I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 132 Even if you are crazy, it is still a split personality!

Chapter 132 Even if you are crazy, it is still a split personality!

When he said the word "double kill", Chen Xiao was paying attention to Liu Guaizi's eyes.

It was not beyond Chen Xiao’s expectations.

As expected, Liu Guaizi showed a look of horror.

However, in addition to being frightened, Liu Guaizi also had deep doubts.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Why are you confused?"

Liu Guaizi also knew that he was doomed, so he simply walked in front of Chen Xiao and the others.

"I don't understand what you mean by double kill? Double kill means there will be two people, but where did the two people come from?"

Chen Xiao suddenly looked at Liu Guaizi in surprise.

Hu Yue and Luo Dali noticed Chen Xiao's heartfelt shock. Just when they wanted to ask him why he was surprised, Chen Xiao's eyes lit up:

"I understand, it's great that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind!"

Luo Dali was stunned and said somewhat speechlessly: "Brother Chen, this guy is already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. There is no need for us to be so pretentious when we talk, right?"

"Things must be very complicated, so I summed it up in one sentence."

Chen Xiao said something, and then looked at Liu Guaizi: "You just told Zhou Zhiyu that you wanted revenge. I think the revenge you were talking about was the revenge for a broken leg. So, the purpose of you doing this is to attract Chen Yan !”

"Yes." Liu Guaizi did not hide it any more.

But while he responded, his eyes were full of hatred.

Chen Xiao has long been sure that what Liu Guaizi said to him before was all lies, and there must be a deeper hatred between him and Chen Yan.

But Liu Guaizi was actually lame in only one leg.

Therefore, the content of the lie should be that Chen Yan took advantage of the weakness of the Liu family.

But if he didn't hold the shorts, how could Chen Yan escape unharmed after breaking Liu Guaizi's legs?

A local tyrant like Liu Guaizi often does not care whether it is illegal or not.

In a short moment, Chen Xiao had already thought about a lot of things in his mind.

It wasn't until Zhou Zhiyu came down from upstairs that Chen Xiao suddenly remembered what she said.

three years.

Liu Guaizi never even touched her!

Not even willing to give Zhou Zhiyu a child!

I didn't think there was anything wrong with this before, but now that it was associated with breaking a leg, Chen Xiao seemed to understand it all of a sudden.

He looked at Liu Guaizi and said, "By now, you should know everything and say everything, right?"

Liu Guaizi looked at Zhou Zhiyu with a sullen face and said, "If you have anything to say, ask me quickly, but I also want to know if you also want to fish for Chen Yan in the long term."


"That's fine, just ask."

"The relationship between you and Chen Yan is not just a simple leg-breaking feud, right?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Liu Guaizi's expression suddenly changed, and he even roared angrily: "What are you talking about? I warn you not to talk nonsense, otherwise you will not be able to leave Liujialing!"

With just one sentence, Liu Guaizi immediately lost his mind.

Hu Yue snorted coldly: "You say such things in front of me, a policeman, you don't take me seriously!"

"I am a guilty person anyway, but there are some words..."

Before Liu Guaizi finished speaking, Chen Xiao pressed him down on the coffee table with one hand: "I've already given you a lot of face without saying anything. Why...you really think I can't do anything to you, right?"

Liu Guaizi's head felt like it was going to explode when he was pressed.

Chen Xiao didn't let go or continue the topic. He turned to ask: "Second question, why are you sure that Chen Yan will show up after all this? It's been three years. You must have noticed something, so you did Is it right to keep stimulating Zhou Zhiyu to imprison Diandian?"

Zhou Zhiyu behind him heard this and asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xiao was now unwilling to talk to Zhou Zhiyu and continued to question Liu Guaizi.

The latter sneered: "You really have a pair of piercing eyes that can see into people's hearts. That's right... I did notice something, so I stimulated Zhiyu at this time. I also thought about it for a long time before I decided to let her Come and do this thing on my behalf.” ˆ ˆ ˆ “After all, I know her character very well, and she has a reasonable motive for doing this thing, and she didn’t find out after doing it that I was the one driving everything. Of course, what’s more important is The thing is, as long as I don’t tell anyone, it’s hard for anyone to know that I’m behind it.”

"It's a pity that A Ping went to find you. You can even investigate murder cases like that in Xiaofeng Village. How could I deceive you with these little tricks?"

Liu Guaizi's tone was somewhat unwilling.

But as he was talking, Liu Guaizi saw Chen Xiao smiling.

And after he said that, Chen Xiao was still looking at him with a smile.

That kind of smile seemed like naked ridicule in Liu Guaizi's eyes.

"What on earth do you want to laugh at me? Winner or loser, since I dare to bet, I dare to admit defeat." Liu Guaizi said solemnly.

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Then think carefully about what you said."

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"It seems that you can't turn a corner, and that's right... If we rank this matter, Zhou Zhiyu is undoubtedly the one at the bottom, followed by you, but Liu Hua, have you ever thought that you are actually someone who pushed this matter? All the pawns?”

Liu Guaizi glared, and Chen Xiao paused and continued: "Well... I'll tell you directly why Yang Ziping found me so well!"


God is very suitable for the occasion.

In the seventh month of the lunar calendar, it is normal for there to be frequent thunderstorms.

Chen Xiao glanced at the rain that suddenly fell outside, and then looked back at the people in the living room.

Their faces were all filled with shock, as if Yang Ziping being suspected was a very shocking thing to them.

But after less than two minutes of silence, Hu Yue's expression changed again.

He looked over in surprise. Chen Xiao knew that Hu Yue had been awakened.

Then Liu Guaizi came to his senses, shook his head and murmured to himself:

"How could it be? How could A Ping be pushing for all this? She's gone crazy!"

Chen Xiao sneered: "Then let's just think that she is really crazy, and the symptom of her madness must be - split personality!"

"Split personality? Brother, this is a bit scary!" Luo Dali said subconsciously.

Chen Xiao smiled: "Yeah... she has a split personality. Her main personality is a gentle and weak single mother. And what comes out of her main personality is an extremely smart and ruthless person with a strong sense of planning. Absolute personality."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao looked directly at Luo Dali and asked, "Where did we first meet Yang Ziping?"

"On the way back to Nanqiao Town, oh... it was just like this that day, and it suddenly started raining heavily."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, it rained that day, but do you think she really didn't notice us that day?"

Luo Dali's eyes widened immediately and he shouted: "Brother Chen, you mean that she has actually recognized us a long time ago!"

Before Chen Xiao could respond, Luo Dali slapped his thigh: "I know, no wonder she ignored everyone that day. She didn't dare to raise her head at all. She was afraid that after meeting our eyes, there would be no such coincidence the next day. I’m going to find you!”

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up: "That's right, but the next day at the entrance of the criminal police team, Yang Ziping magically asked me if you were Chen Xiao after just passing by me!"

Hu Yue also recalled the scene at that time and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's really a problem. In such a noisy environment that day, even if we were talking to you, if she didn't mean it, how could she As soon as I walked past you, I asked you directly if you were Chen Xiao!"

"So, everything seems to be a coincidence, but in fact it was premeditated! She has been waiting for the Xiaofeng Village murder case to be solved. As soon as it is solved, that's when she starts to use the momentum of public opinion to achieve her goals!"

"But why does she want to take advantage of the situation? If she takes advantage of the situation and makes a fuss, Chen Yan will appear?" As he spoke, Chen Xiao frowned and muttered.

Soon, an idea flashed in Chen Xiao's mind, and with huge surprise in his eyes, he looked directly at Liu Guaizi and said:

"I know why you are so sure that Chen Yan will show up this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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