Chapter 121 Half of her face

Wen Baohui understood why Chen Xiao said that he was getting closer and closer to Xiaodian.

Because there is one more key figure in the whole case.

Although this task has always been critical before this.

But her identity has undergone a polar reversal.

Yang Ziping was the only family member of the missing person.

But now, Yang Ziping has a very strange connection with Xiaodian's disappearance.

Yang Ziping was probably not doing laundry the night Xiaodian disappeared.

She may have lied to the police!

But why did she lie to the police?

If Yang Ziping was a normal person, then there would be no need to think about the need to control her and intensify the interrogation.

However, Yang Ziping went insane!

Whether her disorder is real or feigned.

It seems that the next step is to control her...!

Wen Baohui figured out what to do next, and when she was about to talk to Chen Xiao, she saw that Chen Xiao had already called Hu Yue.

"Captain Hu, I have discovered something here. Now you must find Yang Ziping as soon as possible."

"In addition, after we found her, we immediately sent her to a mental hospital to confirm whether she was really insane."

Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Hu Yue asked unexpectedly: "You mean, she is pretending to be mentally ill?"

"Not sure, but it doesn't look like it."

Hu Yue was a little confused after hearing this. He paused and said, "Don't worry, I have been arranging people to search for her since she left. I believe there will be news soon."

"That's good."

After Chen Xiao said this, he hung up the phone and said to Wen Baohui: "Come with me to the village."

Wen Baohui nodded and walked out of Yang Ziping's house together.

Soon, Chen Xiao walked into the neighbor's door.

Yang Ziping's neighbor had been looking here from the second floor of his house from the moment Chen Xiao and others arrived.

Although the village had already stated that people who entered Yang Ziping's house could not be disturbed, it did not say that villagers could not observe from their own homes.

So when the neighbor saw Chen Xiao coming to his house, he hurried downstairs.

"Hello, comrade police!" the neighbor greeted quickly and then explained: "Don't get me wrong, I was just curious and looked at you a few more times."

Chen Xiao smiled: "Brother, don't be afraid, I just came to find out about the situation!"

The neighbor breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I see, seeing you enter my house, I thought I was disturbing you."

Chen Xiao shook his head and asked about business: "Brother, do you and Chen Yan's family move around much?"

Wen Baohui glanced at Chen Xiao and listened to the neighbor say: "You can say that when Chen Yan was here, he didn't move around much. Chen Yan, he doesn't like people coming to his house. It's probably the first day of the year every year. If you go to his house to pay New Year greetings, you won’t be embarrassed.”

"I heard that Chen Yan is a bride-in-law in your Sifang Village, right?" Chen Xiao continued to ask.

The neighbor nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, Aping's father is from our village and has a carpenter's skills. He used to work in other places. One year, he suddenly brought a young boy back and said he was his apprentice. That apprentice It was Chen Yan, and A Ping fell in love with him as soon as she went to his house for the Chinese New Year that year."

Chen Xiao had a look of surprise on his face: "So it seems that Chen Yan looks pretty good?"

"No, Chen Yan is very thin, a little over 1.6 meters tall, and his skin is dark. But although he is thin, I heard from Uncle Yang that he is very strong. At that time, we were sitting together chatting, and I actually broke up with him. Wrist." Neighbor said as he also lifted up his sleeves and flexed his arms to show off his bulging biceps.

Chen Xiao's eyes widened: "Oh, my brother's muscles are amazing, so you must have won, right?"

The neighbor smiled bitterly and shook his head: "We lost. We were in a stalemate for five minutes, and he won a little. At that time, I was a little unconvinced and wanted to try again, but Chen Yan was gasping for air and couldn't survive. I guess he was afraid. Lose so don’t give me a chance.”

Chen Xiao also nodded: "It looks like it to me, so how is the relationship between Chen Yan and Yang Ziping?"

"I can't tell. I always felt that Chen Yan was mysterious. When Uncle Yang was still there, he didn't have the power to make the decisions in the family, so he had no sense of presence. Later, Uncle Yang passed away, and we thought A Ping could take charge of the family, but he didn't. When I think of A Ping, she listens to him in everything. Anyway, A Ping is always thinking about her, so we can’t say anything about him."

Chen Xiao paused: "Does Chen Yan go out often?"

"Yes, he inherited Uncle Yang's carpentry skills and often works outside all year round. As long as it's the New Year's Eve, A Ping will be like Wangfu Shi, waiting at the entrance of the village every day."

Chen Xiao glanced at his neighbor, and then pretended to be angry and cursed: "Then Chen Yan is really not a thing."

The neighbor slapped his thigh and said, "Who says it's not true! What a change has happened to A Ping in the past few years. She used to be a flower in our village. Uncle Yang was also blind and took in a white-eyed wolf, otherwise A Ping would follow Who doesn’t live a life several times better than him?”

"Yes, I heard that the little bitch ran away when she was just pregnant, right?" Chen Xiao said again.

The neighbor nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, if I remember correctly the day A Ping gave birth, it was midnight on the sixth day of the first lunar month. If my wife and I hadn't sent her to the county hospital, I think she would have died!"

Chen Xiao was so angry that Wen Baohui was dumbfounded.

"Brother, let's just say that Xiaodiantian is his flesh and blood. She has been pregnant for ten months and is now three years old. That bitch hasn't even come back to take a look?" Chen Xiao asked.

The neighbor shook his head: "What the hell, that scumbag doesn't like children. No matter who's children in the village, they will walk around when they see him."

"What should I say? Could it be that he has beaten other people's children?"

"No, he doesn't hit, he stares. You don't know, even adults are scared when he stares at people!"

"Brother, can you demonstrate? No one can scare people with just one look."

The neighbor thought for a while, then scratched his head and said, "I can't really demonstrate this. Anyway, many people in the village are afraid of looking into his eyes. Those eyes don't seem too fierce, but as long as you stare at him, I feel hairy all over my body. Someone in the village said that Chen Yan might have killed someone outside, and that look is a murderous look!"

Chen Xiao hummed and asked as if casually: "Then, apart from Yang Ziping's daughter Diandian, no one from all over the country around you has lost a child, right?"

"That's not the case. We all take very close care of our children here, but who knows if they're small enough to be lost while sleeping at home in the middle of the night!"

"Yes, I found it strange after learning about the case. Was Xiaodian Dian like this before? He often ran away?"

"It's nothing. Little Diandian is such a good kid, and he is timid and very afraid of things. When I heard A Ping crying in the middle of the night looking for her child, I thought it was unlikely that Diandian ran out on her own."

"Then what do you think the reason is?"

The neighbor glanced around: "I think... someone took him away!"

Chen Xiao was greatly surprised: "So, I still have someone to suspect?"

The neighbor nodded, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly stood up and his expression changed drastically.

Chen Xiao looked puzzled and turned his head little by little in the direction of his neighbor's eyes.

At the door behind him, there was a cat standing behind the door with only half of his face showing, looking towards him with a strange smile in his eyes.

It was... Yang Ziping!

(End of this chapter)

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