Chapter 139 The layout of wealth!


Chen Xiao leaned back against the bed and exhaled a long breath.

Lin Xi was nestled in his arms, her fingers grabbing a ball of his flesh and playing with it.

Chen Xiao glanced at it and said with a smile, "Isn't this fun?"

"You care about me!" Lin Xi scolded, but quickly took a breath.

Chen Xiao smiled and did not interrupt her. After a while, he said, "Come with me to Guo's house for dinner at noon."

"I haven't invited you, so is it appropriate to go there?"

"Guo Zhengchang called me before boarding the plane today. I think he has arranged a car to pick me up by now."

Lin Xi stood up and said, "Ah, if we don't get up quickly, it won't be good if we keep people waiting for a long time."

"Why panic? It's them who are returning favors now, not us."

Lin Xi pursed her lips: "Okay, okay, then I'll take a rest."

"Well, take a break for half an hour and I'll call you."

Lin Xi nodded slightly, but what Chen Xiao didn't expect was that she fell asleep in just two minutes.

Chen Xiao gently stroked her face, paying attention to her trembling eyelashes, feeling extremely calm.

More than half an hour later, Chen Xiao woke up Lin Xi.

Lin Xi got up and put on her clothes, combed her hair a little and then went downstairs holding Chen Xiao's hand.

In the hotel lobby, the people arranged by the Guo family had indeed arrived early.

Moreover, it was Chen Xiao’s old acquaintance, Guo Qing.

The moment he saw Chen Xiao and his wife appearing in the lobby, Guo Qing, who was smoking, immediately put out his cigarette and shouted:

"Brother Chen Xiao, here!"

Chen Xiao looked over and said hello: "Mr. Guo, long time no see."

Guo Qing laughed: "Who says it's not the case? You miss me so much!"

With that said, Guo Qing reached out and gave Chen Xiao a hug.

But Lin Xi didn't let go, and Guo Qing could only pause his hands in mid-air, and then said with an awkward smile: "Look, I forgot to say hello to Mrs. Chen. Officer Lin, you too."

Lin Xi smiled and nodded, and Chen Xiao said: "Mr. Guo, let's not stay here. Let's go."

"Okay, when the old man knew that you were coming back today, he immediately arranged for people to prepare the ingredients. Moreover, my uncles are all here, and everyone wants to get acquainted with you again."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."

The group of people didn't chat any more, got in the car together and headed straight to the Guo family's mountaintop villa.

When they arrived at the top of the mountain, Guo Zhengchang, his family and all the servants at home were already waiting on the road to welcome him.

In the car, Lin Xi couldn't help but joked when he saw the fight: "Hubby, isn't Mr. Guo too kind?"

Before Chen Xiao had time to explain, Guo Qing said: "It's necessary. What a big figure brother Chen Xiao is now. I dare to call you brother in front of you. I will have to call you Mr. Chen when I get off the car, otherwise My uncle can shoot me to death!"

Lin Xi couldn't stop laughing, but she stopped playing around after the car door opened.

When Guo Zhengchang came, he was not as formal as expected, but his eyes fell on Lin Xi first: "Chen Xiao, is this the creek?"

Chen Xiao nodded, and Lin Xi also politely shouted: "Mr. Guo, hello."

"Hello, hello! Since I met Chen Xiao, I have also been very interested in you. The day before yesterday, your Dongzhou Municipal Bureau Bureau Luo was talking about something, and he was full of praise for your deeds. ! He even said that the future of the Dongzhou police force will probably depend on you!"

Lin Xi immediately held Chen Xiao's arm tightly and said with a smile: "That's because Chen Xiao helped me. Without him to make a name for himself outside, how could I, a little policewoman, get into the eyes of Bureau Luo?"

Guo Zhengchang smiled meaningfully, and then looked at Chen Xiao: "I also heard about what happened in Qingxi later. It's unbelievable. You actually planned such a wonderful show. It's a pity that I didn't Being able to be there!”

"Hey, Mr. Guo, we are so familiar with each other, why don't we stop saying these words?" Chen Xiao smiled bitterly.

