Chapter 163 Yes, check their ancestors!

Chen Xiao's call was from Zhang Xian.

Li Hui's phone number was dialed by Director Wu himself.

Both men answered the call.

Zhang Xian: "Chen Xiao, the identification results are out. The owner of the skull is indeed Cheng Qing, who disappeared on April 91, 4!"

Director Wu's words also came from Li Hui's phone next to him.

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then Director Wu smiled at Zhang Xian and said, "It turns out they are both together."

Zhang Xian smiled and said, "Then let me tell you."

"The skull belongs to Cheng Qing, and Director Wu also took the skull to the provincial capital. After studying it with several other forensic doctors in the provincial capital, he came to a conclusion that was somewhat doubtful, but is now certain."

Hearing what Zhang Xian said, Chen Xiao replied: "Dumping the body for the second time, right?"

"Yes, according to the detailed identification of his skull, the deceased Cheng Qing should have been buried in the soil after he was killed. It can now be seen that this time period should be one or two months."

"Then someone dug up his body and chopped off his head. Or maybe he had his head chopped off before and died. Anyway, in the end, his skull was inside the stone lion. As for the body, we can't provide help."

Chen Xiao: "As long as we can confirm that it is Cheng Qing, at least then our current progress will not be a waste of time."

"Tell me about your current progress. I have been thinking about this case, but the more I think about it, the more curious I am. I want to hear what you found." Zhang Xian asked with interest.

After Chen Xiao glanced at Li Hui, he saw that the other party didn't mind, so he told everything.

Zhang Xian was silent for a long time after hearing this, and said with emotion: "You really dare to think about anything, but the thought of being an impostor may be enough. It's a pity that the result is not. If it were, the case would be equivalent to directly destroying the barriers. It blew up."

"Yes, but what does Captain Zhang think of my Uncle Wan De?" Chen Xiao asked seriously.

Among the police officers he is currently in contact with, Zhang Xian is definitely one of the best.

As an investigator, brainstorming is often particularly important.

After Zhang Xian thought about it again, he replied with four words: "It must be related."

Hearing Zhang Xian's affirmation, Chen Xiao naturally felt more and more that Wan De's disappearance was probably related to Cheng Qing.

The murder he saw on the mountain was naturally the murder of Cheng Qing.

It's just a pity, such a pity...

Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of those notes again, and Zhang Xian said helplessly at this time: "It would be great if Uncle Wan De could leave some more clues, but it's a pity that his education level is limited, and his thinking cannot tell That mountain is important to him."

"Now after so many years, even if I know which mountain it is, it suddenly becomes clear."

Zhang Xianyi said, Chen Xiao's voice suddenly dropped: "Captain Zhang, what did you say?"

"Huh? Don't you understand what I mean? What I mean is that your uncle Wan De's level of education has limited his ability to accurately leave information. Also, Cheng Qing went to that mountain to pay homage to the tombs. Now there is nothing but mud and rocks on the mountain. What else can there be with trees and grass?”

"There are graves, and there are many, many people's ancestors up there!" Chen Xiao said in a deep voice.

Zhang Xian's end was silent for a moment, and two seconds later he exclaimed: "Holy crap, that's right...check their ancestors, check their ancestors!"

"Are Cheng Qing's parents very close to you now?"

"They're right outside."

"Ask immediately, ask them which mountains they went to to pay homage to their graves. Which ancestors are on the mountains? I will check the Chen Yuan family's at the same time, and then compare the two to see who is on the same mountain as whom!"

"Okay, I'll go right away."

The call between the two ended, but Chen Xiao did not put down the phone.

He saw Li Hui standing there stunned, but Chen Xiao had no intention of explaining to him at this time.

Li Hui has the advantage of covering all major matters, but his shortcomings are also obvious.

That is, when it comes to a single point, his lack of quick reaction in thinking can also be commonly referred to as the difficulty in having a flash of inspiration. However, the ancestors of the Chen Yuan family are actually the ancestors of the Chen Xiao family. Both families are descended from the same ancestor.

So Chen Xiao's call was made directly to Lao Chen.

Lao Chen answered the phone quickly and asked, "Are you back? Xiaoxi seems to be still awake and watching TV in the living room."

"I'm calling you. Does our family do the same grave sweeping every Qingming Festival as Chen Yuan's family does?"

"It's not much different. They are all passed down from the same ancestor."

"Then do you know the cemetery where their family is going? If you know, tell me everything. Oh, by the way, are any of the ancestors of Uncle Wande's family on the same mountain as our family?"

Lao Chen replied directly: "I can't remember this. Let me tell you about our family first. I have to think about Wande."

As he spoke, Lao Chen named the mountains one by one. After recording them, Chen Xiao said with some embarrassment: "Dad, as long as I am at home during the Qingming Festival next year, I will clean the tombs of those ancestors."

"Okay, is there anything else? If not, your mother and I will go to bed first. Don't forget to call Xiaoxi."


Chen Xiao hung up the phone and glanced at Li Hui sheepishly.

The latter also understood the meaning and said with a smile: "It's normal. How many young people remember these things."

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "You still have to remember it, but knowing your mistakes can make a lot of improvements."

The two looked at each other and smiled and said nothing more about these things. Soon Zhang Xian's call was returned and he mentioned several mountain names.

As Chen Xiao wrote, he compared the names of the mountains that Lao Chen told him.

The reason for this need to be done is that Songshanping is different from the ancestral cemetery where Su Jing's mother Li Ruomei was buried in the previous fish bone case.

There is no specific ancestral tomb mountain in Songshanping or in Songtan Township as a whole.

After someone dies in Songshanping, a Feng Shui master will be invited to calculate the most suitable place for burial.

So in the entire Songtan Township, there was a phenomenon that people from Songshanping were buried more than ten miles away, and people from more than ten miles away were buried in the mountains behind Songshanping.

This phenomenon is gradually becoming less common nowadays, because the descendants of the deceased find it troublesome to travel far to worship their ancestors, so they all choose to bury them nearby.

Feng shui and even some customs are slowly disappearing in the long river of time due to such imperceptible changes.

Chen Xiaobi looked at the mountain names and finally drew two mountains.

"It is true that the two mountains are common, and from the location of the tomb that my dad told me, and the location of the tomb that Cheng Qing's parents told me, it is very likely that the incident happened on this mountain called Tiger Mountain, but... "

Zhang Xian listened to Chen Xiao's words and replied: "Do you still want to confirm whether Wan De also appeared on that mountain?"

"Yes, I have to go to Uncle Wan De's house and ask if their ancestors are buried in Laohu Mountain. The location of the tomb is close to the tombs of the ancestors of the Chen Cheng family."

Zhang Xian hummed and asked, "Your dad played so well with your Uncle Wande, can't he remember it?"

"It's been a long time, or maybe there are some things that my dad doesn't even know about. After all, no one would ask where their friends' ancestors are buried."

"That's right, but from your previous description, I'm afraid your Uncle Wande's family will be difficult to deal with."

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly: "I'm just asking them about Xiafenshan, they won't make things difficult for me like this, right?"

With that said, Chen Xiao and Zhang Xian didn't talk any more.

Chen Xiao put down his phone and said goodbye to Li Hui immediately.

He didn't want to wait. He wanted to determine tonight whether Cheng Qing, someone from Chen Yuan's family, and Wan De appeared on a mountain at the same time on the Qingming Festival in 91, which was 15 years ago!

But while walking, Chen Xiao suddenly turned around and said, "Captain Li, when Cheng Qing's junior high school teacher comes later, don't forget LX!"

(End of this chapter)

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