Chapter 126 Rabbit bites when anxious

Chen Xiao walked out of the brick house.

I found a random place to squat down.

He felt that there was some truth to the idea just now. Whether it was Nanqiao Town, Qingsha Town, or even several nearby towns, the most sensational case recently was the Yu Xiaofeng Village case.

At yesterday's press conference, Chen Xiao had already appeared on Qingxi's TV station.

This also means that many people in Qingxi know about his existence.

What's more, there was information in the newspaper that Yang Ziping begged him for help.

All these are telling people that Chen Xiao is very likely to come to investigate the case of Xiaodian Dian's disappearance.

For a detective who can solve every murder case in Xiaofeng Village within three days, the person imprisoning Xiaodian probably doesn't have that much confidence that he can compete with him.

But, what kind of place would that person choose as the second prison point?

And it must have concealment, the most dangerous and safest characteristics.

Especially the most dangerous and safest feature, Chen Xiao instinctively thought that it might still be related to him.

But where is the connection with him?

Chen Xiao really couldn't think of it for a moment.

At this time, Luo Dali called back.

"Brother Chen, I have already called the police. The Nanxi County Bureau said they will send someone right away. But considering the time on the road and into the mountains, we won't be able to get there in less than an hour and a half."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Well, the first one to arrive should be the Qingsha Town Police Station. We can just wait here."

"Okay, but did you see anything inside just now?" Luo Dali asked curiously.

"What do you think of this place being used to hide people?" Chen Xiao asked instead of answering.

Luo Dali touched his chin and thought for a while, then said: "It is indeed a good place to hide people, but you just came to find that little Dot, and you found it. It can be seen that the person who imprisoned Little Dot is not of the same rank as you."

"I ask you to analyze it, what are you trying to do to flatter me?"

"I'm not flattering you, it's obviously a reasonable analysis! But I also have questions, why would that person imprison Xiaodian? What's the point of imprisoning a three-year-old girl to him?"

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up: "This is a good question. It shows 120% of your level as Luo Dali."

Luo Dali chuckled: "I'm a special agent of Dongzhou Detective. I always have to go to extra lengths from time to time, right? So Brother Chen, tell me quickly, why does he want to imprison Xiaodian?"

"Like you, I also think this matter is strange. Imprisonment means that he has other purposes. But this purpose is obviously not for money, because no one has received a blackmail call. But, if it is not for money, What's that for?"

Chen Xiao was asking Luo Dali, and he was also asking himself.

Luo Dali scratched his head and said: "Brother Chen, didn't you say that when you encountered those murder cases before? Apart from those murderers who kill randomly, there is always a reason for killing. He locked up Xiaodian, and didn't It’s for money, and it doesn’t seem to be for revenge, right? If you have hatred, can you still leave food for that girl?”

"Those foods are just some raw chicken and duck. A three-year-old little one can't even chew them," Chen Xiao replied.

Luo Dali shook his head: "I don't understand, but I understand the truth. If I don't want that girl to live, I won't even leave a piece of mud."

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes: "What you said makes sense. If there is no blackmail call, it can be ruled out that it is not for money. Leaving food for Xiaodian can also be seen as a sign that the hatred is not deep and it means a lesson."

"If you rule out these two most common causes, you're left with just one."

Luo Dali looked at it and asked, "What's left?"

Chen Xiao pointed to the position of his heart and said, "Emotion."

Luo Dali rolled his eyes: "Brother, don't make trouble. That little one is only three years old, how can it have anything to do with emotions?" "Emotions are not only love, but also family ties, friendships, etc." Chen Xiao was also speechless.

Luo Dali suddenly realized: "Then she is so young, the most likely thing is family affection! Could it be that her scumbag father really did it? You see that scumbag has a grudge against Liu Guaizi, so he naturally knows about this brick house. Now it's He and Xiaodian Dian are father and daughter, so he might have done it."

Chen Xiao did not respond.

After investigating the matter to this point, Chen Xiao actually had a very clear feeling in his heart.

That person played by Chen is a ruthless character.

He had no reason to come back and imprison his daughter, and he left so simply, and it was even less likely that he would expose himself because of Yang Ziping or Xiao Diandian.

His chances are too low.

As Chen Xiao was thinking about it, Luo Dali suddenly said: "Brother, do you think that Yang Ziping will put a hat on Chen Yan? Then he will come back to commit crimes in anger!"

"I can't help but praise you when I talk about you. When you praise me, your imagination becomes too big. I'm not sure. Chen Yan definitely doesn't care whether the little bit is his. If he cares, how could he do it to Yang Zipinggang? He ran away when she was pregnant? He ran away and there is no news about him so far. The only reason is that he doesn't want to stay here anymore, he is afraid that someone will find out his old background. "

Luo Dali nodded heavily: "I understand what you said, but if it's not Chen Yan, who else could it be because of feelings?"

"We should not be too one-sided when thinking about the problem. One-sidedness means focusing on one point. Well, Dali, I will give you a name and you can write it down."

As Chen Xiao said, Luo Dali quickly picked up a branch.

"Be a little bit smaller." Chen Xiao said the first person's name, and the latter quickly wrote it down.

Chen Xiao didn't look at it and continued: "Yang Ziping."

"Yang Ziping's husband——Chen Yan."

"Liu Hua, who had conflicts with Chen Yan."

After saying Liu Guaizi's name, Chen Xiao's tone paused, and after a few seconds of silence, he said: "Let's go through the relationship between these people."

"What's so interesting about this? Xiaodian is Yang Ziping's daughter, and Yang Ziping is Chen Yan's wife. Guaizi once liked Yang Ziping, but Yang Ziping didn't like Guaizi and loved Chen Yan wholeheartedly. It's that simple."

Luo Dali said seriously, but Chen Xiao frowned.

"No, no, it's missing."

"That's right, you only mentioned four people."

"I mean I missed someone!"

Chen Xiao suddenly opened his eyes. When Luo Dali was about to ask who it was, Chen Xiao was already walking towards Liu Hua.

"Mr. Liu, how did you find Xiaodian?" Chen Xiao suddenly asked.

Liu Guaizi was stunned for a moment and replied: "How else can we find it? Why don't we just look around."

"I want the truth! How much manpower, material and financial resources have you spent!" Chen Xiao said solemnly.

Liu Guaizi laughed dryly: "It cost me some money, and the people who worked with me under me also spent many days looking for them. But in the end, I couldn't do anything else, so I could only send them all I withdrew it and asked some friends to help me continue searching."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Then I probably know who locked up Little Dot Dian here!"

"who is it?"

"I can't tell you this yet, otherwise the rabbit will bite if it gets anxious!"

(End of this chapter)

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