I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 138 Actual actions are the best proof that I miss you!

Chapter 138 Actual actions are the best proof that I miss you!

Nanxi County, in front of a late-night snack stall.

Chen Xiao took Luo Dali, Xiao Ji and Dao Nan and sat down one after another.

This was Chen Xiao's invitation to make up for Luo Dali's beating.

After all, in order to hide from Liu Guaizi, the two blows Luo Dali received were solid!

But after sitting down, Xiao Ji and Dao Nan exchanged glances and looked at Luo Dali questioningly. They didn't understand... they didn't understand why their brother Dali became like this.

Luo Dali kicked him alone: ​​"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Xiaoji lowered his head and muttered: "The idea of ​​a prodigal son becoming a good man always feels unrealistic and too dreamy."

The sword man curled his lips: "Yeah, what kind of unforgettable experience can make a carefree prodigal become so honest?"

Luo Dali opened a bottle of beer and took a sip.

"You two, don't try to yin and yang me. Brother, I have really made up my mind to be a good person. If not for anything else, it's just for my family's Xiu'er!"

"Pfft...!" Xiao Ji spat out a mouthful of beer and asked in disbelief: "No, Brother Dali, do you really like Sister Ye Xiu?"

"Have you ever seen a girl who deserves more love than your sister Ye Xiu?" Luo Dali said, his eyes blurred:

"Obviously she is such a weak girl, but do you think she has ever been weak? She left home when she was young and went south to work so that her sister could study. Now, something bad happened to her sister, and she is the girl whose family has come repeatedly to find the truth. This girl’s personality charm has already blown away all the skinny girls I’ve seen!”

With that said, Luo Dali took another sip of wine, and then looked at Chen Xiao cautiously.

Chen Xiao knew what he meant and said, "If you really feel that you and Ye Xiu are destined, then pursue her according to your own ability. I won't say good things for you, but I won't say bad things about you either."

Luo Dali took a deep breath: "No, I want to see what God wants!"

Chen Xiao was curious: "How do you say this?"

"If she and I are really destined, we will meet again one day. Well... when I sent Xiu to the airport, I told her that if working is too hard, she would go to Dongzhou to work on home appliances with me. She said She thinks about it.”

Chen Xiao laughed: "So you are waiting to see if she has feelings for you?"

"Yes, but before she comes, I have to abide by my duty and greet her with a brand new self!"

Chen Xiao nodded in approval: "Don't talk about her, I think Uncle Luo and your mother will be happy for your change."

"Just kidding... If my parents knew that I had fallen in love with a girl like Xiu'er, they would be absolutely delighted. She is the daughter-in-law of my dreams!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's have a good meal tonight."

Chen Xiao said and opened a bottle of wine for himself, but just as he was about to drink, Lin Xi's phone call came.

Thinking of Lin Xi, Chen Xiao suddenly smiled: "Hello, Goddess of Luck."

"Ah?" Lin Xi was stunned for a moment, then shouted in surprise: "So, he was caught?"

"Of course."

"That's great. I knew you must be the best husband. Chen Yan, Chen xx, everything is a piece of cake in front of you." Lin Xi was very happy.

Chen Xiao grinned and said, "Are you off work now?"

"Just getting ready to go home."

"I just happen to be too lazy to call Captain Zhang. Please inform him and let him talk to Qingxi as soon as possible. I think it would be safer for Chen Yan to go to Dongzhou."

As Chen Xiao said, Lin Xi said hello and asked, "Now that everything is settled, when are you going to go home?"

"I'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll pick you up at the airport."

"Why bother? I just have to go to Guo's house."

"No trouble, you will definitely see me when you get off the plane." Lin Xi said, Chen Xiao wanted to persuade, but Lin Xi's low voice came from the phone: "Don't stop me, I... want to is you."

Chen Xiao looked startled.

Say such things!

To a man, the lethality of such words is like a nuclear weapon! “Okay, let’s meet at the airport.”

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, he hung up the phone, put the phone aside, and silently lowered his head to eat.

At this moment, the only way to suppress the restlessness in my heart is by eating.

After they finished eating and drinking, Chen Xiao, Luo Dali and the others parted.

Because he has to return to Jiang Province early tomorrow morning!

When he arrived in Qingxi City, Chen Xiao booked a hotel to stay, and then called Hu Yue and Yu's mother to inform him of his departure tomorrow.

Hu Yue was very reluctant on the phone and said he wanted to treat Chen Xiao to another meal, but Chen Xiao declined in the end.

Even Yu's mother was the same. She wanted to keep Chen Xiao for a few more days so that they could fulfill their friendship as landlords.

But Yu’s mother had just lost her son, and it was hard for Chen Xiao to accept such invitations, so she declined them all.

When Chen Xiao just walked out of the hotel early the next morning, he found a car waiting for him.

He originally thought the person coming was Hu Yue, but he didn't expect it to be Wen Baohui, who had worked with him for a while in the county bureau.

When the latter saw Chen Xiao, he said a little aggrievedly: "Mr. Chen, you are so easy to humiliate people."

Chen Xiao smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Officer Wen. The situation was urgent and I couldn't tell you too much, so I had to hide it from you for now."

"Okay, okay, but I was really frightened when Yang Ziping disappeared. It's okay, okay... everything is under your control."

Chen Xiao nodded, and Wen Baohui didn't want to waste any time and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, hurry up and get in the car. I have received notification from the county and city bureaus to take you to the airport."

"Okay, please, Officer Wen."

"It's not troublesome. Mr. Chen will come back to Qingxi more often when he has time."

Chen Xiao hummed, and the car slowly became quiet.

When they arrived at the airport, Wen Baohui waved goodbye to him.

Chen Xiao didn't wait long and went straight onto the plane.

The three-hour flight ended quickly. Chen Xiao immediately headed for the exit after getting off the plane.

Soon, he saw Lin Xi looking around not far away.

Chen Xiao deliberately walked behind the person, but Lin Xi seemed to have a telepathy and turned her eyes when he was about to walk in front of him.

Seeing that Lin Xi had seen through it, Chen Xiao could only smile and open his hands.

The moment Lin Xi threw herself into his arms, Chen Xiao asked, "What should I say?"

Lin Xi was stunned: "What do you say?"

"Go and book a hotel?" Chen Xiao asked.

Lin Xi's eyes froze, and then his face turned red, even his ears turned red: "You must be sick!"

"Just say whether you want to order it or not."

"Ahem, I've made the reservation." After Lin Xi finished speaking, she didn't dare to raise her head.

Chen Xiao laughed, hugged Lin Xi and walked out.

What is a couple?

Young couple are not dating partners!

reserved? unnecessary!


A loving couple is like three autumns apart if they don't see each other for one day. How many years have passed since we last saw each other? If you still remain calm, can that be called love?

Love and longing are not words.

Practical actions are the best proof that I miss you!

(End of this chapter)

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