Chapter 142 Cigarettes lit by father!

"Chen Xiao, do you still have any rules?"

"Is this the way you talk to your uncle?"

From behind Chen Yuan, a man with glasses walked out, who was Chen Yuan's eldest son, Chen Ding.

Seeing his eldest son coming over, Chen Yuan seemed to have gained confidence. He blew his beard and glared:

"You are a bastard with no knowledge, no skills, no respect for your elders. It doesn't matter if you don't show respect to your elders when you come back. You still dare to kick in the door of my house. Can you afford to pay for this?"

Chen Xiao smiled when he heard this and looked at Lin Xi behind him: "Really? Wife, bring me your bag."

Lin Xi handed over the bag, and Chen Xiao took out 20,000 yuan in cash and asked, "Is it enough?"

Before Chen Yuan could speak, Chen Xiao took out another 50,000 yuan in cash from his bag: "Is it enough?"

Chen Yuan glared, and Chen Ding frowned.

Chen Xiao sneered: "Don't say anything? Xiaoxi, take it all out!"

On the way back, Chen Xiao made a special trip to the bank, just to get cash for no other reason.

A full half a million dollars in cash is in the bag!

It's not that Chen Xiao doesn't want to take more, but that taking more is too troublesome.

What's more, the weight of half a million yuan is just enough to carry it. If Lin Xi carries more, it will become a bit heavy.

The moment the money bag was opened, everyone onlookers gasped.

"Oh, so much money, hundreds of thousands!"

"It seems that the bastard... well, Chen Xiao is really promising!"

"Who says otherwise? I heard that Chen Xiao solved a big case outside and received a reward of one million yuan!"

"Shit, it's five million, okay? You don't have to pay taxes!"

Listening to those words, Chen Xiao actually understood the principle of keeping wealth secret.

But there is no way. If you don't use some direct means to deal with people like Chen Yuan, he can always disgust people to death.

Chen Ding adjusted his glasses and said with a smile: "Cousin, it seems that the rumors outside are not false. You really made a fortune. But this small amount of money makes you so arrogant?"

"Don't call me a brother. I took this part of the money temporarily, and for no other reason than to remind you that I can afford to pay you for kicking in your door. Even if I demolish your house, I can still pay it, but... ….”

"Do you think I will compensate?"

Chen Xiao looked provocative, and then said to Lin Xi: "Daughter-in-law, just show them, and put the bag away."

Lin Xi was obedient and zipped up her zipper again.

Chen Yuan was so angry that he roared, pointed at Old Chen and cursed: "Chen Lie, is this the bastard you taught?"

"Shut up! I have allowed you to rely on your old age for so many years. The older you get, the more immoral you become!"

"You guys!" Chen Yuan was speechless.

Chen Xiao took a step forward again: "What's wrong with us? No matter what we do, how can we be as shameless as your family? Don't you have any idea about Chen Yao's crime?"

"Don't say Xiaoxi can't help. Even if he can, you won't touch your conscience and ask, are your faces that big?!"

"You even brought a large group of people to block the door of my house, old man... You should be glad that you just raised your hand today. If you had fallen behind, I would have killed you today, believe it or not!"

After these days of solving crimes, Chen Xiao seems to have forgotten the fact that he was once a street kid.

Whether facing a big boss like Guo Zhengchang or an ordinary person like Mama Yu.

As long as they are elders, he has always respected them.

But the Chen Yuan in front of him is not worthy.

Some people are old and kind-hearted.

And some people are mean and vicious!

Chen Yuan was so angry that he felt like he was about to have a heart attack.

Chen Ding couldn't bear it and shouted: "Okay, I want to break up with you! Chen Xiao, it seems that you are really crazy now..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ding clenched his fist and smashed it towards Chen Xiao's face.

Chen Xiao sneered, feeling extremely surprised: "I'm afraid you won't do it, so it's best if you do it!" There was a "crack" sound, and Chen Ding's fist was violently bent in one direction.

Chen Ding was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds he realized the severe pain and screamed.

