I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 141 Huh? That bastard Zhang is here!

Chapter 141 Huh? That bastard is back!

Chen Xiao arrived in front of Lin Xi.

Lin Xi looked at his expression and subconsciously shrank her neck.

"What are you doing, taking gunpowder?"

Chen Xiao stared at her: "Do you know you made a mistake?"

Lin Xi raised her head with a flash of astonishment in her eyes, but before she could say anything, Chen Xiao told her seriously:

"From now on, remember, no matter what happens, don't think about it, don't weigh it, and don't think about everything for me!"

"Even if something big happens when I'm out there, it's all bullshit when compared with your safety, you know?"

Chen Xiao hasn't been so angry for a long time.

His appearance was so frightening that no one else dared to come close, but the corners of Lin Xi's mouth rose at this moment.

"Then... weren't you just planning to catch Chen Yan at that time? I thought if I told you, your plan would be ruined." Lin Xi said weakly.

Chen Xiao said in a deep voice: "Chen Yan or not, tell me what the name of the leader is Chen!"

"Well...it's Chen Yao's father. I destroyed a pyramid scheme that day, and I didn't expect that Chen Yao was one of the little leaders. His father came over and wanted me to fish Chen Yao out, but after I refused, they So I took people to block the door to my house.”

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes: "I asked why my parents didn't even call me when they left with Xiaoyao. It turned out that something like this happened!"

"Okay, stop talking, let's go home now!" Chen Xiao took Lin Xi's hand, and Lin Xi said, "Didn't we agree to leave tomorrow morning?"

"I can't wait, not even a minute, I want to see how violent they are!"

Chen Xiao took Lin Xi and left the criminal police team directly.

Others looked at them and couldn't help but look at Zhang Xian.

Zhang Xian: "It all depends on what I do. It is only natural for people to take out their anger on their own daughter-in-law! Whatever you are supposed to do, go ahead!"


Chen Xiao took Lin Xi and drove directly back to his hometown.

On the way, Lin Xi told everything that happened at that time.

It turned out that after Chen Xiao left, Lin Xi, in addition to solving some minor cases, also assisted Liang Yan in investigating a pyramid scheme case.

After taking over the MLM dens, there was a little leader named Chen Yao.

According to the seniority in the village, Chen Yao is Chen Xiao's cousin.

Chen Xiao's great-great-grandfather and Chen Yao's great-great-grandfather were biological brothers, but by their generation, the relationship had faded a lot.

In addition, Chen Xiao has always failed to live up to his expectations, so those so-called cousins ​​either just stayed away.

Even if they are walking around, it is usually okay to give them a few scolds. It's called doing it for Chen Xiao's benefit, but in fact it's just pretending to be a successful person to show off in front of him.

Chen Yao and his family are naturally a good example of prosperity in the village. The family built several small Western-style buildings in the mid-90s, and there are two stone lions at the door, which is very luxurious.

Yes, talking about those two lions.

Chen Xiao became even more angry. When he was still in school, he just saw the lion's domineering power and wanted to ride on it and try it.

Unexpectedly, before he could climb onto the lion, Chen Yao's father would chase him away from the village.

And Chen Yao's father is Chen Xiao's cousin Chen Yuan.

Originally, besides Chen Yao, he had three sons. The eldest son, Chen Ding, was doing a booming building materials business in the provincial capital.

Chen Yao is the second son, and Chen Yao has two sons after him.

The third son fell into the water and drowned when he was seven or eight years old. The youngest son Chen Xianzu was hailed as the most promising of Chen Yuan's four sons at that time.

This is also true. Chen Xianzu was successfully admitted to a prestigious domestic school last year. But who would have thought that on the day when Chen Yuan's family held a banquet for college entrance, Chen Xianzu died from excessive drinking.

At that time, the village once suspected that the Chen Yuan family had done too many bad things and suffered retribution.

Some people also say that the two big lions in front of Chen Yuan’s house broke the feng shui.

But no matter what, Chen Yuan's family has always been a powerful family in the village, and even his cousin Chen Xiao cannot step in casually.

Now Chen Yuan dared to lead people to block Lin Xi, especially after being refused by Lin Xi, he actually wanted to hit people with his hands. This is something Chen Xiao will never tolerate!

So no matter who the other party is, Chen Xiao will not let any of them have an easy time tonight.

