Chapter 144 Love back then

The conversation with his mother made Chen Xiao understand the reason why Lao Chen hesitated to speak.

He has now completely affirmed Chen Xiao's abilities.

It is precisely because of this reason that Lao Chen's concern for more than ten years became stronger when he saw Chen Xiao again.

But he is worried.

Worry about getting your children into trouble.

I am also worried that Chen Xiao and Lin Xi are finally together again. If they are separated again, they will think that he has too many things to do.

So Lao Chen has been unwilling to speak out.

On the other hand, my mother is used to being straightforward and never hides anything.

Chen Xiao returned to the main room and saw Lao Chen alone in the courtyard looking at the moon in a daze, so he couldn't help but move a chair and sit next to him.

"Dad, why don't we two take a few more sips?"

During dinner, Lao Chen didn't talk about drinking, so Chen Xiao didn't mention it either.

Hearing this, Lao Chen was obviously moved.

"Don't drink too much, right?" Lao Chen was a little worried.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and said, "Don't drink too much, just squint a little."

"Okay, I'll get some wine. I also have some braised beef and peanuts at home."

Just as Lao Chen was about to get up, Lin Xi came out with a small table and said with a smile: "Dad, please stop working, I'll bring it over."

Seeing Lin Xi, Lao Chen was still a little embarrassed. Lin Xi comforted him: "Dad, you two can drink. In fact, I don't mind him drinking, as long as he doesn't act like a fool."

"He's trying to be stupid!" Old Chen's eyes widened, and Chen Xiao immediately admitted his mistake.

Lin Xi arranged the food and wine and poured a glass for each of them.

Chen Xiao took the initiative to bump into Lao Chen.

Not long after, after two sips of wine, Chen Xiao opened the topic: "Dad, you want to tell me about Uncle Wande tonight, right?"

Old Chen was startled, and then looked back at his mother.

It's just that my mother was fascinated by watching a TV series and didn't pay any attention to him.

Lao Chen nodded: "Has your mother told you?"

Chen Xiao agreed, and Old Chen continued: "Yes, I always dream of him these days. He is still as young as he was more than ten years ago. He has a slicked back hair and is carrying a radio, so he looks very stylish."

"He was jumping and swaying in front of me, but every time he would jump and sway and cry. He told me that he felt so uncomfortable and it was so painful to hold it in."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown.

His instinct told him that this was not a good dream.

But when he opened his mouth, he said: "Dreams are all the opposite. Maybe Uncle Wan De has made a fortune and is living happily outside."

"No, if he really gets rich, he will definitely return home in fine clothes. You may not know, but I know he is my brother. He has been holding a breath in his heart, that is, one day he will be successful and return home in fine clothes. Let his father who does not miss him Mom, take a good look, he Wan De is the most promising in their family!"

"But since he called out, he hasn't even written back a letter. It's been more than ten years, and there's been no news at all. Sometimes I'm in a daze, do I really have a brother like that in my life? If so... who else is he? Where is it?"

Lao Chen said and took another sip of wine.

Chen Xiao said nothing, and Lin Xi also listened silently, and then silently filled Lao Chen's glass of wine.

Old Chen rubbed his face fiercely: "Uncle Wande is a good man. Except for the year you were born, he helped our family a lot. In those years, he was the one who dragged me forward. Even when I saw your mother at that time, I was obviously happy from the bottom of my heart, but I was too shy and timid to touch her."

"At that time, your Uncle Wande saw how coquettish I was, so he dragged me directly to your mother, and later took me to your grandpa's house to propose marriage. Your grandpa didn't understand me at that time, so he deliberately made things difficult and made many conditions. . Because of this, I frowned, and in the end it was your Uncle Wande who took me to the city to work."

"We worked for a year, and he gave me all the money. In order not to worry me, he deliberately made excuses about the money he won from gambling. In fact, I knew what was going on, so I silently remembered to wait for the future. When our family gets better, we and he are also one family!"

