Chapter 128 Heart-breaking!

Chen Xiao waited slowly in the cave.

In his opinion, there should be no need to wait long, let alone wait until night.

Unless she is really determined to put Xiaodian to death.

But while waiting, Chen Xiao has been sorting out the entire incident.

Every time he thinks deeply, Chen Xiao's thinking seems to be getting to the bottom of things.

Every step and every step, he wanted to solve no other problems.

But it didn't matter if he didn't comb it like this. The more he combed it, the more hollow it felt.

He didn't know where that feeling of emptiness came from?

It wasn't until there was movement not far away that Chen Xiao regained his focus.

Soon, he could already see the lights.

But Chen Xiao didn't say a word, just sitting quietly on the stone platform.

At this time, the lights are getting closer and closer.

Finally, the man held a light in his hand and shined it towards the stone platform where he was.

The moment the light fell on Chen Xiao, there was a pause for a second or two. Then the light flashed randomly and the footsteps became hasty and panicked.

Chen Xiao looked at the figure who had turned his back and wanted to escape, and couldn't help shouting:

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time. You can't escape now."

The man's footsteps stopped abruptly, and Chen Xiao said again: "This time is the most suitable for you to come and take a look at Xiaodian, because Liu Hua has no intention of paying attention to you, and no one else will pay attention to you. .”

As he spoke, Chen Xiao paused and saw the figure slowly turning back again.

Chen Xiao said again: "I have to say, the place you picked is really shocking. You actually chose the important place of the last case I investigated to hide Xiaodian! It's a pity that time is too hasty. , There are too many flaws left in the class room."

"You think so? Ms. Zhou!"

Chen Xiao looked at Zhou Zhiyu holding a flashlight in the darkness.

He didn't see Zhou Zhiyu's face clearly at this time, but he was sure it was her.

Zhou Zhiyu took a deep breath and walked over step by step: "As expected of a detective from Jiang Province, Mr. Chen is really amazing. Others haven't found him for so long, but you only spent most of the day blocking me here. Living."

"No one likes to be praised, but at this time, rather than complimenting you, I would rather you tell me the reason."

"You have come here, how can you still not know the reason why I did this?"

Chen Xiao smiled: "I want to save my breath. Besides, your psychological defense has collapsed. There is no reason for me to explain this to you."

"When did I collapse!" Zhou Zhiyu's tone increased a bit.

Chen Xiao curled his lips and did not answer these words.

After Zhou Zhiyu was silent for a while, he said in a deep voice: "When I saw you finding my home, I already had a bad feeling in my heart. But at that time, my emotion was more of secret joy."

"Happy? Oh, I understand. You think you have a strong sense of crisis, so you moved Xiaodian in advance, right?"

"Yes, I was shocked when I saw you, but I think no matter how powerful you are, you can't find this cave so quickly. After all, this cave should have exited from your mind."

Chen Xiao nodded: "You are right, but you also made a fatal mistake yourself, that is, your thinking inertia is too serious. Last time, you followed the most dangerous and safest thinking, thus evading the police for a long time. Search. But, you still use this thinking this time, how can anything in the world be so easy!"

Zhou Zhiyu walked step by step in front of Chen Xiao. His clothes had long been changed into more convenient casual clothes, and his hair was tied into a high ponytail.

For some reason, Chen Xiao always felt that Zhou Zhiyu looked a bit "investigator" in this way.

If Luo Dali saw it, he would definitely not be stingy with words of praise.

When Zhou Zhiyu saw Chen Xiao sizing him up, he couldn't help but laugh: "Mr. Chen, what are you looking at? In front of a detective like you, the beauty trap should be of no use, right?"

Seeing her deliberately relaxed tone, Chen Xiao also smiled: "Forget the beauty trap, your man is the tyrant in this country. I am going back to Jiang Province and don't want to stay in Qingxi."

"That's right, he is indeed a domineering person. As long as it belongs to him, it must always be his."

Hearing these words, Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly froze.

However, Zhou Zhiyu did not continue such a topic. Instead, he sat directly on the stone platform, lowered his head and said, "In the previous murder case in Xiaofeng Village, one of the girls was found on this stone platform, right?"

"Yes." Chen Xiao responded lightly.

"It seems that I am really smart but I have been fooled by my cleverness. You are right. Any place I choose would be better than here."

Chen Xiao did not respond.

Zhou Zhiyu let out a long sigh: "Actually, even if I was discovered by you, I would still be quite unconvinced. Or maybe, I knew from the beginning that I would be discovered one day."

"That being the case, why did you do this?"

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm jealous! Why should a crazy woman be more worthy of her attention than me! Am I not beautiful enough? Is my figure not good enough? Am I not virtuous enough? No, I didn't touch it before. Yang Chunshui. After marrying him, I washed clothes for him, cooked for him, and learned how to cook various dishes for him."

"You have been to my and his residence. If you can find a dirty place in such a big house, I will feel that I have not done a good job. But, is it? No!"

"I feel that I have used all my abilities. Except for his career, which I can't help, who else dares to find fault with me? But, you know, the word most often used to describe me is...jinsi bird."

Chen Xiao naturally understood what Canary meant.

This word is actually a derogatory term.

As long as people describe her like this, then in the eyes of others, the person being described is nothing more than a woman with nothing but appearance.

But from Zhou Zhiyu's narration, she was not willing to be described like this.

Even Chen Xiao felt that there was no need to be so mean to a woman like Zhou Zhiyu.

She was not arrogant, and her family was indeed well managed.

It would be simply unreasonable to find fault with the very common relationship between husband and wife, where the male leads the outside and the female leads the inside.

"I don't like people describing me like that. I am married to Liu Hua, not a mistress! I want to do everything I should do for my husband, and I also want to give birth to a litter of babies for him. But , you know? He is not even willing to give me a child!"

"Three years, three whole years! He didn't even touch me!"

Hearing this, even Chen Xiao couldn't believe it.

The younger one is three years old, and Liu Guaizi and Zhou Zhiyu are also three years old!

But in these three years, Liu Guaizi never even touched Zhou Zhiyu!

This... not only kills without blood, but also kills the heart!

(End of this chapter)

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