I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 125 A turn around reveals the secret!

Chapter 125: Turn around and reveal the secret!

After lunch.

Chen Xiao and Luo Dali got into Liu Guaizi's car.

Although the latter was lame, that leg had still been treated.

The only difference from normal people is that he walks with a limp.

Along the way, Chen Xiao didn't talk much, but Luo Dali and Liu Guaizi chatted a lot.

After all, Luo Dali, even if he meets an old lady or an old man on the road, he can talk for a long time if he wants to.

What's more, Liu Guaizi is full of charlatanism, and Luo Dali likes to brag all the way with such a person.

Finally arriving at Liu Guaizi's house outside the contracted mountain forest, Chen Xiao finally spoke:

"Mr. Liu, do you often watch the news?"

Liu Guaizi didn't know what this meant for a moment, but when he came to his senses, he said, "Business people should pay more attention to local and foreign current affairs, but Chen Xiao's name is now well-known in our Qingxi area."

"Mr. Chen himself doesn't seem to like reading news and newspapers, right? The newspaper has written about A Ping asking for your help at the entrance of the criminal police team." Liu Guaizi said with a smile.

Chen Xiao nodded, looked at the forest and said, "How long do you have to walk in to get to that small brick house?"

"We have to walk for half an hour."

"Okay, let's go."

Liu Guaizi hummed, and the three of them walked all the way to Lin Zili.

More than half an hour later, the three of them stopped outside a brick house.

The house is not big, but you can see from the outside that there are at least two rooms inside.

Liu Guaizi gasped and took out the key and said: "There used to be two uncles from our family guarding this place. Later, when the time came, the town took it back without contracting it for us. From now on, few people come here again." .”

With that said, Liu Guaizi was about to insert the key into the keyhole.

But Chen Xiao suddenly grabbed his wrist: "Wait a minute."

Liu Guaizi turned around: "What's wrong?"

"The lock seems to have been opened by someone." Chen Xiao said, pulling Liu Guaizi behind him, and clearly found that the lock marks had changed.

A heavy door lock will leave obvious marks if it falls on the door.

But once the lock has been moved, the dust on the lock and the lock mark that will appear on the door can be clearly distinguished.

When Liu Guaizi saw Chen Xiao temporarily pick up the lock, he also saw at a glance that there were many lock seals on the door.

"Someone has looked at this lock recently, but this place has been abandoned for at least many years, and the door is almost rotten."

Liu Guaizi couldn't help but said in shock.

Chen Xiao took a photo of the door with his mobile phone, and then unlocked the door.

However, the brick house does not have electricity, and because it is located in a mountain forest, there is not much light in the whole house.

But it is clearly visible that there are some footprints on the ground.

These footprints further prove that someone has been in the house.

Liu Guaizi suddenly became excited and couldn't help explaining: "Mr. Chen, I use my remaining leg as a guarantee. I really don't know anyone has been here!"

Even Liu Guaizi could relate it, so how could Chen Xiao not think of it?

However, Chen Xiao did not answer, but quickly walked towards the room.

When he saw the scene in the first room, Chen Xiao immediately said to Luo Dali: "Look for the signal and call the police immediately when you find it."

Luo Dali raised his eyebrows and ran out of the house without saying a word. Liu Guaizi also followed and walked to Chen Xiao. When he saw the scene inside, he was stunned and murmured to himself:

"How is this possible? Who the hell is this bastard who locked her up here!"

At the end of the sentence, Liu Guaizi was roaring so hard that his body was trembling.

But there was no one in the room at all!

All I could see were two iron chains left in the room, tied to both ends of the wall.

Several gnawed raw chickens and ducks could also be seen on the ground.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao felt a little happy in his heart.

Because the small moving footprints on the ground told him that a child was once locked up here.

Who could that child be?

Who else could it be besides Xiaodiandian?

Therefore, Chen Xiao was glad that Xiaodian Dian was not abducted or killed.

She is still alive, but her life is miserable.

But the person who imprisoned her seized the opportunity and moved her again before Chen Xiao found this place.

And judging from the food residue on the ground, the transfer didn't take long, probably just yesterday.

Liu Guaizi still couldn't figure it out, and his eyes were full of self-blame.

"I should come over and have a look. If I had come earlier, maybe I would have found Xiaodian. As long as we find her, maybe A Ping won't be like this!"

Chen Xiao patted his shoulder and explained: "To be precise, you are still the owner of this brick house, so when the police come later, you will definitely be taken away for investigation. Especially, you have a motive for committing the crime. Do you understand?"

Liu Guaizi said solemnly: "But I really don't have one!"

"Legal matters are not something you just say you don't have. Only after investigation and evidence collection can you determine whether you are innocent."

Chen Xiao didn't want to explain too much, so Liu Guaizi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Well, just calm down. I have a very important question to ask you later." After Chen Xiao said this, Liu Guaizi said directly:

"You ask, although my mood is fluctuating a lot now, my mind is clear."

"First question, how many people know about this brick house?"

"People in Liujialing and even people in other villages know about it."

"Looking at the food residue in this room, Xiaodian was moved not long ago. It was probably yesterday. So, did you or others mention the Brick House yesterday or earlier?"

"I can definitely say that there is no such thing. Who can think of this brick house?"

Chen Xiao frowned and thought for a while, then said: "That's strange. No one has ever mentioned that there are so many people who know about it, which means that this is both the most dangerous and the safest place. How many people can think of such a place? It happened that Re happened to move Xiaodian in advance before we came here today."

"So, what was the reason for his transfer? Did something happen yesterday or earlier that gave him an uneasy premonition?"

Chen Xiao was talking to himself, while Liu Guaizi was scratching his head and seemed to be reminiscing.

For a moment, the brick house became extremely quiet. Chen Xiao frowned slightly and decided to go outside to breathe fresh air.

But as soon as he turned around, his figure moved on the wall.

Seeing his body move, Chen Xiao suddenly froze.

Wait... It seems that the person causing big disturbances and events in the entire Qingxi area these days is himself, right?

With this thought, Chen Xiao felt more and more excited inside.

It was as if his turning around revealed a secret!

Chen Xiao suppressed his inner excitement and thought again.

"If the person imprisoning Xiaodian is paying attention to me, then he will definitely see the news about me and Yang Ziping from yesterday's newspaper. As long as he sees it and is wary of me, then it is very likely that he will be transferred in advance !”

"And he likes to use the most dangerous and safest way of thinking to hide people, so where else can he think is the most dangerous and safest place?!"

(End of this chapter)

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