I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 131 I want this piece of bait, double kill!

Chapter 131 I want this piece of bait, double kill!

After Liu Guaizi finished speaking, he glanced at Chen Xiao and Luo Dali with a gloomy look, and then walked away.

Chen Xiao rolled up his sleeves again and was going to beat Luo Dali.

But when the police from the county bureau saw this, they quickly came over to break up the fight.

After finally pulling Chen Xiao away, a policeman said: "Mr. Chen, you see that Mr. Luo is holding his head and not daring to resist. He must have realized his mistake!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, the most important thing now is to find the missing little girl. Besides, you clearly found her before, why didn't you contact our police in time!"

"Huh... It's true that I was too confident. I thought I could kill two birds with one stone, but I didn't expect that something like this would go wrong in the end."

"Now is not the time to talk about who is responsible. The key is to find someone. It's not too late to make up for it!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "I'm sorry everyone, I have to continue looking for people. When they are found, I will apologize."

With that said, Chen Xiao left.

The embarrassed Luo Dali got up and begged for mercy while chasing: "Brother Chen, I was wrong, Brother Chen... don't abandon me, Brother Chen...!"

I don't know how much time passed, but when Liu Guaizi disappeared again, Luo Dali finally caught up with Chen Xiao.

As soon as he caught up, Chen Xiao said: "I didn't just throw you in pain, did I?"

"You still have the nerve to say that I was stunned when this happened all of a sudden. But where on earth are we acting?"



"There are changes in the case, so I want to be a fisherman and see how many big fish I can catch."

Luo Dali's eyes were startled: "I'll go, how many? This means there are many people involved in this case!"

"Well, if I hand over Little Dots now, then the most cunning Big Fish will be innocent. I won't allow this kind of thing to happen."

Luo Dali couldn't understand and asked, "Then what are you going to do now?"

"Before you catch the fish, you have to wait patiently. If you don't have patience, you won't be able to eat the most plump and fresh fish."

Luo Dali snorted and said to himself: "But that Liu Guaizi just now, didn't he react too much?"

"Because he has already bitten the hook, but whether he can bite it or not depends on the performance of another person."


"Zhou Zhiyu."

"Ah? That big beauty? Why is she still there?"

Chen Xiao didn't have much explanation, and whispered with twinkling eyes: "I hope she is a smart woman, but I'm worried that she is a love brain. A love brain is very, very difficult to trust. "

The more Luo Dali listened, the more confused he became. Finally, he stopped listening and drove according to Chen Xiao's request.

Not long after, Liu Guaizi's home was in Liujialing.

Zhou Zhiyu had just finished taking a shower and returned to the bedroom to change clothes.

There was a loud "bang" sound.

Zhou Zhiyu instinctively covered her body with clothes. When she saw it was Liu Guaizi, a hint of guilt immediately flashed in her eyes.

"What are you doing, so angry?"

As soon as Zhou Zhiyu asked, Liu Guaizi grabbed her neck and shouted with ferocious eyes: "Tell me, where did you take Little Dot?"

Zhou Zhiyu seemed not to understand and struggled desperately: "Are you crazy? What does Xiaodian's disappearance have to do with me?"

"Fuck you, are you going to tell me or not? If you don't tell me, I will strangle you to death!" Liu Guaizi's appearance was so fierce that Zhou Zhiyu's face turned pale with fear.

But soon, Liu Guaizi let go of his hand and held Zhou Zhiyu in his arms:

"I'm sorry, wife, I lost control of my emotions. I know that you have always had a grudge against me and A Ping, but all this has nothing to do with Diandian, right?" "Wife, Diandian is innocent. Now let me tell you, In fact, I have known all along that it was you who took away Diandian.”

"Do you know why I didn't say it? Because you are my wife, the person I really want to love in this world!"

"So I can't report you, but now you are very likely to make a big mistake. As your husband, I have to stop you. Tell me, where is Diandian now?"

Liu Hua's tenderness at this moment made Zhou Zhiyu feel dazed for a while. One sentence echoed over and over in her mind:

"Because you are my wife, the person I really want to love in this world!"

"You...did you really know that it was me who did it?" Zhou Zhiyu couldn't help but ask.

Liu Hua nodded: "You are my pillow, wouldn't I know when you disappeared? Diandian disappeared, and you are the strangest thing I can see, so can I not doubt you?"


Liu Hua took a deep breath, raised his hands and swore: "If I tell a lie, the sky will strike like lightning!"

Zhou Zhiyu hesitated for a while, then replied: "Dandian is not here with me, she was hidden in Yu Gui's house by Chen Xiao."

"What the hell, how dare you lie to me!"

After Zhou Zhiyu finished speaking, Liu Hua became furious again.

The latter looked at him in shock, but Liu Hua didn't care so much. When he saw her just coming out of the shower, he immediately ran to the bathroom.

After rummaging through the dirty clothes basket for a while, Liu Hua's eyes suddenly burst into tears.

He saw a small stain of blood on Zhou Zhiyu's clothes!

"Zhou Zhiyu, you are so brave!"

Liu Hua took the clothes and pressed Zhou Zhiyu's entire face against the wall with his huge palms.

"Bitch, what did you do to Diandian? Do you know how important she is to me? Do you know that without Little Diandian, all my plans will come to nothing! Bastard, how can I get revenge without her! "

Zhou Zhiyu was in a daze for a while.

The huge pain in her head made her suddenly understand a lot of things.

Thinking of it, she couldn't help laughing at herself: "Silly, I am really stupid! Just now, I really mistakenly thought that you were sincere towards me, and then I told you that it was all false. , Diandian is actually with Chen Xiao!"

"Why do I still have illusions about you? Chen Xiao has obviously given me the last chance!"

Liu Hua frowned when he heard this: "What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious what I mean? All of this was staged for you. Maybe Chen Xiao has seen through everything a long time ago and knows that Diandian's disappearance is also inseparable from you! But he still gave me one last chance , What a pity... I actually threw it away with my own hands... Haha."

Zhou Zhiyu smiled bitterly, and then collapsed on the ground, his eyes full of despair.

Liu Guaizi finally reacted and hurriedly ran towards the door.

Just when I ran to the first floor, I saw several people already sitting in the hall.

Those people were Chen Xiao, Luo Dali, and Hu Yue, the captain of the Criminal Police Team of Qingxi City Bureau.

Liu Guaizi's footsteps stopped abruptly. Chen Xiao turned to him and smiled, saying, "Your conversation just now has been recorded. Mr. Liu, you are so domineering."

Liu Guaizi clenched his fists, but his expression remained ferocious: "Give me the little bit!"

Chen Xiao curled his lips and turned on the TV to the news channel.

"You have just admitted that Xiaodian's disappearance is related to you, and you are formulating a revenge plan. When you are labeled guilty, you are already a fish that has been hooked. A fish that has been caught. , is not qualified to negotiate conditions."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, an emergency news began to play on the TV:

"Citizens, please note that Lou Yang, the suspect arrested in the Xiaofeng Village case, escaped on his way to the detention center today and is now being hunted throughout the city!"

Watching the news on TV, Liu Hua's eyes widened little by little, and then he asked in disbelief:

"Is this the bait you are going to use to catch the second fish?!"

Chen Xiao shook his head, stared at the TV with squinted eyes and said, "No, I hope this piece of bait will kill both!"

(End of this chapter)

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