Guo Zhengchang laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, let's eat, let's eat!" The group of people all entered the restaurant, and the dinner was very lively.

But when Guo Zhengchang sat down, he used serving chopsticks to pick up the first dish for Lin Xi.

After picking up the dishes, Guo Zhengchang said with a smile: "Xiaoxi, Chen Xiao and I are already very familiar with each other. From now on, you can follow him to the provincial capital more often."

"Okay, Mr. Guo, but you also know the nature of my job. Holidays are very difficult."

Guo Zhengchang laughed again, and then greeted everyone to eat without saying more.

While Chen Xiao was eating, he could feel that there was something different about Guo Zhengchang today.

Guo Zhengchang used to call him Mr. Xiao Chen.

But this time he called Chen Xiao by his first name.

A change of title can reveal a change in one person's mood towards another person.

Guo Zhengchang is no longer so polite, but gets along with each other on a daily basis, which shows that the friendship between Chen Xiao and Guo Zhengchang has been forged.

After the meal, Guo Zhengchang said to Chen Xiao: "I will arrange for someone to take Xiaoxi around the mountains later. Can we chat in the study for a while?"


Chen Xiao stood up, nodded to Lin Xi, and then went to the study together.

In the study, Guo Zhengchang had already asked someone to make tea.

While sipping his tea, Guo Zhengchang asked a question: "What do you think of that boy Guo Qing?"

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed and he said with a smile: "Mr. Guo, are you kidding me? What does this kind of thing have to do with me."

"Why are you so anxious? It's not like I have anything bad to say about the throne. The Guo family's career really needs someone to inherit it, but Xiaoqing is still not steady enough in his work, and his murderous intention is too..."

Before Guo Zhengchang finished speaking, Chen Xiao interrupted directly: "Okay, Mr. Guo, I'm really not interested in your family's affairs. Let's talk about something else."

"Okay, let's talk about the project of bringing home appliances to the countryside. I decided to use all the home appliance resources in my Shojiang Province, and then started to lay this road on a large scale, and we are equivalent to the headquarters... you know Is that what I meant?"

When Chen Xiao heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "That's very fast. I think Mr. Guo also understands what I mean."

"Don't worry about this. You have to know how to advance and retreat in everything you do, and have control over it. When it's time to eat meat, don't miss a bite. But if you can't eat anymore, we have to put down our chopsticks immediately."

Chen Xiao nodded: "What are Mr. Guo going to do specifically?"

"Are you relieved that I will help you steer this ship? If you are not, then I can give you a guarantee that the Guo family will never lend a hand to the project of bringing home appliances to the countryside."

Listening to Guo Zhengchang's words, Chen Xiao couldn't help but pause as he picked up the tea cup.

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

He knew exactly what these words meant.

Guo Zhengchang is preparing to use all the capabilities of the Guo family to promote his project of bringing home appliances to the countryside.

If he really does this, how much can Chen Xiao gain from this project alone?

He couldn't even imagine it!

Chen Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath and asked: "Mr. Guo, I'm just helping you find out the truth about Guo Ning's death. Well, even if I add one more thing, I kept your Guo family's secrets at the case briefing meeting, but this won't As for asking you to help me like this?"

"What I am helping is not you, but the four words of bringing home appliances to the countryside. These four words can not only create unimaginable wealth, but also can benefit countless people if used properly. This is a good thing. When it comes to me, At this age, I can make money and do good things, so why can’t I be at the helm for you?”

Chen Xiao thought for a while and finally nodded: "Okay, then I'll thank the old gentleman first."

Guo Zhengchang smiled and shook his head: "You're welcome. Let your brothers come to the provincial capital another day, and I will take them to study. What your three brothers did in Xiaofeng Village is worthy of your deep friendship. As for you, forget it. , your thoughts and your abilities have already passed this step."

Hear the words.

Chen Xiao felt miserable.

This incredible wealth has fallen on Luo Dali's worthless thing again.

No...this time there are Xiaoji and Dao Nan!

These two are going to change their lives!

(End of this chapter)

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