I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 180 I’m begging to die, why don’t you let me go!

Chapter 180 I’m begging to die, why don’t you let me go!

Han Zai on the other end of the phone looked a little surprised.

He didn't quite understand why Chen Xiao suddenly became interested in the gangster.

After thinking about it, Han Zai continued to talk about what happened that year.

"His name was Wu Lai Xing, and he was twenty-eight years old at the time. The family consists of an old mother, two brothers, and a younger sister. The whole family has always been run by the eldest brother Wu Lai Fu."

"Wu Laifu is a simple and honest farmer, while Wu Laixing is more out-of-the-box. He followed others around the world very early on."

"But after several years of work, Wu Laixing never made a name for himself, and rarely went home. Until one year, Wu Laifu was bullied by people from the same village in his hometown. Even his elderly mother had her legs broken. It’s very miserable.”

"After Wu Laixing got the news, he returned to his hometown as soon as possible and wiped out the family who had bullied his family. All men, women, old and children were killed overnight."

"After the murder, Wu Laixing naturally had to plan an escape, but escape requires money."

"So he was extremely crazy at that time. He would rob anyone wherever he went and kill whomever he robbed. Not counting the family members, he had five or six lives in his hands at that time."

"At that time, I tried almost every method to catch him, and it was like setting up a dragnet. But, do you know how he escaped to your Songshanping area in the end?"

Chen Xiao was not impressed and said with a smile: "Teacher Han said that a dragnet has been laid. Maybe he has no way to escape."

"No, as long as there is a net, there are holes. If I can say that I have a dragnet, he dares to say that he can change seventy-two times. The reason why he was caught is because Wu Laifu hanged himself!"

"Huh?" Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel his heart tremble at this moment.

Han Zai lamented: "He couldn't accept that because he failed to take care of his mother, Wu Laixing turned into a murderous demon. So after leaving a blood letter, he found a rope and killed himself."

"I see, then Wu Laixing appears in your field of vision again because he came back to see his elder brother for the last time?"

"Yes, he was very courageous, and he had a strong ability to survive in the wild. On the first night of Wu Laifu's burial, he came back in the middle of the night. There was a vigil outside at that time, and he was kowtowing inside. I think the villagers at that time should have discovered He just turned a blind eye."

"But the people in the village don't know that Wu Laixing is not just a revenge murderer. The moment he wields the butcher knife, he completely releases the darkness in his heart and does all kinds of evil to achieve his goals. Maybe the only tenderness left in his heart is To his eldest brother Ng Lai Hock.”

"After all, his father died young, and it was almost Wu Laifu who carried the entire family. Wu Laixing knew very well that he might be caught when he came back, but he still took the risk and came back to offer Wu Laifu incense and kowtow a few times."

"It was also from that night that Wu Laixing was at the end of his rope, and I finally forced him to approach the back mountain of your village, where I kept dealing with him until I finally caught him in the mountains."

After saying that, Han asked again: "Does this case inspire what you are investigating now?"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at the sky outside the window again and replied: "Yes, it's very inspiring."

"Can you talk to me?"

"Teacher Han, they are very much the same." Chen Xiao said with emotion.

Han Zai fell silent immediately, and after a while he sighed: "It's true. If this is the case, you know what will happen next, right?"

"I'm afraid that the evidence that troubles me most will eventually appear in front of me in a way that I never expected before." Chen Xiao replied.

Han thought about it again. He already knew everything from Chen Xiao. After thinking for a while, he said, "Do you think Lu Yuling still has any problems?"

"If she found the final evidence, she might still have problems. If it wasn't her, then she would have to investigate the last thing."


"After Xu Zaijun, who will be in charge of his business! If it goes as I imagined, Xu Zaiyi will probably trick his father-in-law and his new wife into a trap!"

"I understand! If so, how terrifying it would be for Xu Zai to come up with this series of plans."

