Chapter 167 Dog!

Chen Xiao didn't know the half-hundred men around Zhang Xian.

But judging from Lin Xi's reaction, he should be a big shot.

At least Zhang Xian showed great respect for the man.

Soon, Zhang Xian took out two more bags of fruit from the car.

After looking at it, the man walked into the house.

Lin Xi quickly introduced to Lao Chen: "Mom and Dad, this is Zhang Xian, the captain of our criminal police team. The person next to him is the master of Team Zhang. He used to be the criminal police captain of our Dongzhou, and now he is the captain of our entire Dongzhou." Teacher in the police world!”

After hearing Lin Xi's introduction, Chen Xiao immediately knew who it was.

Han Zai!

He was once the captain of the Criminal Police Team of Hongshan Branch, and later served in the provincial police force.

Although Han's highest position is only the captain.

But in the hearts of the entire Dongzhou police force, he is a truly great figure.

When Chen Xiao first met Zhang Xian, he heard Zhang Xian mention that he and Liang Yan were both brought up by the same teacher.

That teacher is Han Zai.

It's just that Han Zai is not in office now. He suffered a serious injury a few years ago and retired to do some simple things.

Although he does not hold any important positions now, he is still respected by many people.

After hearing Lin Xi's introduction, Old Chen became serious and quickly greeted the guests.

Han Zai was very casual. After entering the room and sitting down, his eyes were entirely focused on Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao glanced at Zhang Xian, then smiled and said: "I really didn't know that Teacher Han would come today, otherwise I would have asked my parents to make more preparations so that we could have a light meal at my house at noon."

"I told Zhang Xian not to say anything. No one is sleeping so early. You can't do anything that disturbs people's dreams!"

Zhang Xian also joined in and said, "Well, the teacher arrived in Dongzhou this morning. After calling me, he said he wanted to make this trip."

Chen Xiao was a little surprised, but Han Zai said directly: "I met Guo Zhengchang yesterday. I had heard about you from Zhang Xian. Later, when I met Guo Zhengchang, he also praised you full of praise, so there was I just wanted to come over here."

"I see. It seems that Teacher Han and Mr. Guo are also friends."

Han Zai laughed: "He and I can't pee in the same pot. I almost caught him and sent him to prison. But fortunately, he has a bottom line in doing things, so he saved himself in the end."

It's an understatement to say something.

It probably happened a long, long time ago.

But just these words made Chen Xiao think deeply about Han Zai.

You know, even Guo Zhengchang a long time ago was a well-known figure in the provincial capital.

Chen Xiaozheng was thinking, and Han Zai said: "Don't think about the relationship between me and Lao Guo. Anyway, we were once rivals, and now we are not considered close friends."

"Okay, then Teacher Han is... this time." Chen Xiao was too lazy to beat around the bush.

Han Zai came to Songshanping in person, obviously for something.

But what Chen Xiao never expected was that Han Zai actually said: "In early 92, I came to your Songshanping, and I remember the pair of stone lions."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao suddenly widened his eyes.

Han Zai sighed slightly and said: "There was a fugitive I was chasing who hid in your area. In order to catch him, we organized a large number of police forces to surround the mountain and hunt him down."

As soon as he said it, Lao Chen also had an impression: "Let me tell you, when I saw it just now, I felt like I had seen it somewhere before."

Han Zai smiled and nodded: "Yes, in order to catch the fugitive, I built a thatched house behind your village and shouted into the mountains with a loudspeaker every day." "Yes, yes, I remember correctly. , the person he called at that time was grandson, if you have the guts, just keep hiding, anyway, you have food, drink, and wages, and you can buy cigarettes, alcohol, etc. with your wages!"

Han Zai laughed loudly: "Brother, I remember clearly. I must have been annoyed by everyone in your area at that time, right? There seems to be a group of brats..."

"Yes... there was a big kid who was about eight or nine years old who was fearless. As soon as he saw me picking up the horn, he immediately went home to carry the flag and followed with a bunch of brats showing off his power. Even though they even waved flags and cheered me up, they couldn't drive me away, but they made me so angry!"

When he heard this, Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly widened.

Then he looked at the tea on the table, then at the fruit plate, and then said with a smile: "You guys chat, I'll wash some fruits for everyone."

"You sit down for me!"

As soon as Chen Xiao stood up, Lao Chen shouted, making Zhang Xian and Han Zai look confused.

Even Lin Xi was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red and he tried hard to hold back his laughter.

Lao Chen looked at Han Zai awkwardly and said, "The little brat you are talking about is mine."

"Ah?" Han Zai looked over in shock.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "Ahem, cough... aren't you still young and ignorant? Teacher Han, you won't care about it, right?"

Han Zai laughed again: "It turns out it's you, fate... it's really fate!"

Chen Xiao spread his hands: "Who says it's not the case? I don't remember that matter a long time ago. If you hadn't made it so clear, I probably wouldn't have remembered it at all."

"Well, it's been many years, so it's normal if I don't remember."

"Teacher Han, the stone lion you mentioned before, did you notice something wrong with the stone lion at that time, right?" Chen Xiao asked.

Han nodded and shook his head: "It's not that I paid attention to it. I was very curious about the material of the stone lion at that time, and at that time I discovered that there was a very strange phenomenon in your village."

"What phenomenon?"

"No dogs!"

Chen Xiao's eyes sharpened, and Lin Xi and Zhang Xian also had shock in their eyes.

But Lao Chen seemed to have remembered something and replied: "It seems that there really were no dogs in those years. If I remember correctly, I don't know who started the trend. Dog meat restaurants were opened in all the counties and towns."

"Then, whether they were domestic dogs or stray wild dogs, they were easily stolen by people in and outside the village. Over time, few people kept dogs, and even stray wild dogs rarely came to Songshanping."

"Yes, I was quite curious at the time, but later I heard that there were many dog ​​meat restaurants opened and didn't care anymore. Besides, I caught the fugitive not long after, and I haven't been to Songshanping since then."

Han Zaiyai said, and then his eyes glanced at Chen Xiao as if inadvertently.

At this moment, Chen Xiao seemed to be caught in a brainstorm.

There was no such thing in his memory.

He can't remember.

Because what he experienced was not fourteen or five years.

But two lives!

He would definitely not be able to remember many things in his childhood if someone hadn't pointed them out clearly.

But now that Han Zai has described it so clearly, how could Chen Xiao not know his true purpose of coming here?

He came here just to reveal this information!

Back then, dog meat restaurants suddenly appeared in Lanshan County or Songtan Township.

Probably not an accident!

But someone is deliberately leading all this!

But why should he take the lead?

Could it be that a wild dog picked up something he shouldn't have and frightened him?

(End of this chapter)

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