Chapter 124 Follow others’ opinions

Sitting in Liu Guaizi's house.

Liu Guaizi was making tea, and the woman from before brought a lot of fruits, dried fruits and a bunch of snacks.


The enthusiasm made Luo Dali still a little confused.

He originally thought that he would be almost ready to fight when he saw Liu Guaizi.

Liu Guaizi brought two cups of hot tea to Chen Xiao and Luo Dali, and then slowly sat down.

Chen Xiao glanced at him and smiled: "Looking at Mr. Liu, he seems to have been waiting for me."

Liu Guaizi didn't hide it: "Yes, I also know that you are here for something trivial."

"It seems that I really thought too much before I came here." Chen Xiao joked.

Liu Guaizi didn't mind: "When they see me, all the villagers from all over the country are vying to laugh with me, but I still know myself. As long as I turn my back, they want to scold all the eighteen generations of my ancestors." All over."

"Since Mr. Liu knows my purpose of coming, let's not avoid detours. What do you think of the little things?"

Chen Xiao did not ask whether Xiaodian's incident had anything to do with Liu Guaizi, but asked him what he thought.

Liu Guaizi was also a little surprised. After a pause, he said: "I thought you would interrogate me directly because I was so direct. After all, if this happened to A Ping's family, many people must doubt me."

Chen Xiao nodded without answering, and Liu Guaizi pulled the woman next to him to sit down.

"Actually, that suspicion is completely unreasonable. Look, this is my current wife Zhou Zhiyu. Do I still miss A Ping? There is a huge difference between the two." Liu Guaizi seemed a little proud and continued to take pictures. Take a picture of your lame leg:

"Besides, if I really want revenge, why do I have to wait until now?!"

Chen Xiao looked at Liu Guaizi's eyes.

He could tell that Liu Guaizi was not lying.

And the strangest thing is that there is not much hatred in Liu Guaizi's eyes, but more confusion.

This made Chen Xiao ask curiously: "Is there anything that Mr. Liu can't figure out?"

"I really can't figure it out. That Chen Yan is a very smart person, and he is also very cruel. But, he does everything so well. I don't understand why A Ping is still devoted to him."

Chen Xiao suddenly realized that he was also puzzled by this kind of thing.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said with a smile: "Maybe feelings are so unreasonable."

"Yes, I was completely devoted to A Ping back then, but she couldn't even look down on me. And I couldn't understand why she didn't even want her own life if she looked down on me so much. Get into the water and save me.”

Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

He wanted to remind Liu Guaizi that there was someone else next to him, but there was no way he could say this.

After coughing twice, Chen Xiao said, "I wonder if it's convenient for me to ask about Mr. Liu's leg?"

"It's nothing inconvenient. I also said that Chen Yan is very ruthless in what he does. Besides, he didn't sneak up on me and limp my leg. I asked my dad to break it directly in front of him."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but stare, and Liu Guaizi said bluntly without covering up:

"I don't know how he checked. My dad did something bad at that time, and he got caught. If my dad didn't break my legs, then our old Liu family's business would at least be damaged. Most of it. In order to save the family business, I asked my dad to break it with steel bars."

"As expected, if I hadn't found Mr. Liu, I would have thought that Chen Yan would beat you up." Chen Xiao said.

Liu Guaizi raised his head and said with complicated eyes: "To be honest, I would rather meet my business enemies than have any more entanglements with Chen Yan. That person has no principles in doing things and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think, and the living room suddenly became quiet. After a while, Liu Guaizi's wife said: "Old Liu, I'm going to prepare lunch. It's almost lunch time."

Just when Chen Xiao was about to say something, Liu Guaizi said: "Mr. Chen, please give me some face and just have a meal at my place at noon."

"Okay, then I won't bother you." Chen Xiao was not polite.

Liu Guaizi smiled and nodded, and the woman went to the kitchen to cook.

As soon as she left, Chen Xiao couldn't help but said: "Did you buy the shoes on Yang Ziping's feet?"

At the entrance of the Criminal Police Team of Qingxi City Bureau, when Chen Xiao first met Yang Ziping, she was wearing a pair of fairly new shoes.

Although the shoes were now worn out, Chen Xiao thought of Liu Guaizi's reaction, so she asked one more question.

Liu Guaizi smiled bitterly: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for not asking me this question just now, otherwise I really wouldn't know the answer."

Chen Xiao shook his head, and Liu Guaizi sighed: "I fell into the water once before. My water quality was not good and I almost drowned. It was A Ping who jumped from the bridge and rescued me. So at that time, A Ping There is a strange feeling in my heart."

"It's just that people from all over the country thought that I was attracted by A Ping's appearance. I relied on my family's little money and was too arrogant to explain. Later, when we grew up, I wanted to use the stupidest method to force marriage until When Chen Yan came, I saw that A Ping really loved him, so I had no choice but to let it go."

"Well, is she a particularly temperamental girl when she's good?" Chen Xiao asked.

Liu Guaizi said without hesitation: "Yes, she has no temper at all, speaks very softly, is kind to everyone, and is very strong. It seems that nothing in the world can make her panic. In this area, except for me, At the beginning, many people went to her house to propose marriage, and there were even people who wanted to marry her."

"It's no wonder. Her image and temperament are probably the Bai Yueguang in many people's hearts."

Liu Guaizi was curious: "What does Bai Yueguang mean?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just an adjective. Let's talk about smaller things. Have you investigated after she disappeared?"

"I searched for a while, but then I was too busy and had my own life, so I stopped searching."

Chen Xiao hummed and said nothing more. He kept wondering about Liu Guaizi.

During the conversation with him just now, Liu Guaizi's every word, every move, and every change in his demeanor were very natural.

So he didn't look like he was lying or acting.

There were also some words that he shouldn't have said on this occasion, but he couldn't help but say them.

And through this conversation, Chen Xiao felt that Liu Guaizi was not the kind of person he originally understood.

Of course, it is more likely that he did not have deep contact with Liu Guaizi.

How to evaluate a person can never be determined in a few words.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao asked the last question: "I heard that your family had a prison cell before?"

Liu Guaizi was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "What a class, it's all just spreading rumors. Mr. Chen must have known about the business my family does. There are many competitors in our industry, and each one is more ruthless than the other. So I want to To gain a foothold, sometimes you have to be more ruthless than others.”

"The so-called squad house is actually a small brick house built for the mountain guards when our family contracted the forest, nothing more."

"Have you been there recently?"

Liu Guaizi shook his head: "Why should I go? I didn't steal Xiaodian. Now is a society ruled by law, and that small house has long been abandoned."

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly: "Then let's go for a walk later!"

(End of this chapter)

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