Chapter 168: Numb scalp

Chen Xiao felt that it was necessary to sort out the timeline of everything since Cheng Qing was killed.

Now, he very much suspected that someone, or several people, from Chen Yuan's family were related to this case.

Because of the information Han Zai revealed, after he thought about it, almost no one in Songshanping could push it forward.

Except Chen Ding!

At that time, Chen Ding was a real success!

He was rich, and in his nineties, his father, who was still at home, had a huge sum of 200,000 yuan.

The money was saved by Chen Yuan by doing things and then deducting it little by little.

Therefore, Chen Ding may not be among the richest people in the entire Lanshan County, but he must be the most devoted to his family.

Being able to allow his father to save two hundred thousand yuan while doing things, one can imagine the amount of money he gave.

And promoting the sudden increase of dog meat restaurants in Songtan Township, and spreading to the county town, is this something that can be done without money?

Totally impossible!

Chen Xiao walked aside, as if there were no two guests, Han Zai and Zhang Xian, just immersed in his own thoughts.

When Old Chen saw this, he wanted to shout, but Han Zai immediately stopped him: "Brother, please don't worry about it. Chen Xiao must be thinking about something very important right now."

"I just wonder if this would be..."

Before Lao Chen finished speaking, Han Zai said: "No, not at all! And his reaction really surprised me. I just mentioned it casually, but he entered into dialectics and sorted it out almost instantly. In such a state, such people are geniuses and wizards in the field of criminal investigation!"

Han Zai was really surprised.

He knew that Chen Xiao was thinking, but thinking and thinking were completely different.

Some people are thinking about questions, but some people have already got the answer, and then think about all the ins and outs based on the answer.

Chen Xiao is the latter!

At this moment, his mind was peeling off the cocoons bit by bit according to the timeline.

"April 1991, 4, Qingming Festival, morning!"

"Cheng Qing took the sacrifices to Tiger Mountain and was killed in Tiger Mountain."

"On April 1991, 4, Uncle Wan De also went to pay homage to the tomb, and he was also likely to show up at Tiger Mountain at the same time!"

"On the afternoon/evening of April 1991, 4, or the next day, he wanted to go to the countryside to call the police, but he met me playing on the bridge on the way. In the end, he turned back and gave up calling the police. And, after writing a few words A note was stuffed into the pen."

"After April 1991, 4, Uncle Wan De boarded the train going south, but got off the train before it was about to leave, leaving behind his luggage and leaving clues."

"On June 1991, 6, during the Dragon Boat Festival, Chen Yuan's family placed a pair of stone lions. Inside the stone lions was Cheng Qing's skull!"

After combing through this, Chen Xiao raised his head and asked Lao Chen: "Dad, when did dog meat restaurants start popping up so fast?"

"I really can't remember this clearly." Old Chen shook his head.

Han Zai said: "There is definitely no certain day for this kind of thing. If it is a man-made thing, it will definitely require a process of planning, execution, and expansion. But what is certain is that I will come to your Songshanping in May 92." After that, there were no dogs here.”

"According to this calculation, the mass killing of stray dogs and theft of domestic dogs should have started in the first half of 91. Then the dog meat restaurant market was revitalized here, so that Songtan dog meat is still very famous today."

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes tightly: "Teacher Han is right, this kind of thing takes time and financial resources to do. But if the financial resources can support it, it can be effective in the shortest time. As for the brand of Songtan Dog Meat, I am afraid it is an unintentional one. Liu Chengyin.”

"I think so too, but I also thought about one thing, that is, can dogs smell the head hidden in the cement lion? Or let me describe a scene, when there is a skull in the stone lion of Chen Yuan's house, it will Won’t it attract a lot of domestic dogs and stray dogs to gather?”    “If there is a gathering, this is likely to cause fear among interested people, thus promoting the entire dog meat incident.”

Han Zai unfolded a picture for Chen Xiao.

But as soon as the scene unfolded, Chen Xiao shook his head in denial.

"April 4th to June 5th, just less than two and a half months. Moreover, I don't think anyone would really be so careful. Who could have thought of it when hiding the body? Can a dog smell something? If you can think of this, I can only say that his vigilance is incredible!"

Han was stunned for a moment, then gave a thumbs up and said: "The reasoning is very beautiful. There may be people like that in the world, but people like that are rare after all. Individual cases cannot be used as the basis for our reasoning. But you said so, You should have thought of other possibilities, right?"

"Yes, but before I talk about that possibility, Teacher Han, I want to ask you a question."

"please say."

"Who has nothing to do but hides his corpse in a stone lion?"

Han Zai frowned, and Zhang Xian and Lin Xi couldn't help but fall into thinking.

Especially when Chen Xiao spoke, he bit the word "corpse" very hard!

Han thought for a while, and finally raised his head suddenly: "Good guy, we were deceived!"

After Han Zai finished speaking, Zhang Xian and Lin Xi finally woke up from the word "liar".

"So it's not a corpse hiding at all, or in the murderer's consciousness, he never thought of hiding the skull in the stone lion!" Zhang Xian said solemnly.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, I have never thought about the skull all this time, because I think it is just an act of throwing the body by the murderer. For example, the head is thrown into the stone lion, and the other torso is thrown elsewhere. But After what Teacher Han said just now, I suddenly felt that this problem is not a small problem, but a big problem!"

"Yes, if you figure this out, you can almost determine who the murderer is!"

Han Zai is worthy of being a true master of the Dongzhou police community.

His thinking was so fast that even Chen Xiao couldn't help but admire him.

Just when he saw Chen Xiao looking at him with burning eyes, Han Zai seemed to see the annoying flag-waving kid again more than ten years ago.

"Stop looking at me like that. You thought of me first, so you don't have to pretend to admire me."

Han Zai said directly, and Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "Then let's talk about the main point. As Teacher Han and Captain Zhang said, there are only two possibilities for the murderer to hide the skull in the stone lion, active and passive. Let's not talk about the active one. If If the murderer was forced to throw the skull into the stone lion being made, then he must be the initiator of a series of events!"

"And for this to happen, there can only be one place where it happened!"

“The stone carving factory in Songtan Township!”

When Chen Xiao finished speaking, Han Zai had already applauded.

When Lin Xi reacted, he couldn't help but shuddered and said, "It's hard to imagine what a frightening and scalp-numbing scene it was!"

Instead, Zhang Xian sneered: "Not only was his scalp numb, the moment the dog appeared with its head in its mouth, he was probably scared out of his soul!"

(End of this chapter)

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