Chapter 130 Deal with the Devil

The case seems to be changing rapidly.

When Chen Xiao thought that the moment Zhou Zhiyu arrived, the case was over.

But during the conversation with Zhou Zhiyu, Chen Xiao didn't think so.

He deeply felt that Xiaodian's disappearance seemed not that simple.

Behind the whole thing, there seems to be a pair of invisible hands pushing it.

But what kind of purpose does the owner of those big hands have, Chen Xiao is not sure.

So he asked Zhou Zhiyu to act in a play with him.

This drama is likely to push the owner of those big hands out of the water.

After Chen Xiao left the cave, he did not leave the mountain immediately. Instead, he found a quiet place to sit down.

The plan in his mind was still missing a link to achieve the perfect result.

This link was destroyed by Chen Xiao himself, so he was thinking about how to deceive everyone.

Just as he was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

When he saw the call from Lin Xi, Chen Xiao realized that he would be out of the mountain after just a few steps. Otherwise, there would be no signal inside the mountain.

"Hey, wife." Chen Xiao called with a smile.

Lin Xi hummed and asked, "How's it going, Mr. Detective? Have you found that little girl?"

"Not to mention the phone call you made was a coincidence. I just found the person, but now I'm troubled by another thing." Chen Xiao said what he was thinking.

Lin Xi: "Then tell me what kind of problem it is!"

Chen Xiao expressed the confusion in his heart, and Lin Xi smiled bitterly after hearing this: "I really didn't expect that a disappearance case could be so confusing."

"Yes, so now I feel that I have ruined a thing that could have been solved. And if it ends as it is now, it will probably lead to something slipping through the net."

"It's really not easy to try now, but I think there should be a way after thinking about it." Lin Xi said and then fell silent.

She should be thinking, and so is Chen Xiao.

While thinking, he walked towards the outside of the mountain.

His idea was just to make the call signal better, but when he remembered that his destination was Yu Gui's house, Chen Xiao suddenly stopped in his steps.

"Wait a minute, wife, I think I have an idea."

"What method?"

"It's very risky, and the situation is likely to be out of control." Chen Xiao said and told Lin Xi a name.

After hearing this, Lin Xi exclaimed: "Are you crazy? Let him get involved. What if something happens?"

"So now I am faced with two choices. One: I accepted Yang Ziping's commission and completed it, so I gave up and returned to Dongzhou. Second, I took a risk and brought all the guilty to justice. In addition, if I choose the second If there is one, it is very likely that something will happen to Xiaodian in the future.”

Lin Xi hummed: "That's what you said, but will the person you are talking about listen to you?"

Chen Xiao was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Xiao Zhi uses emotion to move his mind. He is a very cruel executioner, yes, but he has softness in his heart. If he heard about small things Finally, I thought he would help with this."

"Of course, it would be great if he and I could work out a deal."

"You are making a deal with the devil, but from your story, I also think that he is the most suitable candidate, and I also think that it is unlikely that he will break the contract. However, the most important thing is that you can persuade Just move those leaders."

"I'll try."

Chen Xiao said with a smile. Lin Xi said hello and was about to hang up. Chen Xiao quickly shouted: "Why are you hanging up in a hurry?" "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you that I have been favored by the goddess of luck since I came here, but the goddess of luck is not the one in the sky."

Lin Xi paused, then reacted and smiled: "Yo yo yo, that's incredible...I really can't wait until the clouds open to see the moon. But I still want to listen to you, if it's not in the sky, where is it?"

"I won't tell you, sorry, I'm thin-skinned."

"Shit... say it quickly!" Lin Xi urged. Seeing that Chen Xiao was still silent, she said anxiously: "Oh, hubby, please say it quickly!"

"Silly...of course it's you in my heart."

"Hahaha, I recorded it! I'll fall asleep listening to your words at night, hum!"

Lin Xi said that she hung up the phone without giving Chen Xiao a chance to reply.

Chen Xiao held his hand and shook his head with a wry smile, and said softly: "Silly woman, just a word of love can satisfy you like this."

Putting down his phone, Chen Xiao quickly left Xiaofeng Village without thinking about anything else.

When he returned to the brick house again, it was completely dark.

The police from the county bureau were still investigating inside. Luo Dali and Liu Guaizi came over immediately when they saw him.

But unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Dali stepped forward, Chen Xiao threw him over his shoulder and pushed him to the ground.

The sudden change made Luo Dali confused!

Liu Guaizi was also stunned at the side, and then seeing that Chen Xiao didn't seem to be joking, he hurriedly grabbed him: "Mr. Chen, why are you beating Brother Dali!"

When the police saw this, they hurriedly came over to break up the fight: "Yes, Mr. Chen, isn't Mr. Luo your good friend? What's wrong with you!"

Chen Xiao's eyes were sinister, and his hand was still pressing Luo Dali's head: "Tell the labor and management, after I left, who did you tell me about where I was going?"

"I...I don't have it, Brother Chen." Luo Dali's face was dull.

Chen Xiao roared again: "MD, you still dare to lie to me? I have been my brother for so many years, and you behave like this when you lie. Say...who did you tell!"

Luo Dali was stunned: "Fuck, I'm a bit loud, but I really don't know what you are talking about."

"You're still not honest. I only told you that I was going to the cave where Guo Ning died to find Xiaodian. If you hadn't spread the news, how could anyone go to Xiaofeng Village and steal Xiaodian again!"

Luo Dali was stunned, but when he looked at Chen Xiao's eyes, he understood immediately.

Suddenly Luo Dali panicked: "Brother, please explain clearly, I...I..."

"Didn't I make it clear enough? When I left, I only mentioned to you the place I suspected, which was the cave where Guo Ning died! After I left, I went straight to the cave, and I did find it inside. A little bit smaller! But now, she’s gone again!”

"Not only that, originally I could wait for the rabbit in the cave. But now not only has the little one been lost again, I haven't even caught the rabbit!"

Liu Guaizi's face changed again and again, and he exclaimed in shock: "Mr. Chen, are you saying that you found Xiaodian, but in order to catch the person who abducted Xiaodian, she was lost again in the end? Is that what you mean? "

Chen Xiao nodded gloomily: "Yes, I didn't expect the other party's news so quickly. And Xiaodiandian was lost again, which means that I have alerted the snake. I am very worried now that the suspect will jump over the wall and do something that shouldn't be done. Things to do!"

Liu Guaizi was so angry that he yelled at Luo Dali: "Didn't you just make several phone calls? Did you spread the word? Damn it, if anything happens to Xiaodian, I want you to die!"

Listening to Liu Guaizi's words, Chen Xiao's eyes couldn't help but tighten.

But Liu Guaizi didn't say much and turned around to leave. Chen Xiao grabbed him and asked, "Why are you going?"

"I'm going to find someone. If something happens to Xiaodian, you must pay the price for your stupidity!"

(End of this chapter)

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