Chapter 129 Killing is terrible!

Chen Xiao began to look at Zhou Zhiyu seriously.

Just as Luo Dali said, in a place like Liujialing, there is such a bright woman!

But there is such a woman, her husband has never touched her after being married for many years.

This is so abnormal!

What happened between them?

Chen Xiao did not make any tentative inquiries because it was unnecessary.

Zhou Zhiyu's expression became more and more unwilling: "In the past three years, I have been cooperating with him in the drama of deep love between husband and wife in front of outsiders. However, when outsiders turned around, he was not even willing to hold my hand. . I don’t understand why, even if a man has primitive instinct, he wouldn’t be so cold to me, right?”

"What's more, I haven't done anything to feel sorry for him. Even at first, I thought it was ridiculous that I made him feel insecure, so in order to make him feel at ease, I have been living in seclusion. Otherwise, Mr. Chen, you can just say that by virtue of My conditions, as a model, will I not have a career outside?"

Chen Xiao nodded sincerely: "When my friend and I first saw you, we both thought you were a natural model. We were also surprised to see you at such a time and such a place."

Zhou Zhiyu smiled: "Yeah, so I used to be so naive. He married me just to cover up the public opinion. People think that he, Liu Hua, is a free and easy man. While he dares to love, he also Dare to abandon Yang Ziping at any time!"

"But if he doesn't have feelings for me, why does he treat me so well? When I first met him, I was just a country girl. If he doesn't have feelings for me, why does he flatter me regardless of money or consequences?"

Zhou Zhiyu looked at Chen Xiao as if he wanted an answer.

It's a pity that Chen Xiao can't give such an answer now.

"So Liu Hua's cold violence gradually made your mentality unbalanced, and finally led you to a road of no return where you are so jealous that you can't control yourself?"

Zhou Zhiyu gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, I hate Yang Ziping. How can she compare with me? She is just a fool, and she is almost a joke for an unworthy man!"

As he spoke, Zhou Zhiyu gritted his teeth. But after finishing speaking, she said to Chen Xiao with great regret:

"But Mr. Chen, feelings are so unreasonable! I think Yang Ziping is a fool, but I am not a fool!"

Chen Xiao stood up from the stone platform.

He was also touched by these words, because he remembered his previous life and Lin Xi at that time.

She seems to not care about stupidity or not, she just cares about releasing her own light and heat.

Fortunately, he had a chance to do it again.

Fortunately, he has everything he should cherish again.

He couldn't help but let out a long breath again, Chen Xiao stopped his thoughts and said: "If you are really jealous, then why did you attack Xiaodian?"

"Actually, I never thought about taking action. I think it was God's deliberate arrangement."

Chen Xiao frowned: "How to say?"

"I didn't take Little Diandian away from her home, but when I was looking for Little Diandian, I was the only one who found her. However, after I found Little Diandian, when I thought of Yang Ziping's almost crazy look in pain, I I just feel very happy.”

"Perhaps it's just a thought, I don't want to hand over Little Dot. I want to see her go crazy and see her lose all her glory."

"I thought, who would like a crazy, dirty woman?"

The sneer on Zhou Zhiyu's face got worse as he spoke, but Chen Xiao's frown deepened.

"I watched Yang Ziping go crazy with my own eyes and watched Yang Ziping wander around day and night. But as time went by, I really didn't know what to do. Originally, I just wanted to scare her, but I didn’t expect that she was really crazy!”

"Firstly, I didn't dare to let Xiaodiandian go out, because Xiaodiandian had seen me and knew who I was. Secondly, I also thought about killing the evildoer and letting this secret remain a secret forever. But I couldn't do it. , killing’s so terrible!”

After Zhou Zhiyu finished speaking, Chen Xiao still didn't reply.

He felt that hollow feeling again. But the hollowness definitely does not come from the criminal suspect Zhou Zhiyu!

Because Zhou Zhiyu explained everything she did, it was reasonable and reasonable.

But after thinking about it, compared to the murder cases he had encountered before, the plot was not too light or simple.

Thinking about it, Chen Xiao's mind suddenly paused.


Simple? !'s so easy and so smooth!

But it wasn't that his investigation was too easy and smooth, but that Zhou Zhiyu was too smooth.

Why did so many people fail to find Xiaodiandian, but Zhou Zhiyu found it in the end?

It's not that she can't be found. As long as Xiaodian is not kidnapped or has an accident, someone will find Xiaodian sooner or later.

It was the person who found Xiaodian. Why was it Zhou Zhiyu who was so entangled?

And those strange behaviors discovered in Yang Ziping’s home?

Why is this again?

Chen Xiao, who originally thought the matter should come to an end, felt inexplicably that there was a hand behind the whole incident.

Zhou Zhiyu took the initiative to reach out his hand after seeing that he had been silent and that she had nothing more to say.

"Mr. Chen, I have confessed everything I need to. I think the police are waiting outside, right? You can handcuff me. Maybe I can calm down and calm down in prison."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "There are no police outside."

Zhou Zhiyu smiled bitterly: "That's right, compared to the murderers Mr. Chen caught before. Criminals of my level are not worth your effort."

"That's not what I meant. I wanted to tell you that there are no police outside. I can pretend that I have never seen you, so can you understand?" Chen Xiao said suddenly.

Zhou Zhiyu was immediately stunned and asked: "I...I don't understand."

Chen Xiao looked at Zhou Zhiyu helplessly: "You don't understand this?"

Zhou Zhiyu shook his head seriously, and Chen Xiao squinted his eyes and smiled: "It means literally, I have never seen you, and you have never been to this cave."

Zhou Zhiyu's eyes widened in shock and he shouted: "Why?"

"You still don't understand it now, just do as I say. Your most serious crime was imprisoning Xiaodian, which is enough for you to spend many years in prison. But I think you have something in your heart I'm prepared, so I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. I can't guarantee more, but it should help you save some time."

Zhou Zhiyu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Chen Xiao didn't want to explain too much to her: "Don't worry, you don't need to do a lot, and it won't take too long. I have my own plan, which is beneficial to you."

Gradually, Zhou Zhiyu bowed deeply towards Chen Xiao without any further thought.

"Although I can't figure out why Mr. Chen wants to help me, but no matter what... thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Chen Xiao nodded, and after giving Zhou Zhiyu a few words of explanation, the two of them left the cave one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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