Chapter 179 The story of a gangster!

There was a "bang" sound.

Xiao Ji opened the door and barged in.

His face was full of surprise, no... to be precise, he looked at Chen Xiao with admiration.

"Brother Chen, you are too awesome!"

When Xiaoji finished speaking, Chen Xianzu, who had been so arrogant before, suddenly felt his legs weaken.

Seeing this, Xiaoji hurriedly shouted: "Hey...don't let your legs go weak. Aren't you the big boss Xu Zanzheng and the extremely smart Chen Xianzu? Lift your head, otherwise you'll have to comb your hair all over the back!"

Chen Xiao did not stop Xiao Ji. He waited for Xiao Ji to finish speaking before walking to Chen Xianzu:

"You came to test me. Didn't I want to test you by talking to you? Doesn't your appearance confirm my suspicion?"

Chen Xianzu took a long breath and raised his head: "It wasn't until this moment that I finally understood that maybe the bear boy who was waving the flag and clamoring to go into the mountains to catch the bandits was not a real bear. He might be a bear. Be brave, but it has grown up to be scary!"

Chen Xiao was startled, and Chen Xianzu said again: "But the matter is over, let's have another serious contest next!"

What is a serious contest?

What Chen Xianzu meant was to tell Chen Xiao, since you guessed that those bone works are still there, go find them!

He will never give up until he finds it!

Chen Xiao pouted: "Before that, I think you should check the call records on your mobile phone."

Chen Xianzu frowned and opened the call history on his mobile phone.

I don’t know when there was an extra entry in the record!

Before Chen Xianzu could ask, Chen Xiao said: "Before you said you faked your death, I had already used your mobile phone to call the Dongzhou police. Of course, the person who actually answered the phone was not the police, but your brother. Chen Ding!”

"Think about it carefully. After he hears what you said and what happened in the Millennium, will he give the same confession as you?"

Chen Xianzu did not hesitate and said confidently: "I said my brother did it, so that's what my brother did."

"Really? But when I was talking to your brother, I saw the hatred for you in his eyes! After the millennium, he has been on the decline and on the verge of bankruptcy several times, but you have been on the rise. In these years , you really can’t think of a way to save him?”

"You have it, but why don't you save him? Firstly, you are still afraid of being exposed, and secondly, you are confident that you know him well enough. You feel that he will willingly swallow any grievance for you. So you enjoy him calmly. For all your efforts, you are not willing to give anything to him.”

"As the saying goes, it doesn't freeze three feet in a day. His heart has already been frozen, but there is still a trace of fantasy in his heart that keeps him gritting his teeth. But you did not hesitate to confess him, which is very important to him. To put it simply, it was a complete collapse.”

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Ji.

The latter replied very smartly: "Brother Chen, the police will be here soon. In addition, our Dongzhou police are also on the way, but they will be a little later!"

Chen Xiao nodded, glanced at the door behind him and said, "Don't even think about leaving that door for the time being. Wait for the police to come. As long as you find the box of works..."

Chen Xiao's tone suddenly paused as he spoke, and he looked at Chen Xianzu seriously: "Is that box of works really that important? So important that you have to risk your life to protect it?"

Chen Xianzu kept frowning, as if he didn't hear Chen Xiao's last words.

Chen Xiao didn't care whether he heard it or not. Seeing that he didn't reply, he sat silently aside.

Soon, his cell phone rang. After looking at the caller, he said, "Chen Xianzu, your brother may have already recruited someone."

Chen Xianzu looked up and saw that Chen Xiao answered the phone and turned on the loudspeaker, and Chen Ding's voice came from inside:

"Chen Xianzu, I am your brother, the one who brought you up with my own hands!"

"Why don't you even hesitate at all? Do you know that those words of yours will make me die without a burial place!"

"Don't blame me, I've already taken all the blame. If you want to blame, then go down together and settle the accounts with me in front of the old man!" Chen Ding was not allowed to say more. After hanging up the phone, Chen Xianzu remained silent. 's eyes closed.

But when he opened his eyes again, Chen Xianzu still said to Chen Xiao: "You also heard it, he hates me! Haha... It's normal for a person who hates me to try every means to throw dirty water on me! "

Chen Xiao shook his head and had lost interest in talking to Chen Xianzu.

At this time, the Xiangdu police were the first to arrive. After nodding with Chen Xiao, they walked straight to Chen Xianzu: "Xu Zaisheng, we received a notice from the Dongzhou police that you are suspected of being related to two murder cases. Let’s go!”

Chen Xianzu calmly stretched out his hand and let the police handcuff him, then said to Chen Xiao: "I'm waiting for the moment you crucify me. When you can really crucify me, before that I’ll definitely tell you something!”

Chen Xiao did not respond.

After waiting for the police to take away Chen Xianzu, Chen Xiao took a long breath and sat on the chair.

Xiaoji was very excited: "Brother Chen, you are really awesome. I know that no matter what kind of problem you face, you will never be able to overcome it!"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Don't be too happy, it's still those two words...evidence! Now we only have two witnesses, one is Lu Yuling and the other is Chen Ding, but we haven't found the real physical evidence yet."

"Then where will he hide those dominoes?" Xiaoji muttered, scratching his head.

"It certainly won't be that easy to find."

Xiao Ji nodded: "Yes, but Chen Xianzu is really so heartbroken that he has destroyed his conscience. In order to protect himself, he would even kill his own brother who was so good to him!"

Xiao Ji's words made Chen Xiao look at him.

"Brother, what do you think I'm doing?" Xiao Ji asked. Chen Xiao shook his head and said to himself:

"Actually, the real change in the whole thing came from Han Zai going to Songshanping to catch the gangsters, because Han Zai's reputation was too great. He had been stationed in Songshanping, which made the entire Chen Yuan family feel uneasy, so he Regarding Chen Xianzu’s fake death!”

"Maybe Han Zai changed the original direction of the case, or maybe it was the gangster. Well, what kind of criminal is that gangster?"

Chen Xiao said, took out his mobile phone and dialed Han Zai's number.

As soon as the call was connected, Chen Xiaoxiao asked, "Teacher Han, are you busy?"

"Not busy, not busy, how is the progress over there?"

"Chen Xianzu was temporarily controlled, and it is very likely that he left the bones of the victims and made some works similar to dominoes from those bones."

"Hey...that's great. As long as we find those dominoes, the evidence will be conclusive!"

"That's what I said, but I'm calling you to ask about something else."

"Well, you said."

"What kind of gangster was that gangster you arrested in the back mountains of Songshanping? Was he a simple thug, or did he have another story?"

(End of this chapter)

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