I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 143 It’s easy to repay monetary debts, but it’s hard to eliminate human debts

Chapter 143 It’s easy to repay monetary debts, but it’s hard to eliminate human debts

Chen Xiao really doesn’t know how to smoke.

He blows half and the wind blows half.

The way he smoked made Lin Xi laugh so hard that he laughed all the way.

If she hadn't been smart enough to hold her mother-in-law's arm, Chen Xiao would probably have had to help her.

Finally the family arrived home, and Yang Ying quickly put on her apron.

"Tell me, you two didn't say hello in advance when you came back. You had to send a message halfway. You were in such a hurry that I didn't even prepare the food."

Lin Xi said with a smile: "Mom, we are not guests, as long as there are fish to eat!"

"There are fish, your dad just caught them this afternoon, it's a great job!"

"Then let's cook the fish and eat it." Lin Xi pulled her mother-in-law into the kitchen.

Chen Xiao watched his father light up another cigarette. He wanted to remind him, but then he thought that Lao Chen must be worried about something at the moment, so let him smoke.

After waiting for the cigarette to be finished, Chen Lie stamped out the cigarette butt and asked, "Going to Qingxi to handle a big case?"

"That's right. It's not a big deal if we let Dongzhou go."

Chen Lie nodded: "That's not bad."

After saying these three words, Chen Lie fell silent.

But Chen Xiao could see that his mind was far away, which made Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask:

"Dad, do you have anything you want to tell me?"

Chen Lie came back to his senses, patted the cigarette ashes that accidentally fell on his sleeves, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, by the way... Do you want to go back early tomorrow morning?"

"No, let's stay at home for three days this time."

Chen Lie looked surprised: "Xiaoxi doesn't go to work?"

"It's just that she missed you two. She said she missed mom's cooking and going fishing with you. So I asked Team Zhang for three days' leave, so I'll wait a few days before going back."

The smile on Chen Lie's face got even bigger: "If nothing else, your vision in choosing a daughter-in-law is really unspeakable. Nowadays, the daughters-in-law of many families would like to be as far away from the old man as possible. It would be better for her to just want to have a vacation. Come back and stay with us."

"Hey, that's right!"

"Don't be so proud. I don't care what thoughts you had before or what you couldn't help yourself. Now that you have changed, don't do it again. If you really dare to do it again, I promise to change your household registration book the next day and directly Erase your name!"

Chen Xiao quickly said: "No, no, no, no, this is no joke."

Seeing Chen Xiao pretending, Chen Lie couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, okay, I'll go see if your mother has laid out the quilt."

"I'd better go."

"Take your seat, the meal will be ready in a moment."

Chen Xiao sat back again, but Lao Chen just glanced at their room, then went back to his own room and never came out.

Chen Xiao didn't think anything was wrong at first, but after waiting, Chen Xiao got up and took a look.

When he stood at the door and took a look, he found that Lao Chen took out a photo from the box and put it in his hand to look at it.

Just looking at the back of the photo, Chen Xiao was not sure who was in it.

But if it’s a photo of a family, it shouldn’t be hidden at the bottom of the box, right?

Chen Xiao walked over curiously and asked, "Dad, what are you looking at?"

Lao Chen subconsciously hid it and said quickly: "It's nothing, just some old photos."

Chen Xiao was confused.

But Lao Chen didn't show it to him, and his mother happened to be calling for dinner in the main room again, so he had no choice but to give up and walk out. Mom didn’t cook many dishes, but they were all meat dishes.

By the time Chen Xiao and the others were sitting down, Lin Xi was already looking at his bowl with worry.

Her mother had already packed a pile of vegetables for her.

Chen Xiao was also speechless for a while and helped: "Mom, how can Xiaoxi eat so much of it?"

"Tell me, you haven't noticed how thin Xiaoxi is! She is a people's policeman, so she has to take a good supplement when she comes home from running around every day!"

After scolding Chen Xiao, her mother smiled and said to Lin Xi: "Eat, don't worry about him. If you really don't have time to cook in Dongzhou, just call your mother and I will go over and cook it for you! Anyway, I am old now. It’s not big, it can cook for five or six people without any problem!”

Five or six people?

There are only four people in their family?

Where did the five or six come from?

Chen Xiao was curious, and Old Chen immediately coughed: "Eat, eat!"

Lin Xi lowered her head and worked hard, as if she didn't understand the deeper meaning of these words.

After dinner was over and his mother was washing the dishes, Chen Xiao saw the opportunity and went to the kitchen.

As soon as there was a noise, my mother turned her back and said, "Xiaoxi, didn't I tell you that I would wash alone? You should go and have a rest. If you are bored, play chess with your father."

"It's me." Chen Xiao replied with a smile.

When my mother heard this, she immediately took off her sleeves and said in surprise: "What, you want to help me wash the dishes? That's very kind of me, so come quickly!"

Chen Xiao took the sleeve with a wry smile. When he saw his mother was about to leave, he asked, "Mom, who is that photo in the box?"

"The photos in the box? Oh, you're talking about the photos of us and your Uncle Wander?"

Uncle Wander?

This name suddenly touched Chen Xiao's memory.

If he remembered correctly, he should have met this elder when he was very young.

But it seems that in the 1990s, Uncle Wande went south to work, and finally disappeared in a place called Mumu Town!

It is said that many migrant workers in that town at that time never returned to their hometown.

Suddenly thinking of this incident, Chen Xiao couldn't help but wonder why Lao Chen hesitated just now.

Could it be that he was thinking about finding Uncle Wande?

Just as I was thinking about it, my mother also became emotional at this time.

"Speaking of your Uncle Wande, our whole family owes him a debt. Do you still remember what your mother told you before about how you were born?"

Mom's words brought Chen Xiao back to distant memories.

Of course, Chen Xiao didn't remember that memory by himself, but only learned about it after his parents told him when he grew up.

"Remember, you said that when you gave birth to me, we both almost ended up in the hospital and never came back."

"Yes, every family was poor at that time, and anyone who gave birth to a child would go to a well-known woman nearby. But when you were born, the woman said she had to send you to the hospital as soon as she saw the situation. But at that time, where could our family get the money? As for money, your dad has gone to all the relatives and couldn’t get much money.”

"Later, it was your Uncle Wande who stole his parents' savings and sent us to the hospital. At that time, your Uncle Wande's parents had many children, and he was always unhappy. So after that happened, you Uncle Wande was almost beaten to death by his father. It was a real beating. If your father and I hadn't knelt in front of the old man and promised to pay back the money, your Uncle Wande would have died that day."

"So since that incident, your father has treated your Uncle Wande as his deceased brother. But who would have thought that that year he suddenly had a fever and had to go to work, and there was no news from him for more than ten years!"

When his mother was talking about the past and shedding tears over what happened to her family benefactor, Chen Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Monetary debts are easy to repay, but human debts are never eliminated.

Chen Xiao thought in his mind and subconsciously put down his sleeves. While thinking about it, he said, "Mom, I'm going to go talk to my dad about Uncle Wande."

(End of this chapter)

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