Chapter 146 Life lasts only a moment

Things are always unpredictable.

The person I was still talking to all morning had only been there for an hour or two.

People actually disappeared.

Although Chen Xiao and Chen Yuan have conflicts.

Lao Chen had also been quarreled by his cousin Chen Yuan.

But when he saw Chen Yuan, covered in blood and breathless, pressed under the stone lion, Lao Chen was still stunned.

Life is so fragile that it only takes a moment.

After Chen Xiao said something to Lao Chen gently, he and Lin Xi walked to the front.

When he saw that the crowd of onlookers looked frightened but did not disperse, Chen Xiao shouted:

"Uncles, fellow villagers, let's step aside and save some space. I have already notified the criminal police from our county bureau. You guys should either go home or stop walking around this gate."

If only Chen Yuan was crushed to death by a stone lion.

It could only be considered an accident and there was no need to notify the police.

However, the stone lion broke when it fell, and a human head fell from the break.

To be precise, what fell was a human skull.

Someone's skull is inside a stone lion, and the stone lion is not carved from granite or marble.

Instead, it is a mold poured after being poured with cement!

If granite or marble is used directly, even if it falls from a relatively high place, the weight and strength of the stone lion itself are not enough to break in half.

Therefore, the fact that the stone lion was a model made of cement also made Chen Xiao suspicious at this moment.

However, he didn't think much about it for the time being. Everything he saw in front of him was already very certain to involve a criminal case.

The villagers listened to Chen Xiao's words and backed away one after another. Only then did Chen Xiao walk up to the lost Chen Ding.

He noticed that the stone lion should have been hung up first and then put on a car and transported away.

But the operator was probably careless, causing the rope to break and the stone lion to fall from a height, hitting Chen Yuan right on his body.

Chen Xiao was also sighing in his heart. He patted Chen Ding on the shoulder and said, "Get up first, Uncle Yuan has run out of energy."

Chen Ding turned his head blankly like a machine, glanced at Chen Xiao, and said, "How could it be like this? How could it be?"

Chen Xiao couldn't respond to this.

Xiaobo's father, who was Chen Xiao's cousin, then called over some men from his family to help Chen Ding up.

After waiting for Chen Ding and Chen Yuan's other family members to be taken away, Lin Xi walked to Chen Xiao:

"The skull has been around for a long time, at least more than ten years. Although I have not systematically studied forensic knowledge, judging from the skull, it should be a man."

While talking, Lin Xi kept looking at Chen Xiao.

When the message of male gender was heard, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at Lin Xi.

When the two people's eyes intertwined, they both showed the same color.

They thought it couldn't be such a coincidence!

"You put the skull away first, and I will organize people to get Chen Yuanbo out first." Chen Xiao said, and Lin Xi nodded and waited for the arrival of the county bureau criminal police.

Not long after, Chen Xiao and the strong men in the village got rid of half of the stone lion that was pressing on Chen Yuan.

Looking at Chen Yuan again, he looked even more miserable than when he was suppressed.

The stone lion fell at an angle. The edge of the base first hit Chen Yuan's waist, and then the lion's head fell on Chen Yuan's head.

Whether it was a fall from the waist or a blow to the head, Chen Yuan had no chance of surviving.

Chen Xiao asked someone to bring a sheet and covered Chen Yuan's body first, then walked to the break of the stone lion.

A hollow with a skull in the middle is clearly visible at the break.

But there is no need to think about it. The skull must have been put in when the stone lion was cast.

So the first thought when encountering this situation is naturally to think about who poured the stone lion at that time.

If you find that person, there is a certain possibility that the mystery of the skull will be solved.

Chen Xiao continued to check, and kept patting the stone lion's body, trying to see if he could easily find out whether there were human bones inside the stone lion.

But after a few shots, the county police arrived. They were also shocked when they saw the scene.

Lin Xi immediately went to negotiate with them: "Hello everyone, I am Lin Xi from the Criminal Police Team of Hongshan Branch of Dongzhou City. This is the skull that fell out of the stone lion."

