I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 157 The old sow sings, it’s outrageous once you hear it!

Chapter 157 The old sow sings, it’s outrageous when you hear it!

Chen Ding wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

His father is dead.

He was crushed to death yesterday morning.

Let alone forty-eight hours, to be precise, it has not even passed thirty hours yet.

As a son, he never thought about the inheritance and savings his father left for him.

But now he is thinking about his cousin!

So what if he's just thinking about it?

Even if there is only a dime in it, can you still give it to him?

Chen Ding looked at Chen Xiao blankly, and when he saw that Chen Xiao was pulling his arm, he reacted belatedly.

Could it be that there was something fishy in his old father's account?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Ding came to his senses and followed Chen Xiao out.

After leaving the inquiry room, the two of them split up.

Chen Ding went home to look for his bankbook.

Chen Xiao went to the police to ask for documents, otherwise he would be in a lot of trouble when he went to the bank later.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for him to do this kind of thing now, and he got the documents quickly. If there are documents requested by the police to cooperate with the investigation, the bank will naturally actively cooperate with the investigation!

At this time Chen Ding also came back.

When I saw Chen Ding again, I found two more slap marks on his face.

Chen Xiao asked curiously: "What happened?"

"After my mother slapped me, I asked where my father's bankbook and bank card were. She didn't even ask why and just slapped me twice."

Chen Ding was very depressed.

Chen Xiao was a little embarrassed.

But business was important, so Chen Xiao didn't say much and drove straight to the bank in the town.

At this time, there were only three banking institutions in the town.

One is the Agricultural Bank of China, one is the Postal Savings Bank, and the other is a credit union.

Chen Yuan has bank cards and passbooks, all from the Agricultural Bank of China.

When the two of them walked into the bank, Li Hui had already contacted his leader and notified the bank.

The manager of the bank immediately took them to the lounge, and then took the certificates to transfer the water.

There is not much money in the passbook, and it is a passbook that has just been exchanged, so there is not much transaction record in the passbook.

But as long as the bank is willing to investigate, the transactions over the past ten years are still easy to investigate.

Compared with mobile payment in later generations, if you are used to paying with bank cards, the cost will really seem to be as big as one or two.

The bank manager went away for a long time, and when he came back, he had already transferred all the running water.

Chen Xiao looked at part of it, and Chen Ding also looked at part of it.

But after watching for a long time, Chen Ding suddenly shouted: "Who is this Lu Yuling? Damn... why did my dad send her 95 yuan in ? This was all his savings!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao grabbed the list held by Chen Ding.

Sure enough, a remittance information was clearly displayed.

It was Chen Yuan who sent 200,000 records to a person named Lu Yuling.

In 1995, 20!

Even if this money was at Chen Yuan's house at that time, it was definitely not a small amount of money.

Furthermore, from Chen Ding's tone, he didn't even know the person named Lu Yuling.

And this name sounds like there is a high probability that it is a woman.

"Are you sure you have no memory of this person named Lu Yuling?" Chen Xiao asked.

Chen Ding nodded firmly and said, "I'm sure, I've heard my dad mention this person before. Just wait, I'll call my mom and ask."

With that said, Chen Ding called his mother.

As expected, Chen Ding's mother Kong Mei exploded when she heard that Lu Yuling still had 200,000 yuan.

"What two hundred thousand! Lu Yuling? Why does it sound like a woman's name!"    "So you don't know, Mom?"

"If I want to know, can the two hundred thousand be remitted?"

Chen Ding didn't want to say more, so he hung up the phone and refused to answer his mother's call.

"Even my mother doesn't know that Lu Yuling... she doesn't have a special relationship with my father, right?"

Chen Ding's face looked very ugly.

Even Chen Xiao can be sure that if Chen Yuangang hadn't died not long ago, he would definitely be jumping up and scolding the old immortal now.

95 in 20.

At that time, the whole family relied on him!

For that 20, he would have to shed as much blood and sweat as possible.

Especially now that he is gradually declining, he feels that any amount of money is precious.

But his old man actually gave two hundred thousand to a woman? !

Chen Xiao was very calm: "What's the relationship with your father? We'll find out if we check. Here are her detailed collection accounts and names, so it won't take long for us to ask Li Hui to check."

With that said, Chen Xiao called Li Hui.

The latter became serious upon hearing this: "This money is very important. Can you check if there are any remittance records in the future?"

"Yes, they were all remitted to Lu Yuling. There was a sum of 96 in 97, and a sum of 97 in . But since , there has been no remittance information."

"Okay, please send your account number and personal information to my mobile phone. I will immediately ask colleagues from the relevant units to help check that person's household registration information. If nothing else happens, it should be found soon."

"Then I'll wait for your call back."

Chen Xiao said a few words and sent all the information to Li Hui's mobile phone, and then waited silently without saying more.

Only Chen Ding could neither sit nor stand in the lounge.

"Chen Xiao, I don't think my father is raising a young wife outside. Look, there are only three transactions, right? If it was to raise a young wife, it wouldn't be three payments."

Chen Xiao nodded: "What you said makes sense, but why did he give Lu Yuling money?"

"How did I know this? There were no transactions in the past, and they stopped in 97." Chen Ding muttered. Seeing that Chen Xiao ignored him, he muttered to himself: "It's really an old sow singing. It’s outrageous when you hear it!”

Chen Xiao just waited quietly.

I don't know how much time passed, but Li Hui's call finally came back.

"How is it?" Chen Xiao got straight to the point.

Li Hui replied: "We found out that Lu Yuling is from Hucheng, female, 35 years old, currently living in Building 8, Building 801, Huahai Community, Xiangdu City (pseudonym)."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think about the two places: Lake City and Xiangdu City.

Lake City is far away from Dongzhou.

Xiangdu was one of the golden cities where people went to work overseas.

These two places are far away from Dongzhou. How can they establish contact with Chen Yuan, who has never been out of Dongzhou?

Just as Chen Xiao was thinking, Li Hui said: "What are you thinking about? Do you need to arrange for police officers to question Lu Yuling immediately?"

Chen Xiao subconsciously said hello.

The appearance of Lu Yuling means that this person is likely to have huge problems.

It is quite necessary for police officers to go across provinces to investigate!

"Well, then I'll start arranging this matter now and hang up first." Li Hui didn't want to disturb Chen Xiao more. He could feel Chen Xiao thinking.

But just when he was about to hang up the phone, Chen Xiao suddenly said:

"Wait a minute, we can't arrange for your people to go!"


"Prevention...to alert the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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