"But who would have thought that after spending the Qingming Festival at home in 91, he suddenly said that he would go to the coast to work, saying that there was a lot of money there. Originally I also said to go with him, but at that time your mother was clinging to me, and I can't leave you alone, so I can only send him to the station and watch him get on the bus."

"I still remember that Ade waved to me and said, Brother Darie, keep the house safe. But as he said it, he said again, Brother Darie, please walk slower and let me take a look again. I still He scolded him for being such a disgusting man, so he just smiled and got in the car without saying anything."

At this point, Lao Chen was choked up.

Rough hands wiped his eyes, but they still couldn't wipe away the deep brotherly love in his eyes. Chen Xiao couldn't help but let out a long breath: "Then what are your plans now?"

"I heard people say that the place where your Uncle Wande went was called Mumu Town. There weren't many people in that place. They were either dead or disappeared suddenly. No matter how many years have passed, they can't be found. Some people also said, He offended someone outside and was thrown into the river."

"But haven't we already said the old saying, if you want to see someone alive, you will see a corpse. He has been giving me dreams these days, Chen Xiao... I think your Uncle Wan De is homesick."

Lao Chen stopped here.

After Chen Xiao drank the wine in the cup, Lao Chen took the initiative and said, "I won't drink anymore. Let's take a rest early."

Lin Xi nodded and put away the table, then pulled Chen Xiao back into the room.

"What do you think about what dad said?" Lin Xi asked.

Chen Xiao didn't reply for a while, but frowned.

Lin Xi pulled him: "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Xiao smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, I just thought of something suddenly."

Lin Xi looked puzzled: "Can you tell me?"

"Dream, the dream my dad said." Chen Xiao said.

Lin Xi was even more puzzled: "What happened to Meng?"

"Dali had a dream about the Yanzi Lane fish bone case. In Qingxi, when I was investigating the disappearance of Xiaodian, I also had a dream. In the dream, I dreamed of a dark figure sending me the dark rag doll. Now, my dad said that Uncle Wande entrusted him with dreams."

"Daughter-in-law, where do you think so many dreams come from?"

Lin Xi didn't know that Chen Xiao was really afraid that he was also having a long, long dream.

He was afraid that everything that happened before him was fake!

But the next second, Lin Xi suddenly pinched Chen Xiao's waist, squinted her eyes and asked with a smile: "Does it hurt?"

Chen Xiao took a breath: "It hurts so much!"

Lin Xi smiled and said, "That's it. You suddenly changed from a bastard man to a super, super, excellent husband. I still feel like I'm dreaming!"

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly, Lin Xi hugged him tightly, and said softly: "Don't question it. If you think those dreams are not real enough, have you ever thought that maybe those dreams are guidance! Just like Dali, if he didn't tell you that Meng, will you remind him? If you don’t remind him, how can Dali be more careful? I can’t even imagine that if Xi Yi’an and Su Jing discovered him at that time, would they kill him to cover up the secret!”

"And that little bit you mentioned, why can't you think it is a omen, indicating that you can use the little bit to help you catch Chen Yan!"

"Then there's the dream that Uncle Wande, who I've never seen, gave to my father. I think there might be some hidden guidance. How about we check it out?"

After what Lin Xi said, Chen Xiao felt it was reasonable.

As a reborn person, he is the one who has the least sense to make.

Therefore, in these cases, there are characteristics of dreams or dreams. Chen Xiao is too lazy to pay more attention to it, so he can just regard it as another hidden golden finger of his.

If none, that would be great.

Otherwise, he would have too many dreams and he would be really unsteady.

"Okay, let me choose a time to go to that wooden town for a walk."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Lin Xi nodded and pinched him again.

Chen Xiao took in a painful breath: "Why are you still pinching me?"

"Did you understand what mom said last night?"

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

"It's just that she can feed five or six people."

Chen Xiao's lips curved: "Well, let's work harder?"

"No, I have to prepare and try to fulfill our mother's wish once and for all."

"Hiss...are you so cruel?"

"Trivia: My grandmother gave birth to twins, so according to genetics, Xiaoyao and I both have a certain probability!"

(End of this chapter)

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