The criminal police captain leading the team was named Li Hui. When he heard Lin Xi's name, he immediately became serious: "Hello Comrade Lin Xi, I am Li Hui, the captain of the county bureau's criminal police team. I only heard your name before, but this time I am the first." It’s the first time I’ve seen him in person.”

After Li Hui finished speaking, he asked: "I wonder if your husband Chen Xiao is back this time?"

Lin Xi secretly snorted at Chen Xiao, who smiled bitterly and walked over, "Hello Captain Li, I'm Chen Xiao."

When the policemen behind Li Hui heard this, they all looked over.

Everyone seemed to remember Chen Xiao clearly.

Chen Xiao didn't want to waste time and said directly: "When calling the police, did Captain Li know the general situation?"

Li Hui nodded slightly: "The stone lion has been placed there for more than ten years, right?"

"Well, I checked just now. There should be no other skeletons in the stone lion. Even if there are, they should be some small fragments."

Li Hui glanced at the stone lion: "I have already brought people here. The stone lion is so heavy that it seems that it can only be operated on-site. Mr. Chen is from here. Could you please help me?"

"No problem, I have maintained the scene. One of the deceased is also a cousin of my family. I will assist you from the side."

Li Hui was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly called someone over: "Xiao Huang, follow Mr. Chen now."

Chen Xiao nodded to Officer Huang, who quickly said: "Mr. Chen, let's go find the relatives of the deceased together and find out more?"

"He should have calmed down a lot by now. Let me take you into the house."

Chen Xiao led Officer Huang into the house, while Lin Xi stayed behind to inspect the broken stone lion and the other stone lion with Li Hui.

When he arrived at the house, Chen Ding had calmed down a lot.

Seeing Chen Xiao coming in with the police, he quickly stood up and said: "Chen Xiao, I don't know who the skull is. I just asked my mother and everyone in the family, but they all have no memory."

"Don't worry. Now that Officer Huang is asking you, just answer the truth." Chen Xiao replied.

He is a little worried now. Chen Yuan cannot be the only one who knows about the stone lion, right?

If so, wouldn't we still have to work hard to find out this clue?

Officer Huang took over the topic and asked, "Approximately when was the stone lion placed?"

"It should be 91."

"What's the specific month?"

"Probably around the Dragon Boat Festival in 91." Chen Yuan replied.

Officer Huang nodded: "Where did you buy the stone lion? Who delivered it? Who produced it?"

"I was away from home at that time, and my old father made all the decisions about the placement of the stone lions, so I don't know where he bought it from, who he delivered it to, or who produced it."

Although Chen Xiao and Chen Ding are cousins.

But Chen Ding is not young, he is already over forty.

In Chen Xiao's branch, there is an older cousin who is almost eighty years old.

However, this situation is very common in the countryside. Chen Yuan is in his sixties and Chen Ding is in his forties.

If Chen Xianzu, the youngest son of Chen Yuan's family, had not died, he would have been many years older than Chen Xiao. After all, Chen Xianzu had graduated from high school before he died and was going to college.

And Chen Xiao is only twenty-three years old now, and he was not as old as Xiaobo at that time.

After Officer Huang recorded the information Chen Ding said, he continued to ask questions.

Chen Xiao didn't say a word and stood silently thinking.

But at this moment, he saw Lao Chen also walking to the door, seeming to want to come in.

Chen Xiao understood and walked to Lao Chen and asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Old Chen covered his heart and said, "Chen Xiao, I'm very nervous. Do you think the owner of the skull is Uncle Wan De?"

Chen Xiao smiled: "Dad, how could it be? Didn't you personally put Uncle Wan De into the car?"

"That's what I said, but Chen Xiao, don't forget the dream he gave me. He said he felt very uncomfortable, and he was suffering from it. I didn't understand it at first, but when I saw the stone lion, I I suddenly felt that it was uncomfortable and painful to hold it in!"

(End of this chapter)

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