Chapter 145 The bloody lion!

Rested one night at home.

When she woke up early in the morning, Lin Xi really wanted to sleep until noon as she said.

Chen Xiao didn't call her either.

During the days when he was away from Dongzhou, just by hearing about it, you could tell that Lin Xi had done a lot of things during this time.

Her body is exhausted.

After Chen Xiao got up, her mother had already cooked breakfast.

Father is mixing bait and packing fishing rods.

He still remembered taking Lin Xi fishing.

Seeing Chen Xiao coming, Lao Chen asked: "Isn't the creek rising?"

"No, she is so tired from work. She even went to the provincial capital to pick me up yesterday. She is probably catching up on the sleep she didn't get."

Old Chen nodded, and then said with some worry: "Chen Yuan's house is a little strange today. Many cars are driving to his house, and they are also pulling a lot of things."

Chen Xiao also frowned, feeling in his heart that Chen Ding wouldn't be that stupid.

Guo Qing is completely capable of killing Chen Ding.

After all, almost all the business done by Chen Ding can be linked to Guo Qing.

Although Qingtian Construction is headquartered in Dongzhou, it must be easy for a construction business as big as Guo Qing's to handle Chen Ding with the light of connections.

But why did Chen Ding behave so abnormally at this time?

What were those cars driving to his house for?

Could it be that he wanted to throw away those businesses and fight Chen Xiaoyu to death?

Just when I was curious, I saw a figure running in.

He is a child in his early ten years. If Chen Xiao remembers correctly, he is also the son of a young cousin in his family.

"Master, Chen Dingbo and his family have brought someone here!"

Lao Chen immediately put down the fishing rod in his hand and picked up the hoe next to him.

Chen Xiao held Old Chen's hand and asked the child with a smile: "Xiaobo, who else do they have besides people?"

"It seems like I mentioned a lot of things."

"What's there?"

"My dad asked me to come secretly to report to you before I finished reading. It seems that there are cigarettes, wine, and lots of delicious food!"

When he heard these things, Chen Xiao understood and said with a smile: "I guess I'm here to apologize."

Smart Chen Ding made a smart decision.

For a businessman, nothing is more important than wealth and life.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Chen Ding to walk in with his father Chen Yuan with a smile on his face.

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Ding saluted Chen Lie: "Good morning, Uncle Lie, good morning, Chen Xiao."

Old Chen didn't speak, and Chen Xiao didn't say anything either.

Chen Ding was minding his own business as he greeted the people and put all the things they were carrying into the room one by one.

My mother came out after hearing the sound and looked confused when she saw this scene.

"Auntie is busy with breakfast. Don't panic. We are here to apologize to your family for what happened to the creek a few days ago and what happened last night!"

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, Chen Xiao told his mother, and then her mother quickly returned to the house.

However, Lin Xi had already heard the commotion and started to stir up.

After standing silently next to Chen Xiao, Chen Yuan stepped forward and said apologetically: "Xiaoxi, I'm here to formally apologize to you. I shouldn't have embarrassed you that day, let alone wanted to fight with you. It was me. You old fool, I'm used to being bossy, I really can't stand it that day!"

Chen Yuan is very sincere.

He was also suddenly glad that he just raised his hand and said some cruel words that day.

If he really took any action, he knew very well that the matter would never be resolved that easily.

When he raised his head and looked at Chen Xiao, he didn't notice the slightest change in Chen Xiao's mind, and the same was true for Lin Xi.

Soon, Chen Yuan understood what else he should do.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan walked up to Old Chen and his mother: "Chen Lie, A Ying, as a cousin, I can't help you for so many years! It's me who forgot the old men's instructions. We should have It belongs to the same family, and it was me who made the situation so ugly, so I am here to apologize to you!"

As he spoke, Chen Yuan lowered his head deeply.

Lao Chen's eyes were a little red.