Seeing Lin Xi desperately texting on her phone, Chen Xiao couldn't help but said, "Is this a tip to my parents?"

Lin Xi smiled awkwardly: "I asked my parents not to tell you. You are so impatient now. I was afraid that you would be so angry that you would even blame them."

"They are confused about this matter. What is the purpose of having a son? It is time to stand up! But it is also my fault. They have been wronged in the village before, and tonight it happened that the old and new accounts came together. Calculate."

As Chen Xiao said, Lin Xi put down her phone and stopped talking, but her eyes kept looking at Chen Xiao.

As the saying goes, a family with a good wife and husband will have few troubles. Lin Xi is a policeman. She doesn't want to be a shrew, doesn't want to cause trouble for Chen Xiao, and she doesn't want Chen Xiao to do anything hot-headed for her.

But whether she is a policeman or a wife, the premise is that she is still a woman.

She believed that Chen Xiao would not mess around.

But she also wanted to see what her man looked like when he helped her vent her anger.

Soon, after Chen Xiao called Guo Qing, the two drove back home.

Chen Lie and Chen Xiao's mother Yang Ying were both standing at the door of their home.

When they saw the car lights, the old couple immediately came over.

Lao Chen stood beside the car and deliberately looked behind the car.

When Chen Xiao and his wife got out of the car, Lin Xi immediately grabbed her mother-in-law's arm and called out "Mom and Dad" with Chen Xiao.

Old Chen looked at Chen Xiao and said with a straight face: "What do you want to do at night? Look, you scared your mother!"

Chen Xiao couldn't see the worry on his mother's face, but when Chen Xiao was about to say something, Lao Chen said in a deep voice:

"Didn't you always call each other brothers and sisters before, and now you're the only one?"

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "Dali and the others are busy with business outside, but it's okay, I can handle it by myself."

"No, you stand behind me later. You protect your mother and the creek, I will handle this matter!"

Chen Xiao didn't know what his old father was thinking.

He didn't want Chen Xiao to get hurt. Of course, he also had some thoughts of refusing to accept his old age after he couldn't bear it anymore.

But more importantly, now that the matter has come to a point where it must be resolved, he still wants to protect the people he cares about most.

His wife, his children, and his children’s wives.

But how could Chen Xiao let his old father do this, so he winked at Lin Xi, and Lin Xi came over and grabbed Chen Lie.

"Dad, leave it to Chen Xiao, he can handle this kind of thing."

Old Chen looked at Lin Xi seriously, and when he saw Chen Xiao smiling and nodding, he said, "Okay, then let's ask them for an explanation."

Chen Xiao did not take the lead, but Lao Chen took the lead.

Looking at Lao Chen's pace at that moment, Chen Xiao always felt that Lao Chen was several years younger.

Not long after, the father and son arrived at the door of Chen Yuan's house.

After Lin Xi went to the car to pick up a bag, she and Yang Ying followed behind.

When Lao Chen was about to knock on the door, Chen Xiao took a step forward: "Dad, don't be polite when you can't be polite."

After saying that, Chen Xiao looked at the grand door of Chen Yuan's house and kicked it.

There was a loud "bang" sound.

Chen Yuan often boasted about the door that cost tens of thousands of yuan to build, but he just fell to the ground.

The loud noise immediately caused commotion inside and outside the house.

Especially the neighbors next to them, who recognized Chen Lie and Chen Xiao father and son at a glance.

"It's Chen Xiao who's back, no wonder he made such a big noise!"

"Ah? That bastard is back! But when he comes back, will he directly cause trouble for Chen Yuan's family?"

"You don't know? Chen Yao was arrested! Chen Xiao's wife personally led the team!"

"Yes, yes, I heard that Chen Yuan went to the city, thinking that since he is an elder, Chen Xiao's wife would fish him out for Chen Yao, but I didn't expect that he was rejected directly!"

"It's no wonder. I asked why Chen Yuan has been causing trouble for Uncle Lie these past two days. It turns out that's why!"

More and more people gathered.

The people in Chen Yuan's family were furious when they looked at the collapsed door.

"Are you two, father and son, going to overthrow the world?" Chen Yuan roared angrily.

Chen Xiao walked directly in front of him: "Fan Tian? Who is Tian? You!"

(End of this chapter)

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