I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 135 Hello, Lou Yang! Hello, Chen Yan!

Chapter 135 Hello, Lou Yang! Hello, Chen Yan!

There is a mountain two kilometers east of Nanqiao Town.

The entire mountain is named Mule Mountain because its shape resembles a mule.

The old Taoist priest who led to the successive murders of five college students in Xiaofeng Village was named Li Chang.

Li Chang went to the capital city of Jiang Province with his childhood sweetheart many years ago, where the two wanted to work hard and create their bright future together.

After that, everything was smooth sailing for the two of them.

Not only did Li Chang's work progress rapidly, but Qingmei also quickly grew from a small clerk to a store manager.

The two were very happy and even full of good expectations for the future.

But they didn't know that Qingmei had already entered another person's sight.

That man's surname was Guo, and he was a second-generation rich man like a giant in the capital city of Jiang Province.

Step by step, he let Li Chang's Qingmei experience the taste of money and status.

He was convinced that anyone who became obsessed with the taste of money and status would become addicted to it and get out of control.

But when he actually started to appear, he was shocked to find that the woman was not who he imagined.

She and Li Chang are very affectionate, and for the sake of love, the girl is willing to give up everything she has in front of her.

How could Erdai Guo accept such an ending, so he became angry and chose the most disgusting method, forcing the bow.

As for the girls of that era, I don’t know how many of them regarded this kind of thing as more important than their lives.

When she feels that she is no longer clean, she no longer deserves to have pure feelings.

After committing suicide many times to no avail, she reluctantly accepted the reality and married the second-generation man surnamed Guo.

Li Chang finally left his hometown and came to the distant Qingxi because of Qingmei's choice.

Here he became a gentleman who did housework for other people, and also rescued a miserable young man when he was doing housework.

In order to repay his kindness of having a meal and teaching him skills, the young man finally killed the woman's daughter, Guo Ning, with his own hands many years later. He also put a red hijab on Guo Ning and asked him to complete a twisted wedding with Li Chang on behalf of the woman.

Now Li Chang has been dead for a long time, and the boy he raised has become a murderer despised by everyone.

But tonight, the grown-up Lou Yang lit a candle in front of his grave.

Lou Yang kowtowed heavily towards the tombstone and kept saying something.

But at this moment, a figure appeared at the foot of Mule Mountain. It was a man.

The man was in his early thirties, but his eyes looked very sharp in the moonlight.

He walked up the mountain step by step, and finally stopped behind Lou Yang and shouted:

"Hello, Lou Yang."

Lou Yang's kowtow paused suddenly, and his opened eyes were a little startled at this moment.

His surprise was not because of the man's arrival.

But it’s the time for the man to arrive!

He had just lit the candle, and he had only kowtowed three times.

But unexpectedly, the people behind him came after me.

At that moment, Lou Yang felt something called fear.

The last time he felt this kind of thing was when he was facing Chen Xiao!

Lou Yang took a deep breath, turned his head and asked with cold eyes: "Who are you?"

"I don't know you, but I know you, so I found this place. Fortunately, my calculation was correct. You will indeed come here to say goodbye to your teacher."

Lou Yang's face was full of vigilance: "What do you want to do?"

"I'm talking to you in this tone, do you think I will hurt you?" the man asked. Lou Yang sneered: "Hurt me? Are you thinking too highly of yourself?"

The man curled his lips: "Really? Are you trying to compete with your brains, or do you want to compete with me to see whose fist is stronger?"

"Tsk...it seems you are not simple."

"Come and try it, and you will know." The man smiled.

Lou Yang doesn't talk nonsense. He has the grappling skills that Lou Xiaodong has honed since he was a child, so his fighting ability has always been good.

However, after just one encounter, Lou Yang was thrown over the man's shoulder and hit hard on the ground.

Lou Yang clutched his chest, and his eyes dimmed a bit again. He was thinking: "It turns out that I can't compare to anyone, no matter what aspect!"

His expression made the man suddenly frown: "Your expression is a bit interesting."

Lou Yang subconsciously wanted to tighten his grip, but quickly gritted his teeth and sneered, "Then tell me what I'm thinking."

"It's strange. You were knocked down by me at this time. You should be very scared. Why are you so disappointed?" The man said to himself.

Lou Yang's heart tightened, and after thinking quickly, he sneered: "Do you think you have piercing eyes and can see through people's hearts?"

After saying that, Lou Yang grabbed hold of his body and was about to pounce towards a prostrate figure in the grass ahead.

When the man saw this, his vigilance in his eyes relaxed a lot, and he smiled and said, "That's my daughter, where do you want to take her?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lou Yang stopped, frowned and asked: "Your daughter?"


"Then take it away, I have to leave now."

The man shook his head: "Just a daughter is nothing important. The real purpose of my coming here is for you."

Lou Yang looked at him in disbelief: "Can you even say that your own flesh and blood is nothing important?"

"Future generations are troubles, only one is free. Well, none of this is important. I am indeed here for you. I think you are a malleable talent. I am here to help you escape from Qingxi. From now on, the whole world will be the same. How is your family?"

Lou Yang laughed: "The whole world is my family, who do you think you are? And since you think I am a malleable talent, don't insult my IQ. How could you, there is no reason to help me!" "

"Look at you, you are too nervous. Since I am helping you, there will be times when I need you to help me in the future. We are all men. Please give me a nice word. If you are willing or not, come with me now."

"What about your daughter?" Lou Yang asked back.

The man shrugged: "She can't follow me, and I think the person named Chen Xiao will be able to find this place soon. After all, when the Xiaofeng Village case came out, I was really shocked by the two of you."

The man was talking to himself, and Lou Yang couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and he was also calculating in his mind what he should do.

Just looking at the path behind the man, Lou Yang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

In his heart, he had the urge to challenge Chen Xiao's portrayal of Chen Yan.

It turns out that Chen Yan is indeed terrible. Just a look in his eyes made Chen Yan immediately wary.

But Lou Yang never told anyone that in his heart, the person he truly admired was Chen Xiao.

But where is Chen Xiao at this moment? Why hasn't he thought of this place yet?

Lou Yang was a little anxious.

Just when he was too anxious to control himself, the voice he had been waiting for for so long finally came from behind the man.

"I'm sorry, you two. I'm fascinated by watching you two chatting."

Chen Xiao walked out from the other side with a smile, and the man's expression suddenly changed.

Chen Xiao looked directly into his eyes and spoke again:

"Hello, Chen Yan!"

(End of this chapter)

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