiao's face that Wen Baohui showed. On the contrary, it seemed very gloomy.

He was not happy, but what he was unhappy about was not that he didn't see Dot in the bag. He was also glad that there was not a person in the bag.

But the reason why he was upset was because he felt like he was being tricked.

No matter where he was, Chen Xiao had never heard of anyone killing pigs and putting them in wells.

It doesn't matter if this well is a dry well. The water in the key well is at least two-thirds full.

This is unreasonable.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Who would place a killed pig in a well full of water?

Needless to say, it seemed like someone had foresight.

Chen Xiao glanced into the well, then continued fishing for a while with a bamboo pole.

Except for the dead pig, there was nothing else in the well.

Wen Baohui also saw Chen Xiao's gloomy look, so she asked: "Mr. Chen, who would throw a pig into a well?"

"The hair on the pig has been shaved off. Who do you think he is?"

Chen Xiao asked back, and Wen Baohui thought for a while and said, "Why do I feel like you are playing a trick on us?"

Chen Xiao let out a long breath: "Let me tell you a story. This story is the first case that I really solved."

Everyone nodded, and Chen Xiao also said:

"That case happened on the bank of an inner city river in the neighborhood where I live. The deceased was a young man."

"His head was chopped off with an extremely sharp machete, then stuffed into his crotch and thrown into the river."

"After investigation, I identified the suspect Xiao Nian. Her identity is the stepmother of the deceased."

"After hearing this, you must think that the motive for this case was the irreconcilable conflict between the stepmother and the stepson, so the murderer was committed."

"But no, the deceased had always had feelings for the criminal suspect that could not be told to outsiders. And the criminal suspect had already regarded the deceased as a relative."

"Then why did the suspect kill the deceased?" a police officer couldn't help but ask. Chen Xiao sighed: "The superficial relationship between the two of them is very bad, because he feels that the criminal suspect's feelings for his father are not pure. And the criminal suspect has always had an ex-boyfriend who was entangled outside."

"In order to make the criminal suspect suffer, the deceased imitated her ex-boyfriend all the time. Over time, the deceased herself gradually became accustomed to that kind of living situation."

"It wasn't until later that the criminal suspect couldn't stand the harassment from her ex-boyfriend anymore and decided to kill him! So she designed a murder plan, and her murder plan focused on speed!"

"So when what she thought was her ex-boyfriend came into the room, she didn't even say hello and just stabbed him in the room."

At this point, the police officers also understood the meaning.

"So, it was manslaughter!"

"Yes, the case was originally a manslaughter case. But the relationship between the deceased and the criminal suspect was already complicated, so how could the criminal suspect bear such a mistake. So at that time, she was ready to make up for it and fight for herself. time."

"After she killed her ex-boyfriend, we finally found her. But at that time, she had already taken poison and was waiting for us and death."

Everyone nodded, but they still had doubts in their hearts.

These are clearly two different cases. What is Chen Xiao talking about at this time?

Chen Xiao didn't wait for them to ask, and said: "When I found the suspect, she handed me a notebook. The notebook was left by the previous tenant of the house. She bought the house I discovered it by accident later.”

"I have read all the contents in that notebook. They are all about how to kill people. The case she did is the same one in the notebook!"

Having said this, Chen Xiao paused and looked at Wen Baohui: "Do you know who the author of that murder note is?"

Wen Baohui shook her head: "Who is it? Do I know him?"

"You may not know him, but everyone in this village may know him, especially Yang Ziping."

When the words came to this point, Wen Baohui reacted naturally. She exclaimed in disbelief: "Yang Ziping's husband? Chen Yan!"

"Yes, Chen Yan's name was left at the end of the note."

Whether it was Wen Baohui or the other police officers, they were all stunned and stunned.

Chen Xiao stood up, clapped his hands and said, "Maybe we just met someone with the same name, but whether it's this Chen Yan or that Chen Yan, I know that Yang Ziping's husband Xiao Dian Dian's father is named Chen Yan That’s when I decided to investigate this disappearance case without any hesitation.”

As he said that, Chen Xiao couldn't help but scan his surroundings.

"Looking back now, I always feel that these two Chen Yans are really similar!"

Wen Baohui: "Mr. Chen, do you mean that Xiaodian Dian's disappearance may have something to do with Chen Yan?"

"My words cannot be understood this way. I mean that Chen Yan has to leave a notebook when he rents a house in other places, which is used to influence other people who have darkness in their hearts. As a person around him, will it be possible that he has already Invisibly affected?"

"I understand, you are talking about Yang Ziping!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, regardless of whether she is influenced by Chen Yan or not, Yang Ziping can no longer be as free as before. She needs to be controlled."

Wen Baohui understood the meaning and immediately picked up her cell phone to call the leaders of the county bureau.

But before the call was dialed, Chen Xiao stopped him.

"Inform Hu Yue directly. Yang Ziping is probably still in the city. If you find her, she will either be locked up in the city bureau's criminal police team or sent to a mental hospital!"

Wen Baohui called the Municipal Criminal Police Team, and Hu Yue happened to answer the call.

After informing Chen Xiao of his decision, Hu Yue immediately agreed.

After the phone call was finished, Wen Baohui walked to Chen Xiao and asked, "Mr. Chen, what should we do next to find Xiaodian."

Chen Xiao did not reply immediately. He frowned and looked up at the sky above his head, and said quietly: "I have always been very contradictory. I am worried that Xiaodian is abducted, but I am also afraid that she is not abducted. Abducted , meaning there’s a good chance she’s still alive.”

"And now, I feel that the distance between me and Xiaodian is getting closer and closer!"

(End of this chapter)

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