I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 136 They are fighting like snipes and clams, but you are fishing with a battery!

Chapter 136 They are fighting like snipes and clams, but you are fishing with a battery!

"Hello, Chen Yan!"

Chen Xiao finished speaking.

Chen Yan, who was standing in front of Lou Yang, frowned suddenly.

His eyes were extremely wonderful in this short second.

Shock, doubt, vigilance, and horror all flashed through one by one!

But soon, all the emotions turned into calm, and he looked directly at Chen Xiao.

"Hello, Chen Xiao." Chen Yan also smiled and nodded in greeting, but after greeting Chen Yan couldn't help but glance at Lou Yang behind him, and asked with a smile:

"So this is a game?"

Lou Yang laughed a little proudly, but his eyes were filled with disappointment as he smiled.

His reason clearly told him that he was a criminal, and he was still a criminal who was caught.

He has nothing to lose.

However, he has always thought that he is different from others.

He felt that many of the people he met were stupid.

If he wanted to, many people could be manipulated by him.

Therefore, Lou Yang has always been very confident, confident in his wisdom and methods.

When the criminal police from the city bureau found him today, he felt as if his whole body was on fire.

He likes to do something with smart people, and he even wants to stand out among those smart people.

Even after this incident, he will still be sent to the road of death to atone for his sins. But with that kind of outcome, he felt that he would die with no regrets.

But now, he is very lost, uncontrollably lost.

It turns out that the intelligence he has always boasted about is so vulnerable in front of truly smart people.

Chen Yan found him.

Chen Xiao also found him.

But Chen Xiao didn't come here to find him at all, but to find Chen Yan.

Lou Yang already has a ranking in his heart at this moment.

He is at the end, Chen Yan is in the middle, and Chen Xiao is at the top!

Because Chen Xiao is driving this game!

But Chen Yan's reaction was too fast. In such a short period of time, he already understood everything what was going on.

Seeing that Lou Yang did not respond to him, Chen Yan also smiled and clapped his hands, looking questioningly at the figure lying in the grass not far away.

Within two seconds, Chen Yan burst out laughing: "Awesome, what did you use to pretend to be my daughter?"

The person who asked this question was naturally Chen Xiao.

"It's nothing more than helping Diandian make her black rag doll a little bigger. Of course, it must be more realistic in front of you. Otherwise, how can it be deceived by your eyes?"

After saying that, Chen Xiao suddenly turned around and looked at the figure running not far away, Chen Xiao smiled:

"Not bad, all the fish are hooked."

Chen Yan narrowed his eyes and saw Yang Ziping running up the mountain.

The latter just arrived at the mountain and shouted at Chen Yan: "Save someone, save someone quickly...!"

Yang Ziping did not shout the last word.

Because she saw Chen Xiao! Chen Yan shook his head helplessly, and his eyes when he looked at Yang Ziping were suddenly full of disgust.

"I've taught you so many things, why are you still so stupid?"

Yang Ziping froze on the spot and murmured: "What...what's going on?"

Chen Yan said disgustedly: "Don't you understand yet? Everything in front of you is a trap set by Chen Xiao to find me, and Lou Yang is the bait he threw out to catch me. Of course, everything you planned was also used by him in the end !”

Yang Ziping's eyes widened: "How did you know I was pretending?"

"There are three sides of you and me. The first time we met on the road to Nanqiao Town, you stayed too quiet. The second time, you were too excited. And the third time, you only showed half of your face and then smiled stupidly. These three times we met , if you think about it carefully, you neither look like a normal person nor a psychopath. I have no choice but to treat you as just faking it."

After saying that, Chen Xiao had lost interest in Yang Ziping, and asked Chen Yan with a smile:

"Evaluate it from your perspective. How many points would you give out of ten for this incident planned by your wife Yang Ziping?"

Chen Yan was not in a hurry. He nodded with a smile and said, "She has taken great pains to lure out a heartless person like me. On a ten-point scale, I can score 5 points. Three points will pay for her cleverness, and the rest will be paid for." The two points will be deducted from the two people she chose."

Chen Xiao: "It's reasonable. When I understood all that, I was also surprised by Yang Ziping's plan. What was in my mind was the saying that the snipe and the clam compete against each other and the fisherman gets the benefit. You must know this sentence, in ancient times it was Such a concentration of wisdom.”

"It's nice to say, but it's wrong. They were fishing, but you were fishing directly with a battery. Can Liu Guaizi's snipe and Zhou Zhiyu's clam hold up with your electric shock? They all popped up out of the water. And the fisherman A Ping also fell into the water and was shocked by your electric shock."

Chen Xiao was amused: "What about you? What are you?"

"I was just a theatergoer, and I wanted to see this giant Lou Yang. As for feelings, it's just something that makes people retreat, but I never imagined... this giant Lou Yang actually eats people!"

Chen Yan shook his head and said no more.

Lou Yang also walked into the grass at this time, dismantled the dummy he made, and threw the black rag doll inside directly to Yang Ziping.

He looked directly at the couple Chen Yan and Yang Ziping with cold eyes: "It's a waste of time to be a father, a waste of time to be a mother, a cancer in the world...damn it!"

Yang Ziping looked miserable.

The words "I'm a mother in vain" were undoubtedly a fatal blow to her.

But Chen Yan didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "I can't die, but if you go to such great lengths to help Chen Xiao, isn't it inevitable that you will die?"

"I deserved my death, and I died without any regrets. At least I felt happy before I died. But what about you? You have been suffering from eagles all day long, but in the end, you were pecked in the eye by an eagle. Thinking about it...I want to laugh. That's it. You’re a little more sophisticated and you still want to stimulate me? Bah…hahaha!”

Lou Yang really figured it out and satirized Chen Yan without any scruples.

The latter's face finally turned ugly for the first time.

Because he knew that there should be something on Lou Yang's body.

Sure enough, Lou Yang threw a recording device directly to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao played the conversation between Lou Yang and Chen Yan just now, and waited until it was over before saying: "You are indeed still alive. Even the judge can't convict you directly now. But, if you think about helping Lou Yang, a murderer, escape, You have committed a serious crime, and besides, you still want Lou Yang to help you."

"As for this, even if you confess in the short term, no one will believe you. The Qingxi police will definitely treat you as an extremely threatening terrorist and control you. Oh... I almost forgot, I have to represent the place where my wife is. If the state police send you a message, they will also keep an eye on you!”

Chen Yan frowned: "Dongzhou police?"

"You don't remember?" Chen Xiao asked.

Chen Yan shook his head: "I didn't do anything in Dongzhou."

Chen Xiao smiled: "Let's just pretend that we didn't do anything for now, but you left a notebook there, and that notebook led to a murder!"

"Is it that rental house?" Chen Yan asked tentatively.

Chen Xiao nodded, and Chen Yan suddenly realized: "That's it! The first time you showed up, I was very curious, and mistakenly thought that you really came here to capture Lou Yang. Later, I realized that this was the result of the two of you. But You and I have never met each other, and there is no grudge between us. It is impossible for you to become interested in me just because of A Ping and Liu Guaizi."

"It turns out that everything originated from that notebook, but...!"

As he spoke, Chen Yan's conversation suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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