Chapter 122 The Kidnapper and the Prisoner

The neighbor's eldest brother took the first step.

He walked towards the door, saying as he walked:

"A Ping, what are you doing? I was almost scared to death by you in broad daylight!"

Chen Xiao didn't move, he was also looking at Yang Ziping.

Why was the first thought in his mind that Yang Ziping was at the gate?

The reason is that Yang Ziping seems to be playing hide and seek with others!

But looking at only half of her face, it felt a little voyeuristic.

But her eyes were very strange, and there was a strong sneer in her eyes.

Chen Xiao stared at her until the neighbor helped Yang Ziping over.

However, when Yang Ziping saw Chen Xiao again, it seemed that she didn't recognize him at all.

She also looked directly at Chen Xiao, but her movements and expressions were very rich.

Sometimes he frowns, sometimes he scratches his head.

This look seemed to be responding to Chen Xiao, they should have seen it before.

But Chen Xiao didn't talk to her, but was thinking about a question.

How did Yang Ziping come back?

Was she gone all night?

But on the way from Nanqiao Town to Sifang Village in Qingxi Town, Chen Xiao didn't see Yang Ziping.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao said to Wen Baohui, who was still looking shocked: "Take off her shoes and have a look."

Wen Baohui was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked over and helped Yang Ziping sit down.

But the neighbor asked in confusion: "Comrade police, why are you taking off her shoes?"

"We met yesterday at the Criminal Police Team of Qingxi City Bureau. At that time, she asked me to help her find her child. But then she disappeared, and now she looks like she doesn't know me."

Chen Xiao said, but the neighbor was not surprised at all: "What's this? A Ping is like this now, sometimes awake and sometimes confused. The only thing she still remembers is probably going home."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao smiled and said nothing, watching Wen Baohui take off Yang Ziping's shoes easily.

After Wen Baohui checked it, he replied: "The wear is quite serious, and the back heel has detached."

Chen Xiao hummed: "I guess she really came back."

"From Qingxi?"

"Probably, but can she take a car?" Chen Xiao looked at his neighbor.

The latter nodded: "She can still do it when she is awake, but she seems to be very economical at heart. She will definitely not take a taxi. If she wants to take a shuttle bus in the town, she will take it."

Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions. After sending a message to Hu Yue, she said to Wen Baohui: "She must be very tired. Officer Wen, please take her back to the next door to rest. Remember to guard her and don't go away."

"it is good."

Wen Baohui took Yang Ziping away.

The neighbors watched Yang Ziping's back and sighed again and again.

Chen Xiao said something: "Brother, isn't your wife at home?"

"Not here."

"No wonder." Chen Xiao said with a smile. Looking back, the neighbor always felt that there was something in his words, but he couldn't understand it.

Then he sat back and said with a melancholy look on his face: "Hey, I don't know what evil A Ping did in her previous life. She was such a good girl back then, but now she's like this."

"Brother, do you know she is setting up a stall in the city selling pancakes?"

"I know, the pancakes she makes are really good. When she was good, she would make them at home and send them to my house. My wife and my baby ate delicious pancakes."

Chen Xiaodao: "I heard that she comes back every once in a while to wash and dry the clothes at home, especially during Chen Yan's birthday, rain or shine?" "Yes, hey... it doesn't matter if you don't say it. I feel so angry when you say that. Just say that white-eyed wolf, why should he?"

Chen Xiao grinned and did not answer the question, but asked: "How much memory does I have of the night when Xiaodian disappeared?"

"No one in the village knew about it at first. It was in the middle of the night that my wife heard A Ping crying in the yard, and then she realized that Little Diandian was missing."

"What time is it at midnight? Do you still remember it?"

"'s almost two o'clock, right?" the neighbor said.

Chen Xiao: "That means she searched outside for three or four hours before returning home and crying."

"I don't know about this. When I heard her crying, people came to the village one after another. As soon as I heard about it, the village committee organized people to look for her."

"Well, brother, didn't you say before that you suspected that Xiaodian was taken away? Tell me, who do you suspect?" Chen Xiao asked again.

The neighbor said solemnly: "I am not the only one who suspects this. Many people suspect it, saying that Liu Guaizi took away Xiaodian."

Chen Xiao was confused: "Who is Liu Guaizi?"

He was really curious now.

Because Liu Guaizi or anyone named Liu did not appear in the county bureau's investigation files.

The neighbor became a little nervous and whispered: "Don't say that I told you, Liu Guaizi is a ruthless person in our area. The old Liu family is also a tyrant in our Qingsha Town, relying on Rich people run rampant in the countryside."

"In the early years, Liu Guaizi was not called a kidnapper. Later, Uncle Yang brought Chen Yan and he became a kidnapper. Although Liu Guaizi did not admit it, everyone here knew that Chen Yan probably knocked his feet. Absolutely. Because before Chen Yan came, Liu Guaizi had fallen in love with A Ping and almost forced Uncle Yang to marry his daughter to his family. "

Chen Xiao suddenly said: "In other words, none of you told the police about this?"

"Who dares to say, the old Liu family is a very powerful family, and no one is afraid of being settled by Qiu Hou."

"With such a domineering family, would they be afraid of a foreigner named Chen Yan?"

"Who knows, anyway, after Chen Yan came, Liu Guaizi became Liu Guaizi."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, but he didn't think it was very reasonable.

We must know that if Liu Guaizi takes revenge, it will start as early as after Chen Yan leaves. How could he wait until Xiaodian is three years old?

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao asked, "Did Liu Guaizi and Yang Ziping have any conflicts before Xiaodian disappeared?"

"I haven't heard of any conflicts, but think about it... His legs were broken by Chen Yan. Xiaodian is Chen Yan's child. How can he not take revenge? Moreover, in the 8s and 90s, their family built a private building I’m in the shift room!”

Chen Xiao suddenly frowned.

Prison is another name for prison.

Liu Guaizi's family had a private prison. This was very important information to Chen Xiao, so he quickly asked: "Which village does Liu Guaizi come from?"

"Liujialing is full of people with the surname Liu."

Chen Xiao agreed, chatted with the neighbor for a few more words, then got up and returned to Yang Ziping's house.

Entering the bedroom, Yang Ziping fell asleep again, and Wen Baohui was guarding the room.

"Mr. Chen, you are back."

"When did she go to bed?" Chen Xiao asked, and Wen Baohui replied: "I brought her back, and she came to find the bed by herself. She fell asleep and snored within two minutes of falling down. She seemed very tired. "

"Then do you know Liu Jialing?"

Wen Baohui looked puzzled: "I grew up in the county and don't know much about this area."

"Okay, remember to guard her and don't let her escape again." Chen Xiao warned and walked out of the room, and then called Luo Dali.

"The home appliances here in Qingsha Town are being sent to the countryside. Is there anyone in Liujialing participating in it?"

(End of this chapter)

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