At this moment, he seemed to be relieved of the humiliation and grievance he had suffered for so many years. Just nodded silently, Chen Ding happily helped his father up, and then looked at Chen Xiao: "Chen Xiao, can you help Mr. Guo to put in a good word?"

"It's not easy for you to build this family business over the years. I will have a word with Guo Qing."

"That's good, that's good... Oh, by the way, my family is going to move the two stone lions. The family has been having troubles over the years, so I asked a Feng Shui master to take a look and suspected that it might be the problem with the pair of stone lions. But this is a matter of feng shui after all, so my family will set up a banquet at noon. We are all members of the same family, so I hope you will all be present."

Chen Xiao thought for a while.

After all, Lao Chen has always lived in the village.

When you and Chen Yuan look up but don't see each other, it's enough if you can save your face for some things. There's no need to have to fight to the death.

The most important thing is that it is easy to hide from an open gun but hard to guard against a hidden arrow, and Chen Xiao does not want Lao Chen and his mother to be in danger in the village.

After looking at Lao Chen, Chen Xiao said: "Dad, why don't you go on behalf of our family at noon? Xiaoxi, I, and my mother are at home."


Chen Yuan didn't expect Chen Xiao to give him face.

After all, it was only after he actually inquired last night that he felt for the first time how terrifying his street kid cousin was.

Guo Qing is far from the limit of Chen Xiao's external network!

"Okay, I'll ask someone to invite Uncle Lie at noon. Well...Uncle Lie, I'm sorry for bothering you so early in the morning, you guys are busy!"

The gift was also lost.

Good things were said.

All the mistakes that should be acknowledged have been eliminated.

When he left, Chen Yuan felt that his whole body felt much more relaxed.

Looking at their backs, Lin Xi asked, "Will you let Mr. Guo release all restrictions on him?"

"No, let him go little by little. If you let him go completely, maybe they will float again."

Lin Xi let out a long yawn, rested her chin on her mother's shoulder and said, "Mom, I'm going to sleep for a while. Can you call me again at noon?"

My mother smiled and nodded: "Go, go, but you have to eat breakfast before going to bed. You young people are always like this. Skipping breakfast is not good for your health!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go eat!"

Lin Xi returned to the house, and her mother followed closely behind.

Old Chen was still in a daze. Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Dad, have you got the fishing rods ready? I'll take the creek to fish in the afternoon."

"What kind of fish can you catch with your impetuous temperament? I'll be back after lunch."

As he spoke, Lao Chen continued to play with his precious fishing rods, and also carefully played with the special bait.

Chen Xiao spread his hands helplessly and could only go back to the house to have breakfast.

Soon after breakfast, Chen Xiao was sitting in the yard and could hear the sound of playing and singing in the village.

Thinking about it, Chen Yuan's family should be moving the stone lion.

Think about his family's three sons who drowned in the early years, and then the youngest son Chen Xianzu, who was supposed to have a great future, died of drunkenness.

Now the second child, Chen Yao, has also entered the squad room and will have to stay there for who knows how many years.

With this series of events, it is reasonable for the Chen Yuan family to suspect that there is something wrong with Feng Shui.

However, Chen Xiao and Lao Chen did not join in the fun. Removing the two stone lions or something would not be interesting to them.

But the sounds of playing, playing, and singing suddenly stopped after being heard for a while.

Lao Chen, who was cleaning up the yard, raised his head in surprise and muttered: "Is it done so soon?"

Chen Xiao also felt strange.

But not long after, intelligence agent Xiaobo quickly ran to Chen Xiao: "Uncle!"

Seeing Xiaobo out of breath, Chen Xiaoxiao asked, "What's wrong, Xiaobo?"

"Uncle, is the beautiful aunt a policeman?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes."

"Then call Auntie quickly. The stone lion fell and killed Mr. Chen Yuan. There is still a head inside!"

 Today’s fifth update with 10,000 words is completed...Thank you everyone for your support! If you have votes, please support me! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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