Chapter 162 The skull results are out!

Li Hui went.

Once he left, Chen Xiao couldn't leave Teacher Xiao alone.

Although Chen Xiao couldn't find any topics about learning and knowledge.

But as an audience of a retired teacher, he can still be qualified.

Nothing else, just praise Teacher Xiao from time to time while listening.

Teacher Xiao's face glowed brightly when he spoke, especially when he mentioned the outstanding students he taught, his eyes glowed even more.

Chen Xiao nodded from time to time.

He didn't think Teacher Xiao was bragging, but felt that this teacher really deserved people's respect.

What can make a teacher more proud than bringing out thousands of outstanding students over decades?

After chatting for an unknown amount of time, Li Hui finally came back again.

"Everything has been investigated and notified. I also called Cheng Qing's parents again."

"But both of them are honest farmers, so they still don't know much about their children's affairs in school."

This is true.

Chen Qing's parents at that time were even less educated than Chen Xiao's parents.

The parents themselves are uneducated, so they are quite far-sighted if they can always provide for their children to go to school.

As for those things in the school, I don't know if they are normal.

"How long will it take for the people notified to arrive?" Chen Xiao asked.

Li Hui replied: "Cheng Qing went to Songtan Township for three years of junior high school, but the teachers were different for three years. So I found three people in total, including two head teachers and one math teacher. As for the others, they were either in Out of town, some may have passed away.”

"The presence of two head teachers is enough."

Chen Xiao said something, and Teacher Xiao couldn't hide the tiredness on his face and said, "Since you still want to handle the case, I won't bother you."

"I'm sorry for bothering Mr. Xiao tonight, I called you here from so far away and so late."

"Captain Li, you're welcome."

"I'll see you off."

Li Hui was very polite to Teacher Xiao, and Chen Xiao could feel it from the time when the latter first joined the criminal police team.

After seeing Teacher Xiao off, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Did Captain Li also come out of Changhua Middle School?"

"No, my grades at that time were not as high as those of Changhua."

"I see that you are polite and respectful to Teacher Xiao, and I thought he was your mentor."

Chen Xiao said, after all, Li Hui is in Lanshan County as the captain of the criminal police, so many people have to call the leader when they meet him.

What Chen Xiao didn't expect was that Li Hui suddenly slapped his forehead in annoyance.

"Oh... I didn't even react if you didn't tell me. Before I contacted Mr. Xiao today, I had something to tell him. Whoever wanted to talk about the case, forgot about it."

"What is it?"

"Teacher Xiao's daughter is now a director of Changhua Middle School. My sister Xiaoxue has also been transferred to Changhua Middle School recently. I want to see if she can get familiar with her."

Chen Xiao was stunned and didn't say much.

Soon a police officer came over with some files. When he saw Li Hui, he said: "Captain Li, these are the student status files and household registration files you asked me to check."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at Li Hui.

At this time, he had the urge to praise Li Hui.

Li Hui is definitely a person who is capable of controlling the overall direction of the work.

At least Chen Xiaogang ignored checking Cheng Qing's student status information and household registration information. Why do we need to check household registration information?

Chen Xiao had made it clear before that he suspected that Cheng Qing might have been replaced by someone else and entered Changhua.

As for the person who replaced him, Chen Xiao suspected that he was Chen Xianzu!

Although this is just a baseless guess, Li Hui has already taken care of everything.

The information he transferred was not only Cheng Qing's, but also Chen Xianzu's.

Although the latter has been dead for many years, it does not mean that this person is no longer found in the household registration.

You can find out when he was born, when he died, what school he attended, and whether he changed his name!

Chen Xiao and Li Hui checked the information first.

One of them looked at Chen Xianzu, the other looked at Cheng Qing.

But after reading it, the two of them looked at each other.

Li Hui: "When Mr. Chen mentioned that possibility just now, I felt like the peace deep in my heart was severely hit, so I was very unwilling to see this information."

Chen Xiao frowned slightly.

Comparing the information of the two people, there is almost no trace of imposter.

The only thing the two have in common is that they both failed a grade.

But the difference is that Cheng Qing is in the third grade of junior high school and Chen Xianzu is in primary school.

Chen Xiao seemed to still have some impression about Chen Xianzu's repeated grade in elementary school.

Although Chen Xianzu is much older than Chen Xiao, he doesn't know where he heard the title "King of Songshanping Grade Repeater".

And this title refers to Chen Xianzu.

Later, after the elders saw Chen Xianzu's transformation, they joked that who would have thought that the former king of repeaters could actually become a college student in Songshanping!

Looking at Chen Xianzu's schooling experience, Chen Xianzu is actually not a repeater.

It seemed that it was just difficult for him to enter the threshold of learning, but when he really entered the threshold of learning, he kept going all the way, as if he had opened up the two channels of Ren and Du.

However, Chen Xianzu, who was slightly older than Cheng Qing, eventually ended up on the same starting line as Cheng Qing in the third grade of junior high school.

This starting line is just the grade they studied.

They both entered high school in the same year, but Cheng Qing went to Changhua Middle School, which is well-known in the province, and Chen Xianzu went to Lanshan No. 3 Middle School, which was less prestigious.

Neither of them had any record of changing their names.

Therefore, it can be seen from this information that the two of them have nothing in common except that they are both from Songtan Township and entered high school in the same year.

After Chen Xiao glanced at the information again, he replied decisively: "I was wrong."

Li Hui's eyelids twitched and he looked at Chen Xiao seriously without saying anything.

Chen Xiao smiled: "Captain Li, you don't have to look at me like this. Although you are a policeman and I am an ordinary citizen, we are all doing the same thing. In what we do, wrong is wrong and right is right. There is nothing we cannot admit. .”

"Then do you still want to ask those teachers in person?" Li Hui asked.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Ask, of course. This just eliminates one of our inner speculations. The skull was found in the stone lion of Chen Yuan's house. Chen Yuan also made several strange remittances. These doubts are enough to make Chen Yuan and his wife die. Even Chen Xianzu is suspected."

Li Hui: "Indeed, this is a murder case that has been pending for fifteen years, but we have discovered a lot in just one or two days, haven't we?"

Just as he was talking, Chen Xiao and Li Hui's cell phones rang almost at the same time.

The two of them glanced at their phones, then looked at each other, and said in unison: "It's the news from the forensic doctor. It should be that the matching result has come out!"

As they talked, the same thoughts arose in their hearts at the same time.

What they are doing now is one step at a time and they are always investigating in advance.

Therefore, the result of identification and matching is very important. Once the skull belongs to Cheng Qing, Chen Xiao and Li Hui will be heartbroken.

But what if it wasn't?

(End of this chapter)

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