"He knows how to use people, he dares to use people, he can capture people's hearts, use them again, and finally kill them. Uncle Wan De, isn't that why he failed to leave Dongzhou in the end?"

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, he hung up the phone after talking to Han again, then greeted Shang Xiaoji and walked out of the hotel room.

Xiaoji asked him: "Brother Chen, where are we going now?" "Go to the criminal police team and talk to Xu Zanzheng again."

"Are you still talking to him? Shouldn't we look for evidence?"

Xiaoji didn't hear the phone call between Chen Xiao and Han Zai, so he didn't know.

Chen Xiao just smiled and said, "The evidence is not important anymore. The police will find it by then."

"It's not important anymore? Isn't that a precious work that Chen Xianzu wanted to keep even at the risk of his life?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Maybe it's precious, but Chen Xianzu has really used the special skills of the Thief's Thirteen Moves to the extreme! So what he said is true and false, and it clears up a layer of fog. Afterwards, people always think that what they see in front of them is the truth, but maybe there is still fog after the fog!"

Xiao Ji frowned and didn't understand, but Chen Xiao didn't explain more. Instead, he called Guo Qing and asked him to help investigate some things.

Soon, Chen Xiao and Xiao Ji came to the criminal police team.

When he saw Xu Zhengzheng again, his eyes were obviously full of doubts.

It seems that Xu Zaisheng did not expect that Chen Xiao would come to him!

"Are you still in the mood to see me at this time?" Xu Zai asked.

Chen Xiao smiled and sat facing each other: "I asked about some things with someone and heard a story, so I thought I would come and chat with you first."

"So it seems that story inspired you again? Guess where the evidence you think is?"

"Evidence is not important anymore, is it? Oh no, to be precise, in your plan, evidence is just a prop. You are educated, and you are outstanding in the stage of education! And then in the stage of your escape to Xiangdu Here, I think you must have studied the law and experienced today's investigation methods."

"So have you ever thought that one day you and Chen Ding may not be able to escape the sanctions of the law? The final result of all so-called escapes will still be trial. The only difference is the time."

When he heard this, something was wrong with Xu Zaisheng's eyes.

To be precise, Xu Zhengzheng seems to have several sides.

At the beginning he was arrogant and arrogant!

Later, his legs quickly became weak again, fear!

Today, Xu Zhengzheng, even though he is beginning to panic inside, his appearance has not changed much!

Chen Xiao was not ready to wait for him to speak, and said first: "Although for me, I only need to know that you and Zong Mei combined to seek Zong Yuanmao's asylum. But now I still want to say something more, you The union with her should be more than that simple, right?"

"The Zong family's huge property, if Zong Yuanmao and Zong Mei are both guilty because of your cover-up, then someone will take advantage of it once they are gone!"

The words fell.

Xu Zhengsheng's eyes widened a bit, but in an instant he calmed down all his expressions.

It's just that he couldn't control his fingers. His hand seemed to be holding a carving knife, and his nails "crunched" and "crunched" leaving marks on the table.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes and said, "It turns out that this is the truest side of your fear."

"Chen Xiao, we are from the same family and have the same ancestors! Give me a chance, it only takes a little time, a little bit will be fine!"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "No."

"Why!" Xu Zaisheng yelled directly at Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao replied expressionlessly: "Because you two brothers didn't give me, Uncle Wan De, a chance! He wanted to run away and stay away from that place of right and wrong, but you didn't let him go in the end!"

After saying that, the mobile phone in Chen Xiao's pocket suddenly rang.

It's Guo Zhengchang calling!

Chen Xiao answered directly in front of Chen Xianzu.

"Hey, Chen Xiao is not well. I wonder if Zong Yuanmao got the news in advance. He just left the airport and immediately changed another flight back to Xiangdu!"

Chen Xianzu heard the voice and shouted to Chen Xiao almost as if he was pleading: "Chen Xiao, let my family go. I'm already begging for death. You can't destroy my family!"

(End of this chapter)

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