Chen Lie and Yang Ying were also a little frightened when they saw this.

They didn't expect their children to have such a fierce side.

But when they saw their daughter-in-law Lin Xi watching this scene calmly, they could only endure it and silently watched Chen Yuan's family yelling.

"Call the police, call the police!"

"Chen Xiao, our family is never done with you on this matter!"

Chen Ding also endured the severe pain, looked at Chen Xiao with a ferocious face and said: "Chen Xiao, I am not done with you in this matter, break my hand, and you are prepared to spend a few years in jail!"

Chen Xiao squatted in front of Chen Ding with a smile and said with a smile: "Really? It depends on how you choose."

Chen Ding's face was pale, but for some reason Chen Xiao's words made him feel an inexplicable fear.

At this moment, Chen Ding's cell phone rang.

Originally he had no intention of taking it, until Chen Xiao reminded him: "Take it, there may be a surprise waiting for you."

Hearing such words, Chen Ding felt even more uneasy, so he answered the phone.

As soon as the phone call came through, the person on the other end shouted angrily: "Mr. Chen is not okay. We just received calls from several partners and all our orders have been cancelled!"

"What? How could it happen suddenly..." Chen Ding looked at Chen Xiao as he spoke, but the voice on the phone had already spoken again: "I'm not sure, but they all asked me if you had offended Mr. Guo of Qingtian. Got it!"

"Mr. Qingtian Guo? Guo Qing!"

"Yes, Mr. Guo called them and said that no one is allowed to cooperate with us. Well, Mr. Guo also said that it is temporarily terminated. Everything depends on your decision, Mr. Chen."

With a "pop" sound, Chen Ding's cell phone fell to the ground, with a look of panic on his face.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Ding couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Chen Ding, what's wrong with you? Who is Mr. Guo? Where did he get such great ability!"

Chen Ding ignored his old father's inquiry and just looked at Chen Xiao blankly.

But Chen Xiao had already stood up and walked to the edge of the stone lion. He looked at the Chen Yuan family with cold eyes and said, "I told you that you should be lucky that the hand didn't fall. If it had, it wouldn't be that easy tonight! Also! , I hope you will not bother my family again in the future, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

With that said, Chen Xiao punched the stone lion.

I saw that a large piece of the originally solid stone lion was smashed off by Chen Xiao's punch at this moment!

The villagers who were watching this scene all screamed in fright.

"Fuck...those lions are pure and solid. What kind of fists does Chen Xiao have? Is it the Vajra Iron Fist?"

"It's so scary. If Chen Xiao had punched Chen Yuan just now, wouldn't the old guy just belch?"

"Go, go, keep your voice down...Chen Xiao hasn't gone far yet!"

People were talking a lot, but Chen Xiaoze had already returned home with Lin Xi and his parents.

On the way, just after losing sight of everyone, Lin Xi immediately held the hand that Chen Xiao used to punch the stone lion.

When she saw the dirt on the back of her hand, her mother also reacted and asked distressedly: "You child, why did you hit it that last time!"

Lin Xi wiped off the dust on the back of Chen Xiao's hand with his own palm. When he saw that the skin was not even broken, he couldn't help but have doubts in his eyes.

But soon, she smiled and said: "Mom, Chen Xiao is fine. If he doesn't throw that last punch, how can he shock those villains who take the trouble to do it?"

The old father seemed to understand Chen Xiao's intention of knocking Shan Zhenhu, so he took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Xiao.

"Dad, it's not like you don't know that I don't smoke."

"Come one with me, otherwise I'll lose my taste." Lao Chen said inexplicably.

Chen Xiao did not hesitate, took the cigarette and put it to his mouth.

The old father took out the lighter with one hand and used the other hand to block the wind.

This action frightened Chen Xiao's scalp, and he quickly said: "Don't do this, I'll be fine with you. If I ask you to light a fire for me, I won't be struck by lightning!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me light this cigarette for you. From now on, this home... will be handed over to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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