I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 156 Let’s take your father’s inheritance together!

Chapter 156 Let’s claim your father’s inheritance together!

Chen Xiao asked calmly.

But his question made the other three people in the inquiry room stunned.

Why did Chen Yuan stand under the suspended stone lion?

Does this question also need to be asked?

Chen Ding was puzzled, but still answered truthfully:

"My dad is like that. Although the money I gave him and my second brother in the past few years are enough for him to spend until he is a hundred years old. But he is petty in everything he does and cannot suffer any loss. Yesterday When he was lifting the stone lion, although he didn't say it, I think he wanted to take the opportunity to see if the workers would knock or touch the stone lion."

"If there was a collision, he would deduct money from those people. But in the end, he didn't expect that his own life would be involved."

Chen Ding's words are very consistent with Chen Yuan's character.

He is just that kind of person.

Chen Xiao thinks this explanation is reasonable, but even more unreasonable.

He pulled Chen Ding up, pointed to the top of his head and said, "If the stone lion was suspended in this position, where would your father be standing at that time?"

Chen Ding didn't think much and stood almost in the middle.

Chen Xiao frowned immediately: "Just stand in the middle of the bottom?"

"Yes, I called him, and he said it was easier to observe."

"Do you think it's easy to observe? With such a big lion, who wouldn't feel scared standing under it? Especially a person like your father? I remember that he would not even take a look at any place that is slightly dangerous, right? "

Chen Xiao has always had a bad opinion of Chen Yuan.

And those who like to bully others are mostly cowards.

So where Chen Yuan is standing is a big problem!

Before Chen Ding could respond, Chen Xiao immediately said to the two police officers: "Two police officers, go and inform the police station to conduct an experiment."

"Are you trying to imitate the scene where Chen Yuan was smashed to death?" one of the detectives asked.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes."

"It doesn't have to be very realistic, right?" the policeman smiled bitterly.

Although the more realistic the better, Chen Xiao felt that this experiment did not need to be so realistic.

"Just find a big box and hang it up, and then I'll stand underneath and take a look. Of course, you can go get a stone lion if you don't mind."

Chen Xiao's last words were just a joke.

The two policemen didn't mind. They quickly left the inquiry room and immediately started making arrangements.

Chen Ding saw this and asked, "Chen Xiao, wait a minute, why don't I understand?"

Chen Xiao glanced at him and said, "Just stay here and cooperate with the police as you said. If you haven't committed any crime, no one will come after you."

After leaving these words, Chen Xiao also left the inquiry room.

Soon, with the cooperation of the police station, a hanging cardboard box was temporarily set up.

Although the cardboard box is not as good as the stone lion, it covers a similar range.

Chen Xiao walked under the cardboard box, and Chen Ding said it was in the middle.

Although there would be some discrepancies, Chen Xiao still stopped at a location after searching.

He looked up at the bottom of the cardboard box and closed his eyes silently.

Soon, a scene appeared in his mind.

After the scene appeared, he saw Chen Yuan and the stone lion that could crush almost anyone to death.

Chen Xiao was trying to get into Chen Yuan's heart at that time.

He didn't know Chen Yuan very well, and he only had some rough impressions in his memory.

Fortunately, Chen Ding introduced a lot.

If Chen Yuan had that impression in his son's description, then Chen Xiao could completely use it as a basis for his imagination.

The timid Chen Yuan kept observing the bottom after the stone lion was hung up!



Why is he staring at the bottom? The bottom of the stone lion is a stone platform, which is in the shape of a cuboid.

Chen Xiao has seen it before and naturally knows the size.

That stone platform is nearly fifty centimeters thick!

When this thickness came to mind, Chen Xiao suddenly opened his eyes.

He probably knew why Chen Yuan was standing under the stone platform.

Seeing Chen Xiao come out, two policemen from the county bureau came over and asked, "Mr. Chen, what did you think of?"

Chen Xiao glanced at them and asked first without answering: "Did you two also appear at the scene together?"

"of course."

"In that case, do you think there is any other place suitable for hiding a human head in that stone lion?"

As soon as the words came out, the two policemen suddenly realized.

But after they reacted, the expressions on their faces were surprisingly consistent.

Annoyed, helpless, and want to curse!

Yes, any criminal police officer with criminal investigation awareness can understand the meaning of Chen Xiao's words.

So they were not surprised, but immediately thought that the stone platform was very suitable for hiding human heads!

Now that we can all think of hiding human heads, what is Chen Yuan looking at?

Of course, it is necessary to observe whether the bottom of the stone lion has been eroded too much by time, and whether it may cause the contents inside to be exposed.

Just thinking of this, one of them asked: "But this is not right, Mr. Chen. The skull was found in the body of the lion. Did you remember the wrong place?"

"Is there still a possibility?" Chen Xiao asked.

Another person immediately said: "Yes, he only knows that there is something inside, but he doesn't know where it is, or he doesn't know what the thing is at all!"

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up: "No wonder Team Li asked me to cooperate with the two of them. They are also very quick in thinking."

The two of them smiled bitterly and shook their heads: "Mr. Chen, please don't do this. We have learned something from you."

"Then let's continue talking. Which of these two possibilities is the most likely?"

"Based on Chen Yuan's character, the second one is more likely."

"According to the second possibility, who would reveal to Chen Yuan that there was something inside?" Chen Xiao asked again.

The two detectives frowned and thought.

This question takes time to think about.

But if all areas are considered, a vague answer can be given quickly.

However, time passed by and the two of them were still thinking, which made Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile and said: "You two, I am not testing you, but I want to find the answer for myself by discussing with you. So, I don’t have an answer now.”

"Who does Mr. Chen think there will be?"

"The ones who are on the bright side are naturally their relatives, Chen Yuan's eldest son Chen Ding, his second son Chen Yao, his youngest son Chen Xianzu and his wife Kong Mei who were not yet dead at the time."

"Extending further, there is a certain possibility that Chen Yuan has blood-related brothers and sisters. But this may have to have several prerequisites. First, the relationship must be deep, and second, the entanglement must be deep enough that Chen Yuan is willing to sacrifice his own feng shui. Protect that person from being exposed.”

"Then there are things other than blood relationships, such as friends, lovers..." As he said, Chen Xiao added: "Well, so in the blood relationship, there must be an illegitimate son, illegitimate daughter, etc. But. This is easy to verify. Anyway, it is just one point. Chen Yuan is willing to sacrifice himself to protect this secret."

The two people immediately understood the true meaning of Chen Xiao's words, nodded and said: "We will contact Team Li now and arrange for someone to investigate this clue."

"Thank you for your hard work." Chen Xiao said with a smile, and the two of them split up to take action.

When Chen Xiao returned to the inquiry room, he looked directly at Chen Ding.

The latter didn't take it seriously at first, but when Chen Xiao kept staring like this, Chen Ding couldn't help but feel hairy all over.

After swallowing, Chen Ding couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Just say what you have to say, don't look at me like that, I'm flustered."

Chen Xiao hummed: "Have you checked your father's bank account in the past two days? How much money is there?"

When Chen Ding heard this, he became angry: "Chen Xiao, you're almost done! Although my father doesn't love me the most, I won't be a traitor, right? He just died less than 48 hours ago. Do you think I will check on him?" Bank account? Do I care about the three melons and two dates in his bankbook? "

Chen Xiao didn't care at all: "Why don't you care? A dime is no longer money? Hurry up, go home and get your card or bankbook, and I will help you apply for a fast lane. Let's go to the bank to claim your father's inheritance!"

(End of this chapter)

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