I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 127 I’m afraid, I want to be with my uncle!

Chapter 127 I’m afraid, I want to be with my uncle!

Chen Xiao already had a clear clue in his mind.

But after he understood it, he was no longer in a hurry.

He walked back to Luo Dali, who was still squatting there and reading the name written on the ground.

Chen Xiao ignored him and urged: "Help me sort out the places I visited after coming to Qingxi."

"Why don't we just pilot it, run back and forth between Xiaofeng Village and Qingxi City?"

“These places are so big, you have to be specific.”

Chen Xiao corrected him, and Luo Dali wrote the first place on a tree branch: "Yu Gui's home."

When he looked at the three words "Yu Guijia", Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed and he said, "Okay, I can probably guess where it is."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go find him."

"I definitely have to look for it, but there are still problems here that I can't explain clearly."

Although Chen Xiao said this, he did not say what the problem was. Instead, he said to Luo Dali: "You wait here with Liu Guaizi while I go out."

When Luo Dali saw this, he wanted to say something like "brother, take me." Seeing that Chen Xiao left so simply, he could only wait with Liu Guaizi in front of the brick house to wait for the people from the county bureau to arrive.

After Chen Xiao came out of the mountain, he drove directly to the town.

He bought a lot of things, but most of them were food.

After making the purchase, Chen Xiao drove to Xiaofeng Village in Nanqiao Town. When he arrived at the village, he happened to meet Yu Gui's mother at the entrance.

When the latter saw Chen Xiao, he thought he had seen it wrong and hurriedly came over and asked: "Boss Chen, are you still in Qingxi?"

"Yes, Auntie, why are you waiting for Uncle Yu at the entrance of the village?"

Mother Yu nodded: "Well, he often goes to Aquina to sit there these days. He is dull and keeps a lot of his thoughts in his heart and doesn't like to talk to others, so I don't bother to stop him from talking to Aquina. It’s also good to talk.”

Chen Xiao smiled.

It had only been three or four days since Yu Gui passed away.

This period of time was naturally extremely painful for Yu Gui's parents.

"But Mr. Chen, where are you going? With so many snacks in your hand, are you going to see the child?" Yu Gui's mother asked her doubts.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, "Auntie, why don't I trouble you with something?"

"Okay, you say."

"You go back and help me cook a bowl of noodles. It's fine if the portion is larger, but the vegetable noodles shouldn't be too oily."

Yu Gui's mother became more and more confused, but she didn't say that much. She only asked: "Send it here, or where?"

"Do you dare to help me take her to the cave where Guo Ning was found?"

Yu Gui's mother was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "So you are going to pay homage to Xiao Ning, so what do I have to be afraid of? You go first, and I will send the noodles over later!"

"it is good."

Chen Xiao didn't explain much and went straight to the cave where Guo Ning's body was found.

Now the Xiaofeng Village case has been closed, and the cave where Guo Ning was found is deep in the mountains and forests.

That is a place that is inseparable from Chen Xiao.

At least in the Xiaofeng Village case, the places where the five college students were found were the most special.

Chen Xiao has not been to many places since arriving in Qingxi, but to narrow down those places, the most dangerous and safest at the same time is undoubtedly the place where the five deceased were found!

But the septic tank where Qin Zhao was located, and the places where Song Zhen and Ye Wei were found are not suitable for Tibetans.

Only the bacon cellar where Jin Meng was discovered and the cave where Guo Ning was discovered are the most suitable for Tibetans.

Why did Chen Xiao locate the final location of the cave where Guo Ning was found?

The reason lies in the word concealment!

The other party's characteristics of hiding Xiaodian were obvious, and only the cave where Guo Ning was found met them all.

It has hidden features.

It also has the advantage of surprise.

After all, under normal circumstances, no one would think about the place where the body was dumped in the previous murder case.

But on the way to the cave, Chen Xiao still hoped that he was not wrong. Xiaodian was transferred because the other party was afraid of his existence.

As long as she is afraid, the probability of finding Xiaodian can be increased to 60% or even 70%.

Finally, Chen Xiao reached the entrance of the cave.

As the footsteps deepened little by little, Chen Xiao gradually seemed to hear some noises.

When those sounds filled his ears, Chen Xiao could no longer restrain his surprise and hurried forward.

Finally, when the light of the flashlight shone on the stone platform, a small person was clearly visible there struggling and whining.

As Chen Xiao walked away, he shouted to the little man: "Don't be afraid, little one. You can think of me as a policeman. I'm here to save you."

The little man struggled even harder.

Chen Xiao came to the side and untied all the ropes on Xiaodian's body, and finally carefully removed the tape on her mouth.


When all the restraints were lifted, Xiaodian couldn't stop crying.

Chen Xiao picked her up and then opened a package of bread. Before he could tear off a piece, Xiaodian opened his mouth hungry and bit into it.

"Don't worry, a grandma will cook you delicious noodles later."

Xiaodian didn't respond. She didn't have much thought at this time.

Not long after, Yu’s mother finally came with noodles.

When she saw that there was an extra child in Chen Xiao's arms, she was stunned.

"Auntie, I'll explain it to you later. The noodles aren't lumpy yet, are they?"

"I've taken care of it. The noodles are noodle soup and soup. It won't be too lumpy."

"Okay, please help me put the noodles into the soup. This little guy is starving."

Mother Yu nodded repeatedly, put the noodles into the soup, picked them up and wanted to blow on them.

But Xiaodian was really hungry, so she couldn't wait and came over directly.

Fortunately, after walking for such a long time, the noodle soup is no longer as hot as before, so Xiaodian Dian still tastes delicious.

Looking at her appearance, Yu's mother couldn't help but asked distressedly: "Boss Chen, whose family does this child belong to? Why is he here?"

"It's a long story, she and her mother got lost and someone locked her up here."

"What kind of crazy person can do such a thing to such a young child? He is simply not a human being!" Yu's mother, who had always been gentle, yelled angrily.

Chen Xiao didn't say much, just waited patiently for Xiaodian to finish eating.

Soon the bottom of the large bowl of noodles was gone. Xiaodian looked at the noodle soup and opened her mouth to take another sip. Then she said weakly: "Police, I'm full."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "Then do you know how long you have been here?"

As soon as he asked the question, Chen Xiao felt that he was stupid.

What concept could a three-year-old child have in a cave?

Sure enough, Xiaodiandian shook her head and said, "I can't see Father Sun and Mother Moon. I don't know how long I have been there."

"Well, can uncle send Xiaodian to this grandma's house now?"

Chen Xiao asked, but Xiaodian immediately hugged his neck: "I don't, I'm afraid, I want to be with the policeman."

Chen Xiao smiled: "This grandma is my uncle's aunt. After you follow her back, just stay at home without shouting. My uncle will definitely come to find you then."

"Okay." Xiaodian nodded, but as soon as she was picked up by Yu's mother, she choked with fear again: "Are you really a policeman? Will you protect me?"

"Yes, I will protect you now."

Xiaodiandian stopped talking, and after Chen Xiao explained a few words to Yu's mother, he took them out of the mountain together.

After watching them return home, they returned to the cave again.

Looking at the time displayed on his phone, he knew that he would definitely be able to wait for the suspect he was thinking of today!

Because she didn't have time to put down any food in the cave!

(End of this chapter)

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